
You are what you eat – a nutritious diet

author:Chase the moon

The author of this book is a doctor, working in neurology for 26 years, and later did the work of nerve + nutrition, he achieved a lot of good curative effects by cooperating with nutritional therapy in the clinic, the views in the book are very in line with the health trend of modern people, that is, "eat the right meal, less sick". And how to eat the right meal, the most important thing is nutritional balance. Then look at how you should eat yourself healthy.

Why is nutritional balance important?

Humans are the most intelligent animals, and it is important that they eat the most complex of all mammals. Our ancestors could take more than 7,000 kinds of food from nature, but now people eat only more than 500 kinds of food. The essence of the disease is that cells are damaged faster than they are repaired. Injuries include unhealthy mental health, smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise, sleep and other lifestyles, and the only thing to repair is diet. There is an international standard that the life expectancy is equal to 5 to 7 times that of the maturity period for longevity. According to this statement, people with long lives should be able to live to be 100 to 175 years old.

Let's first understand the seven nutrients that our human body needs:

● Carbohydrates (also known as sugars, including glucose, fructose, maltose, starch, etc.)

● Protein (divided into essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids)

● Lipids (divided into fats and lipids, fats are also called triglycerides, divided into essential fatty acids and non-essential fatty acids; lipids include phospholipids, cholesterol, cholesterol fats, glycolipids)

● Vitamins (divided into fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins),

● Minerals (divided into macronutrients and trace elements)

● Dietary fiber (divided into soluble dietary fiber and insoluble dietary fiber)

● Water

The best medicine in the world is breakfast, lunch and dinner, to provide the body with the nutrients it needs, so how to eat three meals?

Breakfast: Energy accounts for more than 1/3 of the total energy of the day. For example, if a man with a height of 175 cm has mild physical exertion, his energy in a day is (175-105) ×30 = 2100 kcal. If the meals are evenly distributed, breakfast requires at least 2100 ÷ 3 = 700 kcal.

Breakfast should be high in protein and high in carbohydrates. The protein needed by normal people every day is × (1 to 1.2) grams per kilogram of body weight, and the protein required should be 70 to 84 grams. According to the calculation of 80 grams, half of which is animal protein is 40 grams, and breakfast should be high in protein, which should exceed 13.3 grams.

1 egg contains 6 to 7 grams of protein, 100 ml of milk contains about 3 grams of protein, pure lean meat and fish general protein account for 17% to 20% of its weight, there are some oils, but also conducive to the discharge of bile, but also vegetables, fruits and nuts. So eat an egg for breakfast, drink a glass of milk, and add a handful of nuts so that unsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, and cholesterol are all replenished.

Lunch: Please follow the principle of "three-legged standing": vegetables are best to account for 1/2, protein foods (meat, fish, eggs) account for 1/4, grains account for 1/4, you can eat some coarse grains.

Dinner: The true value of dinner makes up for not eating enough nutrition throughout the day, so that the food intake of the day is balanced. Dinner is generally arranged at 6 to 8 p.m. If you can go to bed on time (10 to 11 p.m.), it's best not to eat after 8 a.m., and people who don't sleep well can drink some milk or yogurt. Dinner should be less oil and less salt, you can eat a little lean meat and fish and other animal proteins, can produce many neurotransmitters in the brain such as melatonin, has a hypnotic effect. Don't eat too many carbs for dinner, and avoid caffeine, legumes, and spicy foods.

There is a saying in the nutrition community - there is no bad food, only bad collocation. It is best to eat multiple foods at the same time, so that the nutrition of various foods can complement each other. Grain, vegetables, meat, etc. are best present at the same time in a meal. The less food processing the better.

Milk is a near-perfect food, and all kinds of nutrients needed by the human body can be obtained in milk in addition to dietary fiber. Milk is composed of nearly 300 elements, which contain a variety of nutrients necessary for the human body, such as protein, fat, lactose, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and so on. Milk is not only nutritionally complete, but also fairly balanced. Balanced and reasonable combination of nutrients, is conducive to the absorption and utilization of the body. Yogurt is more suitable for lactose intolerants and indigestion.

