
Fire at the city gate, benefiting the pond fish? Will a volatile Sri Lanka become a new frontier for India's expansion?

author:Shizuya Shizushi

Sri Lanka, a country that india covets.

Fire at the city gate, benefiting the pond fish? Will a volatile Sri Lanka become a new frontier for India's expansion?

At 10:20 p.m. on May 21, 1991, former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was killed by a bomb by a flower woman while helping the United Communist Party of India campaign in Sri Gurumpur, 40 kilometres south of Madras, the capital of Tamil Nadu.

The fundamental reason for the tragic misfortune of Rajiv Gandhi is that when he was the prime minister of India, he once offended the Sri Lankan Tiger Organization across the sea, the so-called "gentleman's revenge, ten years is not too late", even if the "officialless and light" Rajiv Gandhi turned into ashes, the LTTE would retaliate to the end, and if he could not become ash, he would help him "wax torch into ashes".

Why, then, did Rajiv Gandhi have to live with the LTTE in a foreign country? This also begins with the founding of India.

It is said that after the end of World War II, Britain, as the Empire of the Rising Sun, had to give up an unprecedented vast colony because of its vitality, including the model colony of the Empire that never sets, that is, British India, which is known as the "pearl in the crown of the Queen of Britain".

But as the world-famous "offshore balance hand, mainland churning stick", the british is not good at getting together and dispersing, so a "India-Pakistan partition" agreement, the world has India and Pakistan.

Because they had never experienced the baptism of revolution or war, and because the Indians in the colonial era followed the British masters to see the world, India's estimate of a few pounds and two pounds was extremely one-sided. So starting with the "Indian dream" established by founding Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, who established the so-called "India is either famous or disappeared, and the middle way cannot satisfy me", India, which is higher than the sky, has gradually lost itself among the three brothers who have heard a sound.

Fire at the city gate, benefiting the pond fish? Will a volatile Sri Lanka become a new frontier for India's expansion?

Although the huge gap in size between India and Pakistan is essentially the result of the "partition of India and Pakistan" based on religion, it is precisely because of the large number of Hindu groups that India's ambition to become a big country is extremely confident.

Before India can look at the world with sound and color, India wants to start with its neighboring countries, specifically to restore the territory of British India.

Guided by this idea, India and Pakistan confronted each other three times, and finally succeeded in tearing Pakistan apart. As for Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim, India has never been polite, especially Sikkim, which has been swallowed directly into the stomach.

While rampage on land, India has never given up its expansion in the direction of the sea, as one of the first countries in Asia to open an aircraft carrier, India has a "appetite" for Sri Lanka and even the Maldives.

So while India has been running in the international community for many years and has received a lot of praise, India can be described as making enemies everywhere on the issue of neighboring countries.

Although Because of Nehru's inadequacy, India was defeated in the Sino-Indian War in 1962, after completely kicking India off the altar of the Third World Leader and making the frightened Nehru depressed, India suffered from the terminally ill "1962 syndrome", specifically from time to time shouting that "India is no longer the India of 62 years" and "Daddy beat me again" The desire is extremely strong.

Fire at the city gate, benefiting the pond fish? Will a volatile Sri Lanka become a new frontier for India's expansion?

However, India's expansion in other directions has achieved good results, such as the 1988 invasion of Sri Lanka, which vividly reflects India's efforts to self-style "South Asian police".

But the problem is that although there are 100,000 three brothers on the island of The Island of The Pressure, the combat effectiveness of the three brothers is difficult to say. What is even more embarrassing is that India, who is clearly a substitute player, always thinks about the work of part-time referees and prides itself on being impartial in Sri Lanka, which successfully offends all the forces in Sri Lanka, and eventually Rajiv Gandhi, who is the decision-maker of sri Lanka, is sent to hell.

So why did India do such a bizarre job? The history of quiet night believes that it should start with the "three-legged standing" in Sri Lanka.

Although India launched a large-scale campaign ignoring the fact that Sri Lanka was the private property of the British crown and had a higher status than India during the British Indian period, India could not influence the geographical location of the island of Sri Lanka near the Indian peninsula and the terrain as a whole tilted northward, and the ethnic dispute that had been influenced by the South Asian subcontinent for thousands of years and eventually formed the "three-legged" national dispute between the Sinhalese, Tamils and Moors.

