
The longevity secret of a 111-year-old man, he summed it up in 5 sentences, it is not difficult to live a long and healthy life

author:Dr. Zhong discussed

Mr. Zhou Youguang is a famous economist, linguistic and literary scholar in the mainland, the main formulator of the Hanyu Pinyin scheme, and is known as the "father of Hanyu Pinyin".

At the age of 111, he is one of the few masters among men, he is erudite and long, and is deeply loved by scholars and people in society. Before his death, he was still quick thinking, clear speech, crane hair and childlike face, and he was an old man of our national treasure level.

The longevity secret of a 111-year-old man, he summed it up in 5 sentences, it is not difficult to live a long and healthy life

On Zhou Youguang's 109th birthday, he once humorously said: "God is confused and forgot me." On January 14, 2017, Zhou Youguang died at 3:30 a.m. on the second day of his 112th birthday at Peking Union Medical College Hospital.

Longevity is almost the pursuit of people all over the world. In Chinese history, powerful emperors such as Qin Shi Huang and Emperor Wu of Han could not avoid seeking immortality and taking elixirs in order to seek immortality.

Mr. Zhou Youguang passed away at the age of 112, and he died without illness, which can be called a model of longevity! The secret of his longevity can be summarized in 5 sentences, and it is not difficult to live a long and healthy life.

The longevity secret of a 111-year-old man, he summed it up in 5 sentences, it is not difficult to live a long and healthy life

The first sentence: I never eat mountain treasures and seafood, supplements

The most important reason why Zhou Lao is healthy is that his life is regular, he rarely eats supplements, and he does not eat supplements sent by others. Don't eat randomly, once upon a time in the bank, many people invited guests, he never desperately ate, mountain treasures and seafood will eat bad people, blind eat bad; do not smoke, do not drink, drink and drink some beer.

As the saying goes, "it is the three points of poison of medicine", the theory of Chinese medicine believes that the poison of Chinese medicine refers to something that has a bias, and clinically, Chinese medicine uses the bias of the drug to correct the bias of the body. If taking tonics makes the body uncomfortable, it is a deviation.

The longevity secret of a 111-year-old man, he summed it up in 5 sentences, it is not difficult to live a long and healthy life

Take ginseng, for example, it has a strong tonic effect, can supplement the deficiency of qi, but if you give fire to young people to eat, eat often nosebleeds. Tonic Chinese medicine, used in need of people is a tonic, used in the unwanted is "poison".

Chinese medicine pays great attention to balance, and the human body has both a deficiency side that needs to be supplemented, and a hyperactive side that needs to be suppressed. If you make up too much, you may develop diseases.

Second sentence: I am never excited when things happen

Elder Zhou believes that in life, the mind should be broad, and it does not matter if you are generous when you encounter many difficulties. In the world, many things cannot go smoothly, and if you suffer a loss, you will suffer a little loss, there is nothing remarkable, and so many things in the family have been exhausted.

The answer to everything in the world, if one hundred percent certain, is probably not correct. As mentioned in the World Health Organization, 60% of a person's life expectancy comes from habits, 15% is genetic, 10% is social, 8% is medical, 7% is environmental, and some of the 60% comes from mentality.

The longevity secret of a 111-year-old man, he summed it up in 5 sentences, it is not difficult to live a long and healthy life

What is certain is that in daily life, some people do extend their lifespan because of their optimistic attitude. A new study from the United States, involving nurses and veterans, found in a 30-year follow-up period that the average life expectancy of people who can actively guarantee optimism is more than 10% longer than that of negative people, and the proportion of people who live to the age of 85 can account for 70%.

The third sentence: Husband and wife life should be a toast

Mr. Lao's wife, Zhang Yunhe, was one of the famous "Four Sisters of Hefei" and was 93 years old when he died. Conjugal harmony is also one of the secrets of longevity and happiness in life. He said that there must be not only love in married life, but also respect.

He said that in ancient times, it was a case of raising eyebrows, and now that we have no cases, it is called raising a glass and raising eyebrows.

The longevity secret of a 111-year-old man, he summed it up in 5 sentences, it is not difficult to live a long and healthy life

Husbands and wives are the people who have spent the longest time with each other in their lives, and only when they are happy every day will they be physically and mentally healthy. If two people are together, a small quarrel for three days, a big quarrel for five days, for a long time, both people will live unhappily, and there will be great harm to the body.

The fourth sentence: People in their old age, adhere to the "three noes"

The old man's wife, Zhang Yun, formulated the "Three No's Principle", which looks like the empty words that people often say now, but if it is really done, it will have a miraculous effect.

This "three noes principle" means not to punish one's family without one's own faults; to punish oneself without one's own faults; and not to hurt oneself without the faults of others.

To sum it up simply, it is to focus on your own life, be kind to your family, don't pay too much attention to others, and don't punish yourself with other people's faults.

The longevity secret of a 111-year-old man, he summed it up in 5 sentences, it is not difficult to live a long and healthy life

These few words are simple to say, but few people can do it. Many people will deliberately amplify their feelings after encountering slightly unpleasant things, rather than focusing on solving the problem itself.

Such people are rarely able to get happy in life, and being angry for a long time can also affect their mental health and physical health.

Fifth sentence: Usually pay attention to hygiene, take a bath and wash your hair every day

If you can pay attention to hygiene, pay attention to frequent hand washing, and properly disinfect the tableware that is often used, it is also an escort for health. Some people have an incorrect lifestyle and ignore the importance of hygiene, which may allow certain bacteria and pathogens to invade, and infected diseases will attack, thus affecting health.

The longevity secret of a 111-year-old man, he summed it up in 5 sentences, it is not difficult to live a long and healthy life

The correct lifestyle should wash hands frequently, and in the flu season, it is also necessary to use germicidal hand sanitizer appropriately, of course, the tableware should be used separately from others, and at the same time, after cleaning, high temperature sterilization and disinfection can be away from diseases and maintain health.

Brief Description: A sign of aging in the male body

Brain function: The ability to concentrate and language skills change little with age. The ability to store and extract information has declined steadily from the age of 20, though not obvious.

Cardiac response ability: After the age of 20, the accelerated cognitive stress of the heart begins to decline. The maximum heart rate per minute decreases by an average of 10 times per 10 years.

Aerobic endurance: Due to the decline in the body's oxygen supply capacity, the ability to work is reduced, and the working ability at the age of 70 is only half that of the age of 20.

Body Fat: The proportion of body fat doubles at age 75 than at age 25, with most of the increase in muscle and heart organs.

Hair loss: As we age, the number of hair follicles on the scalp decreases, and the rest of the hair grows slower.

The longevity secret of a 111-year-old man, he summed it up in 5 sentences, it is not difficult to live a long and healthy life

Hearing: Ear drums thicken, ear canal atrophy, and difficulty hearing pure (sine boeing) and high-frequency tones, especially near the age of 60.

Lung function: due to hardening of the chest wall, the burden on the respiratory muscles increases, and the residual air in the lungs increases after each breath.

Frequency of sex drive: A decrease in the number of sex drives varies from person to person, but a decrease in the number of sex impulses is inevitable because of decreased levels of sex hormones and decreased vitality. After reaching the peak at the age of 30, it decreases by about 30% every 10 years.

Muscles and bones: muscles atrophy and muscle strength weaken with age, but this change can be compensated for by physical exercise. Bone decay is a common feature of aging, but the rate of decay can be slowed by exercise.