The proportion of essential amino acids in eggs is closest to the needs of the human body, so it can be fully and effectively absorbed and utilized by the human body, and very few amino acids are wasted after absorption.

How is meat eaten? From the perspective of amino acid utilization, the four-legged animal wins. In terms of fat content, four-legged animals have more fat content than two-legged birds, and fish without legs are ranked last. In terms of fat quality, fish without legs win. So the meat on our table should be diversified, with four-legged animals, two-legged poultry, and no-legged fish.

The amino acid utilization rate of soybeans is relatively low, do not eat alone for a long time, but eat together with other foods.

Eat seasonal and fresh vegetables, dark color vegetables have higher nutritional value, and the color of vegetables is arranged from high to low according to nutritional value: green> purple> yellow> red> white. Vegetable nutrition is hidden in the color, part and season, vegetables are rich in vitamins, such as vitamin C, carotene and vitamin B2, etc., but also the main source of dietary fiber, for weight loss, blood sugar reduction, etc. is very important, especially to prevent the occurrence of colon cancer has significant significance. The nutrient content of the root is relatively high, and the content of nutrients at the lower end of the stem near the root is also very rich, such as rhizome foods such as lotus root. The nutritional value of the leaves is also very high, try to eat the whole plant, try to eat with skin.

The sugars (carbohydrates) contained in fruits are mainly fructose, and the glycemic index of fructose is very low. The fruit is rich in vitamins and various minerals.

Eating less and eating more is derived from the new dietary weight loss method popular in some Western countries. It is to eat every three hours or so, or even five to six meals a day.

Learn to refer to the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, the mainland issued dietary guidelines in 1997, 2007 and 2016 and 2022, do not refer to the United States or other health information, so what are the important dietary guidelines?

The book refers to the 2016 Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, and the guidelines issued in 2022 have decreased in grains, and the meat and milk have increased, which is the same as the view in the book, the following is in accordance with the 2022 Dietary Guidelines, balanced diet eight criteria: First, food diversity, reasonable collocation; second, eating balance, healthy weight; third, eat more vegetables and fruits, milk, whole grains, soybeans; fourth, eat fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat in moderation; fifth, less salt and less oil, sugar control and wine; sixth, regular meals, adequate drinking water; seventh, Will cook will choose, will read the label; eight, chopsticks to divide meals, put an end to waste.

Adhere to a balanced dietary pattern based on cereals. The daily intake of cereals is 200 to 300 g, including 50 to 150 g of whole grains and miscellaneous legumes; 50 to 100 g of potatoes. Fruits and vegetables, whole grains and dairy products are important components of a balanced diet. The average daily intake of more than 12 kinds of food, more than 25 kinds of weekly, reasonable combination.

Meals have vegetables, ensure that the daily intake of not less than 300g of fresh vegetables, dark vegetables should account for 1/2.

Eat fruit every day, ensure that the daily intake of 200 ~ 350g of fresh fruit, fruit to participate in the meal.

Eat a variety of dairy products, the intake is equivalent to more than 300 ml of liquid milk per day.

Eat whole grains, soy products regularly, and eat nuts in moderation.

Develop a light diet and eat less high-salt and fried foods. Adults should consume no more than 5g of table salt and 25 to 30g of cooking oil per day. Control the intake of added sugars, no more than 50g per day, preferably below 25g. The daily intake of trans fatty acids should not exceed 2 g. Skip or drink fewer sugary drinks. Drink plenty of water, small amounts many times. In mild climatic conditions, adult men with low levels of physical activity drink 1,700 ml of water per day, and adult women drink 1,500 ml of water per day.

Adhere to daily physical activity, at least 5 days a week of moderate-intensity physical activity, a total of more than 150 minutes, active physical activity is best to walk 6,000 steps a day, grocery shopping, cooking is not considered active physical activity; reduce sedentary time, get up and move every hour.

What do you need to know about vitamins?