As the dominant ethnic group in Sri Lanka, the formation of the Sinhalese "benefited" from the indisputable spirit of ancient India. Due to the perennial opening of the "Green Printing Passage", that is, the Khyber Pass, conquerors, including the Aryans, went to the South Asian subcontinent to claim the throne, which led to the original indigenous people, the Vidhara, having to flee south, and some of the Vidharans crossed the sea to Sri Lanka, and constantly mixed with the local natives, eventually forming the Sinhalese.

Fire at the city gate, benefiting the pond fish? Will a volatile Sri Lanka become a new frontier for India's expansion?

After the rise of the Buddhist Peacock Dynasty, Sri Lanka was incorporated into the territory, and the Sinhalese gradually abandoned Brahmanism and converted to Theravada Buddhism, but retained the caste system of Hinduism.

Because Buddhism withered away in the South Asian subcontinent and Hinduism became popular, Sri Lanka became the stronghold of Buddhism in South Asia.

Originally, the existence of the Palk Strait could make the two sides of the strait with different religions feel at peace, but the problem was that the conquerors of the South Asian subcontinent were constantly changing, forcing the peoples of the south to continue to flee, and finally with the continuous influx of Hindu Tamils, the peaceful Sri Lanka has since fallen into a thousand-year scuffle.

After the rise of the Arab Empire in the 7th century, it soon began to expand wildly to the surrounding areas, and Sri Lanka around the Indian Ocean also became a must for Arab merchants, so more and more Muslims settled in Sri Lanka and eventually evolved into Moors.

Theoretically, the triangle is the most stable, but the reality is that in addition to being enemies themselves, the more power Sri Lanka becomes more chaotic.

After the beginning of the "Great Voyage" era in the 15th century, the Portuguese brought Catholicism to the forefront. But Portugal soon faded into thin air, and colonists such as the Dutch and British brought Protestantism, so the five major religions collided violently in small Sri Lanka, and Sri Lanka became more turbulent.

Fire at the city gate, benefiting the pond fish? Will a volatile Sri Lanka become a new frontier for India's expansion?

What is even more embarrassing is that even the Western colonists did not repeat the rotation, first Portugal, then the Netherlands and France, and finally the British laughed to the end, and after the dust of the "Seven Years' War" settled in 1763, Sri Lanka became the asset of the British royal family.

Since the South Asian subcontinent was still under the rule of the British East India Company at that time, Sri Lanka, which was "first to strike first", was clearly distinguished from the future British India. This also means that even if India wants to restore the territory of British India after the establishment of the country, it has basically no rupee relationship with Sri Lanka.

However, India, as a typical representative of the unknown sky and the thickness of the earth, has never been subject to the rules and regulations of history. Although Sri Lanka became independent and joined the Commonwealth in 1948, and became a member of the international community at the same time, there is theoretically no room for India to fish in muddy waters. But the so-called "how bold people are, how productive the land is", India has never been afraid of any "challenge".

In addition to the huge volume picked up by the "partition of India and Pakistan", another important reason why India can jump up and down in the international community is that both the United States and the Soviet Union regard India as a reliable partner.

Because India prides itself on being "neutral" after the establishment of the country, there is a huge gap in the "North Atlantic Treaty Organization", "Baghdad Treaty Organization" and "Southeast Asia Treaty Organization" established by the United States around eurasia, so the United States has always considered pulling India into the partnership.

As a big country around the Indian Ocean, India has been a feng shui treasure land in the Indian Ocean since ancient times, coupled with the consideration of breaking through the Western capitalist camp, India needs to be called brothers and brothers with India.

Fire at the city gate, benefiting the pond fish? Will a volatile Sri Lanka become a new frontier for India's expansion?

Therefore, through the joint efforts of this pair of intolerable old enemies, India is like a completely discarded idiot, and there is still no decent industrial system to this day, and if it wants to realize the dream of a "sound and color" great power, in addition to the dream, it is crazy to buy weapons from other countries, so India has become the officially designated strategic wrongdoer of international arms dealers.

Coupled with india's so-called strategic significance of disgusting China, both the United States and Russia are obsessed with India, and their favor has also given India a greater confidence to rampage.

Therefore, Sri Lanka, which is close at hand, has long been coveted by India. But as soon as India struck, it buried itself in it.

Originally, the three major ethnic groups in Sri Lanka were at war, and India should not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but India would not give up the historical opportunity to fish in muddy waters no matter what. So India, in the spirit of selflessness of the Grand Duke, supported the Tamils of Sri Lanka in their rebellion against the "reactionary" rule of the Sinhalese.

