
Tencent sued vivo for unfair competition, why is App Bao not welcomed?

author:Antelope Finance

Tencent sued vivo for unfair competition, but was attacked by netizens. Tencent's lawsuit against Vivo for unfair competition went to trial in Jinan on May 20. It is understood that the reason why Tencent sued vivo for unfair competition is because Tencent believes that vivo mobile phones use the advantages of their mobile phone systems to restrict users from downloading Tencent's app treasure programs normally, and believe that this move has damaged the fair market competition order. The trial is imminent, but the statement of netizens is surprisingly consistent and supports vivo. How can the "third party" of the application treasure not be welcomed?

Tencent sued vivo for unfair competition, why is App Bao not welcomed?

In this lawsuit, Tencent argued that when a user downloaded Tencent App Treasure on a vivo mobile phone, the vivo mobile phone used pop-up windows, text, and risk detection to remind users that there were risks in installing the app treasure, so as to restrict the download of the app treasure.

The author opened the vivo mobile phone app store, searched for the app treasure found that the app store popped up a warm reminder: it is recommended to use the official vivo app store to install the app or game, safe and convenient.

Tencent sued vivo for unfair competition, why is App Bao not welcomed?

Obviously, vivo restricts users from downloading app treasure through the app store. Of course, in this regard, not only vivo, but most mobile phones such as Huawei, Apple, oppo, and Xiaomi are restricted from downloading app treasure through the app store.

However, in the browser download channel, most mobile phones have not blocked this download channel. Only when you use the browser on vivo mobile phone to download the app treasure, the mobile phone will appear risk warning: the application comes from a non-vivo official app store, without vivo manual testing. Other phones have almost no reminders.

Tencent sued vivo for unfair competition, why is App Bao not welcomed?

It seems that vivo does make some restrictions on the normal download of App Treasure. It is based on this that Tencent believes that Vivo's move has damaged the orderly market competition order, infringed on the user's right to know and choose, and the legitimate rights and interests of AppBao.

Before the trial, the court made a civil ruling on conduct preservation, requiring vivo to immediately stop obstructing the normal operation of app treasure in various ways.

However, Tencent's rights protection move, in the eyes of most netizens, is like "the evil person sued first", and the majority of netizens have taken sides in vivo and supported vivo to restrict application treasures.

Tencent sued vivo for unfair competition, why is App Bao not welcomed?

Some netizens believe that mobile phone manufacturers invest in research and development, invest in the cost of doing the app store, why should they make a wedding dress for Tencent? There are also netizens who accuse the use of the app treasure is too poor, downloading things on the Internet is often induced to download the app treasure, a little careless to download the app treasure, some programs must first download the app treasure.

Tencent sued vivo for unfair competition, why is App Bao not welcomed?

Now basically all program needs, users can basically download in the mobile phone comes with the app store, almost no use of the app treasure. App treasure is more like a "third party" who intervenes.

Tencent sued vivo for unfair competition, why is App Bao not welcomed?

Why are mobile phone manufacturers and Tencent fighting for the app store? What are the benefits behind this?

In 2007, the first generation of Apple was launched, and smartphones appeared. At that time, there were application stores such as app treasure and pea pods in China, especially pea pods, which were downloaded very large on Android mobile phones, and the number of downloads exceeded 100 million as early as 2013. Subsequently, major domestic mobile phone manufacturers have also launched their own app stores to seize the market. Because there are many spam ads, the user experience is getting worse and worse, and now, third-party app stores are basically invisible. Third-party app stores like Pea Pods and App Treasure seem a bit redundant. For mobile phone manufacturers and users, the two ends are not flattering.

Tencent sued vivo for unfair competition, why is App Bao not welcomed?

Today, revenue from apps is one of the main sources of revenue for Apple and Android. In particular, the revenue of game apps accounts for 70% of Apple's App Store revenue. Games are the most important source of revenue for apps. Tencent is the largest game manufacturer in China, and the money it makes in games has to "pay taxes" to these application distribution channels, and it is difficult for Tencent not to be annoyed. Therefore, Tencent has been vigorously promoting its own application treasure, opening up the link between the application treasure and its own game industry, and improving the business ecological chain.

How the case will ultimately be decided will have to wait for some time. However, if Tencent wins the lawsuit, then next, Tencent is likely to draw a scoop according to the gourd, and mobile phone manufacturers such as Xiaomi, Huawei, and oppo will also be sued. However, for users, the more intense and sufficient the competitive game between app stores, the more it can safeguard the rights and interests of users.