Vitamins in the human body can not be synthesized, nor can they be converted into each other, can only be obtained from food, animal liver is a large storehouse of vitamins, it is recommended to eat more. The human body needs two major types of vitamins, one is called fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins must be dissolved in fats to be absorbed, and excessive intake can lead to poisoning. Another type is called water-soluble vitamins, including vitamin B and vitamin C, water-soluble vitamins if ingested too much, will be discharged from the body through urine and sweat is not afraid of too much intake, afraid of not enough.

Manifestations of vitamin A deficiency: night blindness, dry eye, chronic pharyngitis, due to the widespread use of mobile phones and computers, the human body consumes more vitamin A than at any time in history. Daily intake is 700 micrograms for women and 800 micrograms for men.

Manifestations of vitamin D deficiency: osteoporosis, hypertension, depression, etc. There are two sources of vitamin D in our bodies: First, it is obtained directly from animal-like foods. Foods containing vitamin D are: animal liver, brain, lungs, spleen, eggs, milk, salmon, salmon, animal bones and skin also contain small amounts of vitamin D. Second, human skin synthesis. The human epidermis and dermis contain a certain amount of 7-dehydrocholesterol, when exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light, can be photochemical reaction to form pre-vitamin D3, and then through the liver and kidneys hydroxylation, and finally converted into active vitamin D3.

Manifestations of vitamin B deficiency: on fire, memory loss, indigestion, etc. First, synthetic coenzymes, involved in the three major energy metabolisms. The role of B vitamins is similar to that of accelerants, if B is deficient, the activity of coenzymes will decrease, and the rate of human metabolism will slow down. Second, the improvement of nerve cell function, especially vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 is closely related to the function improvement of the nervous system. Third, promote cell division. Folic acid, which we are familiar with, is involved in the composition of cellular DNA. Vitamin B deficiency is most likely to show neurological symptoms: people will experience memory loss, unresponsiveness, no energy, and easy headaches. First, B vitamins stay in the body for only a few hours, so they must be replenished daily, especially in the summer and when they sweat a lot. Second, do not supplement one of the B vitamins alone. Third, the high-quality ratio between vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin B6 is 1:1:1.

Vitamin C plays an antioxidant role in the subcutaneous, blood, and inside and outside the cell, participating in the formation of collagen, promoting antibody formation, and increasing resistance. In addition, the synthesis and release of adrenocortical hormones also requires the participation of vitamin C. Vitamin C can manifest vitamin C deficiency: bleeding gums, anemia, heart failure, etc. Vitamin C is mainly derived from fresh vegetables and fruits, such as leeks, spinach, bell peppers and other dark vegetables and cauliflower, as well as citrus, hawthorn, grapefruit and other fruits, wild amaranth, prickly pear, sea buckthorn, kiwifruit, sour dates and other vitamin C content is particularly rich.

Depending on each individual, how do you determine how much you should eat?

Carbohydrates, proteins and lipids are closely related to energy and are known as "productive nutrients." The amount of intake is calculated according to the amount of consumption, and the main parameters are the following three:

First, height and weight. Calculated according to the standard weight, the standard weight = height (cm) -105, second, the amount of activity. Generally speaking, light manual workers consume 30 kcal per kilogram of standard weight, 35 kcal per kilogram of medium manual workers, 40 kcal of heavy manual workers, and 25 kcal per kilogram of energy consumption per kilogram of standard weight of long-term bedridden people. Third, the ratio between the three major energies is 15% protein, 20% to 30% lipids, and 55% carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates produce 4 kcal of energy per gram, proteins produce 4 kcal of energy per gram, and lipids produce 9 kcal of energy per gram. 1 gram of alcohol produces 7 kcal of energy. Adding together the three productive nutrients in food and the energy produced by alcohol is the total energy a person consumes in a day.

A person's daily energy expenditure is mainly in the following three aspects: basal metabolism, exercise and food digestion. Basal metabolism is susceptible to other factors, common ones including ambient temperature, hormones, age, sex, height, and genetics. The dynamic effect of different nutrients is different, the dynamic effect of protein is the largest, about 30%,, while the dynamic effect of carbohydrates and fats is lower, basically around 5%. Glucose is used first when consumed, and fat is only broken down to provide energy after the glucose in the human body is used.