It is said that after Sri Lanka's independence in 1948, because the spring breeze of "democracy" blew all over the ground, the dominant Sinhalese came to power. But the problem is that the Sinhalese people are not good at economic development, they are engaged in the practice of compatriots, and in the case of an economic mess, they have intensified their efforts to crack down on other ethnic minorities, and as a consideration to divert contradictions.

Desperately, the Tamils formed the LTTE in 1972 as a military force against the Sinhalese government, and the Sri Lankan civil war broke out in full swing in 1983.

Fire at the city gate, benefiting the pond fish? Will a volatile Sri Lanka become a new frontier for India's expansion?

The civil war in Sri Lanka also gave India the possibility of seeing a needle in the sea, so more than 100,000 three brothers swept across the ocean to fight, and the situation in Sri Lanka's civil war was further complicated.

In view of the relative weakness of the Tamils, India, which has been deeply inspired by the spirit of the British "churning sticks", has also begun to "support the weak and suppress the strong" and resolutely support the "just" struggle of the Tamils.

But while fighting, India suddenly found that something was wrong: after all, the Tamils who supported Sri Lanka rose up, so does it mean that the more than 60 million Indian Tamils on the other side of the strait can follow suit and give India a land split?

So in order to prevent the embarrassing situation of dying before leaving the army, India immediately stopped supporting the Tamils and pretended to be the "referee" of various forces in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankan forces are very angry, how long have they been fighting a civil war, what is missing is weapons and ammunition, when has there been a shortage of curry-flavored referees? And the neutral operation that you can't beat is too ridiculous.

Therefore, the sri Lankan forces, which had been fighting separately before, chose to "print" with the same enemy, and India had to withdraw from Sri Lanka after paying a huge price, and then took the life of a former prime minister.

Fire at the city gate, benefiting the pond fish? Will a volatile Sri Lanka become a new frontier for India's expansion?

After India's withdrawal, Sri Lanka was still in turmoil, and India had to stop for a while because of the heavy casualties of this self-inflicted operation.

But the problem is that Sri Lanka is not only about reunification but also development, so it is impossible to give India a chance to make a comeback.

After Rajapaksa was elected president of Sri Lanka in 2005, he set out to build a resilient government and turned his attention to China.

Therefore, the fundamental reason why Rak made such a choice is that the Western world can be described as pampering India, just like the international community will not make a big fuss for the survival of Sikkim, in order to maintain the benefits of continuing to cut Indian leeks, Wanguojia will most likely not insert a knife in the ribs for the dangerous situation of Sri Lanka.

However, China is different, except for the historical friendship of the Sri Lankan king who visited Daming Prison during the Ming Dynasty, and the strong support for New China after Sri Lanka recognized New China in 1950 on the issue of returning to the United Nations and joining the WTO, which has continuously pushed the relations between the two countries to a higher level.

More importantly, Sri Lanka is located in the necessary place for China to import oil and energy from the Middle East, which is related to China's energy security, so China is more willing to pay more interests in Sri Lanka, such as the Chinese-operated Hambantota Port, Chinese companies are involved in more than 90% of the aid projects, through the deep integration of the "Belt and Road" initiative, Sri Lanka has embarked on the fast track of economic development.

Fire at the city gate, benefiting the pond fish? Will a volatile Sri Lanka become a new frontier for India's expansion?

In 2009, after 25 years of civil war, Sri Lankan government forces finally gained an overwhelming advantage over lt lteptes, unifying the country and accelerating its development.

It can be said that Sri Lanka's choice of China is the only way to achieve common prosperity and homeland security.

But how can India give up? Otherwise, where will the tattered aircraft carriers that have been bought at great prices shine? More importantly, India has always had the ambition to regard India as the "Ocean of India", and it must be particularly impulsive about Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean. After all, this place is not only too close to India, it is directly related to the security of southern India, and it is more conducive to the blockade of Bangladesh.

Therefore, in Sri Lanka, where civil unrest has not been completely eliminated and may resurrect at any time, India is ready to make a comeback.

Therefore, as a new "printing" place, Sri Lanka will certainly experience a long period of contradictions in the future, after all, this is the location of the contradictions between China, India and even the United States and India. In the view of the history of quiet nights, only when China's strength is strong enough, especially in the Indian Ocean, to form an overwhelming situation against India, can Sri Lanka usher in real security and development.

Fire at the city gate, benefiting the pond fish? Will a volatile Sri Lanka become a new frontier for India's expansion?

There are many omissions, please axe correction.

I am The History of Quiet Night and look forward to your attention.

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