
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles

author:The mysteries of science

In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grass were disturbed by the roar of the off-road vehicles and ran away. Only the two strange horses left had no time to escape.

I saw that one of the horses was trying to move with a strange movement of jumping with both hooves, but the effect was so poor that it looked down to bite its feet.

All the actions pointed to the horse's front hooves as if they were bound by something.

But how could a wild horse be tied to its feet in an inaccessible steppe?

Seeing all this, Amza also felt strange. But what he thought more about was that if the wild horses that could not run with their hooves were not relieved in time, their survival would be worrying.

Thinking of this, Amza and his colleagues immediately got out of the car and prepared to venture close to the Mustang and check the situation.

Unexpectedly, their proximity made the trapped Mustang uneasy, and it suddenly jumped forward like a madman, trying to escape as soon as possible, but did not run far at all.

Its hurried movements, next to the other wild horse are all in the eyes. It had been guarding the trapped horses all along, and it looked very worried.

Apparently, it is the companion of a trapped horse.

Seeing that the trapped Mustang reacted so fiercely, Amza stopped advancing, and he decided to put down the Mustang with an anesthesia gun.

He took a professional anesthesia gun with a sight from the car and stood behind a grassy bush, and then, with a snap, hit the trapped mustang on the back of the buttocks.

A few minutes later, the trapped mustang fell to the ground. The wild horse next to him saw his partner fall and froze! It didn't move, looking sadly at its lover on the ground, thinking it was dead.

When Amza saw this, he took up his tools and a cloth and tentatively approached the fallen wild horse, and he had to be very careful. Because Amza knew that the wild horse next to him was likely to attack because he thought he had killed his partner.

Who knows, the Wild Horse is indifferent to The Proximity of Amza, it seems to have forgotten everything in sorrow, completely immersed in the sorrow of its lover.

It seems that the wild Przewalski's wild horse is also very emotional.

Seeing this opportunity, Amza quickly covered the trapped Mustang's head with a cloth and began to examine the injury. His colleagues were responsible for filming.

The camera landed on the front hoof of the trapped wild horse, and Amza and his colleagues were amazed!

What bound the wild horse's feet was a chain. It is really strange that a wild horse in the depths of the steppe will have human chains on its feet.

In fact, there is only one possibility in this situation, that is, someone goes deep into the grassland to catch wild horses.

The general course of events is that when they wrapped the wild horses with chains, the chains broke due to the strong breakaway of the wild horses. The chains that remained in the neck fell with the vibrations as the wild horse fled, and happened to wrap around its feet.

For the chains that firmly entangled the wild horses, Amza at this time could only use pliers to slowly clear them.

But when he managed to pull out a chain, a terrible scene happened!

I saw that there was still a sharp wire wrapped around the chain, and the tip of the wire had already penetrated into the flesh of the wild horse, oozing blood. At the same time, some of the places on the mustang's feet that were strangled by chains had also been ground to a blur of flesh and blood.

These poachers are so cruel! They went so far as to use the tip of the wire to increase the friction of the chain when it was wrapped. Because of this, once the horse's neck is secured, the tip of the wire may be inserted into the horse's flesh, making it impossible for it to escape.

This wild horse is so pathetic! Escaped the clutches of poachers, but was injured by chains and wires.

Fortunately, after Amza's careful removal, the chains and wires on the trapped mustang's feet were finally completely removed.

Amza and his colleagues stood aside and began waiting for the Mustang to wake up. At this time, they discovered that the trapped wild horse turned out to be a mare, and the wild horse on the side was a handsome and tall male horse.

Half an hour later, the female mustang woke up, and she opened her eyes and moved slightly. But these slight movements excited the male horse, and it kept pacing back and forth, not expecting its lover to come back and forth again.

The female mustang stood up slowly, and she was surprised to find that the chains that had trapped her were gone, and her hooves had regained their former freedom.

At this point, Amza squatted down happily, and he wanted to continue to see if the bipedal walk of the escaped wild horse was hindered.

The mother mustang looked at the man in front of her who cared about her, and she seemed to suddenly understand everything, and she did an act that no one expected!

She gently reached over and gave Amza a shallow, but affectionate kiss. It's so heartwarming! The unruly wild horse would have such a warm side, and her eyes were so pure and innocent, except for sincere thanks, there was no distraction.

Amza gladly accepted the kiss from the female Mustang, after which he smiled heartily on his face.

The most natural and innocent gratitude of the female mustang was like a clear spring with honey flowing through his whole body, which was the greatest reward for his rescue.

In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles
In the Letya steppe of romania's lower Danube, wildlife inspector Amza and colleagues are driving at a speed. A group of dark brown Przewalski's mustangs resting on their grazing lives were bombarded by off-road vehicles

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