Protein is the most basic component of the human body, about 60% of the human body weight is water, the remaining 40% of the protein accounted for half. Protein is very susceptible to deficiency because protein cannot be stored. The more amino acids that protein can be used after entering the human body, the higher its nutritional value, and the bioavailability of meat and egg proteins is higher than that of plant proteins. Protein imbalance manifestations: frequent colds, developmental delay, anemia, easy fatigue, etc. The body lacks protein, and osteoporosis will naturally occur.

Consumption of carbohydrates: Provides energy. Adjusted according to manual labor. The starch content in white rice and white noodles is higher, the same 100 grams, and the starch content of rice noodles is four times that of potatoes (potatoes, yams, taro, etc.) and nearly twice that of beans (red adzuki beans, kidney beans, etc.). Carbohydrate imbalance manifestations: abnormal blood sugar, abdominal obesity. If the waist circumference of men is greater than 90 cm, the female is greater than 80 cm, or the waist and hips are greater than 0.9 for men and 0.8 for women, then the staple food should be reduced accordingly. In the Chinese diet, carbohydrate foods can provide 50% to 70% of the total energy, and should be appropriately reduced.

Lipids are very scary for weight loss people, and they need to know a lot of knowledge, including which ones?

Lipids include fats and lipids, fats are triglycerides, also known as neutral fats; fats have three main functions: First, supply heat to the human body. Second, it is a carrier of fat-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, K can only be absorbed in an oily environment. Third, essential fatty acids are provided to build cell membranes. The omega-6 series of linoleic acid and the omega-3 series of linolenic acid are two essential fatty acids that are used to synthesize many biologically active substances, such as: phospholipids, prostaglandins (PG), thromboxanes (TXA), leukotrienes (LT) and cholesterol regulation.

Lipids include phospholipids, cholesterol, and glycolipids. About half of the body's nerve cells and brain cell structures are phospholipids. The quality and quantity of phospholipids determine the speed of information transmission between brain cells, so it has the function of enhancing memory and preventing Alzheimer's disease, and foods containing phospholipids, such as eggs, liver, brain, bone marrow, kidneys, hearts, etc. in animal foods, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, soybeans, etc. in plant foods.

Cholesterol and phospholipids, proteins become the structural components of the cell membrane, its role is to increase the toughness and firmness of the cell membrane, to prevent cell membrane damage. After cholesterol enters the body, it is also involved in the synthesis of vitamin D3 and bile acids, thereby preventing osteoporosis, low calcium, and helping lipid digestion and absorption. Glycolipids are widely distributed in the nerve myelin sheath, and the role of the nerve myelin sheath is to insulate and increase the rate of nerve conduction.

The sources of cholesterol are divided into two types: exogenous cholesterol and endogenous cholesterol. Exogenous cholesterol comes from daily meals, while endogenous cholesterol is synthesized by the liver, which converts the energy components such as glucose into cholesterol. A person needs 1300 to 1500 mg of cholesterol a day for human cells. The normal ratio is 300 to 500 mg of cholesterol per day, and 1000 mg of liver synthesis (most of which is synthesized at night). The cholesterol content in a medium-sized egg is about 250 mg, and the cholesterol content in 100 grams of lean livestock and poultry is about 70 mg.

Lipid intake: meat, eggs, milk, fish, vegetable oils and nuts. Daily intake of lipids should account for about 30% of the total energy of the day.

The optimal ratio of essential fatty acids: omega-3:omega-6 should be adjusted to 1:4~6, the fatty acids of the omega-3 series have deep-sea fish and shellfish in animals, flaxseeds, nuts and purslane in plants, and the better quality fish oil in health care products also contains omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. The omega-6 series of unsaturated fatty acids are mainly found in vegetable oils.

What should I pay attention to when using oil when cooking vegetables?

Oil is not afraid of too much, only afraid of improper proportions. The ratio between saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids is 3:4:3.

