
King: Players with these 3 abilities indicate that they have mastered the essence of fighting wilds, how many are you still missing?

author:Mo Shang Ling K

I have always believed that the most important position in the glory of the king is to play the wild position, and the responsibility he undertakes is very important, so if you want to play the wild position well, you have to work much more than other positions, and as the number of games continues to increase, I have also summed up the experience of playing wild. When you have these three skills, it means that you have fully mastered the essence of the wilderness, how many are you still missing?

King: Players with these 3 abilities indicate that they have mastered the essence of fighting wilds, how many are you still missing?

Battlefield rhythm control

An excellent field will know how to control the rhythm of the battlefield. The rhythm of all battlefields is very important, when to catch people, when to clear the field, when to go to get the key dragons and dragons, are very important and exquisite. Is it important to fight the wild in the early stage, or is it important to have a head or an important tower? When you're a wilder in a different profession, what are your top priorities? It all takes a long period of training to get it.

King: Players with these 3 abilities indicate that they have mastered the essence of fighting wilds, how many are you still missing?

We all know that the king of glory in the field is basically mostly assassins, in many versions, there is no lack of mages to fight the wild, warriors to fight the wild, and even tanks to fight the wild or shooter to fight the wild, basically every profession in the glory of the king, have more or less contact with the field position, according to the different positions, the control of the rhythm of the battlefield has some small subdivisions.

King: Players with these 3 abilities indicate that they have mastered the essence of fighting wilds, how many are you still missing?

For example, as Li Yuanfang, who fights the wild, the speed of the clear field is very fast, but it is not particularly excellent in terms of catching people, there is no hard control, and the retention of people will be relatively weak compared to other wild fights, but he has a strength, that is, pushing the tower fast, that is to say, when he has achieved a certain advantage after catching people, his next goal can choose to push the tower, or quickly open the dragon, which is to choose according to the different situations of the battlefield, a really excellent field, the control of the rhythm of the battlefield is very meticulous.

King: Players with these 3 abilities indicate that they have mastered the essence of fighting wilds, how many are you still missing?

Precise scheduling

The wild is the freest of all the road breakout positions, and the one who can see the situation the most. Each position has different responsibilities, and the responsibility of playing the wild position is especially important. Good gamers will know how to accurately dispatch their teammates, there is no need to pull any teammates who are not obedient, if you make the right decision, teammates also want to win. Then teammates will choose to cooperate no matter what.

King: Players with these 3 abilities indicate that they have mastered the essence of fighting wilds, how many are you still missing?

To take a simple example, I have seen a lot of novices playing wild, basically arresting people will not be the first to inform, will not send a signal, so that there will be teammates do not know what he wants to do, they miss a wave of opportunities to catch people, this time the two sides will complain to each other, the wild will complain about teammates, "I come to arrest people, he does not know what is going on", and teammates will feel that he does not come to catch people, will he fight wild in the end? When this situation occurs in the game, it is that their own regulation is not accurate enough, can not communicate their will to teammates in time, resulting in teammates can not receive the will to respond effectively, so it is easy to miss a variety of good opportunities on the battlefield, over time, more and more mistakes appear, it is doomed to cause the failure of the game.

King: Players with these 3 abilities indicate that they have mastered the essence of fighting wilds, how many are you still missing?

Mindset is solid

Here this has to put the matching mechanism of the glory of the king, take out a spur, especially in this environment, how to stabilize the mentality seems more important, if you can't even stabilize your own mentality, then you don't need to play the wild position, the wild itself is more "annoying", he needs to see things, need to know too many things, a little careless will "go into the fire", make themselves very irritable, will lose control of the game, the mentality is unbalanced, It is very easy to lead to their own operational errors. Thus frequently sending away the wild area and sending away their own heads, so that the war situation is constantly falling into a headwind.

King: Players with these 3 abilities indicate that they have mastered the essence of fighting wilds, how many are you still missing?

If you have a solid mentality, even if your wild area is cleaned by people, you still believe in your skills and teammates, seek life in a desperate situation, never give up, even if you go all out, this game is still lost, you still have a good mentality, then before the next game starts, you are a new king. If you can't defeat you, you will eventually become stronger.