
Having been a teddy dog for many years, I decided to seriously complain about its shortcomings

author:Gluttonous natural dog food

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I believe that many people like teddy dogs, in fact, teddy dogs are not as good as imagined, today I decided to seriously spit on the shortcomings of teddy dogs, see if you can accept!

Having been a teddy dog for many years, I decided to seriously complain about its shortcomings

(1) Like to call

People who have raised teddy dogs know that it is also a very barking dog breed, especially some untrained dogs, or teddy dogs that have been kept in cages for a long time.

See people will bark, and someone in the family will catch up and call, especially unfriendly!

Having been a teddy dog for many years, I decided to seriously complain about its shortcomings

(2) Too active

Teddy is a pet dog that has always been active, and if it is not taken out to play, then it will run around the house and it is easy to mess things up at home.

So if you don't want it to be overactive, be sure to take it out for a day out for exercise!

Having been a teddy dog for many years, I decided to seriously complain about its shortcomings

(3) Very gluttonous

Teddy dogs are particularly gluttonous, seeing that the owner wants to eat everything, and likes to pick up things to eat outside, such a situation is easy to make it appear food poisoning.

And eating too much human food is also easy to make it develop a picky eating problem, the owner must pay attention!

Having been a teddy dog for many years, I decided to seriously complain about its shortcomings

(4) Difficult to manage

The hair of the teddy dog is curly, it is not easy to take care of it, and it is necessary for the owner to comb its hair every day, otherwise it is easy to knot, and it is also particularly troublesome and expensive to go to the beauty shop to open the knot.

Therefore, many shovelers will shave its hair directly, but the color will be very low, especially ugly!

Having been a teddy dog for many years, I decided to seriously complain about its shortcomings

(5) Easy to fade

The coat color of the teddy dog is particularly prone to fading, eating too salty food or dog food, it is easy to cause fading, tear marks, kidney failure and other problems, there is no benefit to the health of the teddy dog, faded teddy appearance will be very low.

So if you don't want it to have a fading situation, it is best to feed it lightly, dog food is best to choose a fish oil ingredient, has the effect of hair fixing color, very helpful for teddy dogs!

Having been a teddy dog for many years, I decided to seriously complain about its shortcomings

(6) Love to remember revenge

Teddy is still a very vengeful dog, if you have offended it, then the teddy dog will hate you for a lifetime, and will retaliate against you, may often bark at you, and also tear down the house.

In such a situation, it is recommended that the owner should please the teddy dog!

Having been a teddy dog for many years, I decided to seriously complain about its shortcomings

Conclusion: What shortcomings do you think the teddy dog has?

Having been a teddy dog for many years, I decided to seriously complain about its shortcomings

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