● The main sources of saturated fatty acids are: animal oil, coconut oil and palm oil, most of which are solidified at room temperature.

● The main sources of monounsaturated fatty acids are: tea seed oil, olive oil, the content is more than 70%. Nuts also have very good monounsaturated fatty acids, nourish the brain and have a feeling of fullness, and it is not easy to raise blood sugar.

● The main sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids are: corn oil, peanut oil, soybean oil and marine fish, which are flowing at room temperature.

Depression is actually brain malnutrition, what do you need to eat?

Mental state is heavily related to the lack of a neurotransmitter, serotonin, also known as serotonin, which plays an important role in cognitive function, such as brain memory and emotions, so the lack of this transmitter can lead to depression.

Serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter that is produced by the conversion of tryptophan. Nutrients involved in the synthesis of serotonin include tryptophan, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and zinc. Omega-3 fatty acids are hidden in deep-sea fish foods. Magnesium is found in whole grains, leafy greens and seafood, with the highest content being oysters, followed by animal offal.

What should I pay attention to in terms of nutrition during menopause?

Menopause requires more calcium.

First, supplement protein. Protein is the material basis of life, and calcium is easily absorbed and utilized when combined with it.

Second, replenish milk or dairy products. Milk is the best way to supplement calcium, not only has a high calcium content, but also is very easy to be absorbed by the body. Menopausal women need more than the average person, especially those with symptoms, pay attention to supplement dairy products, yogurt, cheese can be.

Third, you must bask in the sun. It is best to spend more than an hour a day, and if you don't have time on weekdays, you will spend more time outdoors on weekends.

Some dietary tips that you usually need to pay attention to:

Drinking soup is not suitable for everyone, the soup has more salt and purines, which can only be excreted from the kidneys, which not only increases the pressure on the kidneys, but also prone to high blood pressure and gout.

The elderly eat well is more important than eating, the overall metabolic level of the elderly declines, the chewing ability is reduced, the secretion of digestive enzymes is reduced, but the nutritional needs are similar to those of adults, and the dietary structure is still to achieve food diversification, but when processing, pay attention to good digestion, good absorption, easy chewing, can increase the number of meals, eat less and more meals, and make up the nutrition needed by the body through the mouth.

Manual workers, huge energy consumption, diet to provide sufficient energy, mental workers breakfast must not be less, carbohydrates should choose all kinds of coarse grain cereals, appropriately increase the proportion of protein, the most demanded lipids in the brain for lecithin, so to increase phospholipid food, such as eggs, liver, soybeans, peanut kernels, walnuts, sesame seeds, etc.; but also eat more vegetables, fruits.

Men have more muscle, women have less muscle, and men have to eat more meat than women.

Men like to stay up late, smoke, drink alcohol, resulting in an increase in the body's multivitamin demand, so they should eat more vegetables, fruits, eat more animal offal, eat more nuts, and supplement vitamin A.

Women have menstrual blood output every month, so they should supplement more animal liver, blood products and plant foods with iron supplementation effect, such as pig liver, pig blood, duck blood, sesame seeds, mushrooms, fungus, kelp, seaweed, guiyuan and so on. Iron supplementation and vitamin C supplementation can promote iron absorption, so eat more fruits.

Male semen contains a lot of zinc, insufficient zinc in the body, will affect the number and quality of sperm, and vitamin E, vitamin A are very helpful to enhance male reproductive ability.

Women should focus on supplementing vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin A, iron, calcium and other nutrients. Women during menopause, pregnancy and lactation should definitely drink more milk or eat dairy products and eggs.

Eating too many soy products is indeed easy to get kidney stones. The reason is that soy foods are high in oxalate and phosphate, both of which are excreted from the kidneys.

Calcium supplementation is important for the treatment of hypertension. Many studies have shown that calcium supplementation is beneficial for stabilizing blood pressure, reducing the incidence of stroke, and heart disease.

Constipation protein is too small, smooth muscle weakness, and protein and calcium supplementation are required.