
4 misunderstandings on the way for kids to read, maybe you're making mistakes! (Required reading for parents)

author:Lotus tree reading

4 misunderstandings on the way for kids to read, maybe you're making mistakes! (Required reading for parents)


Today I will talk to you about parent-child reading, because many parents say that they do not know how to read parent-child, nor do they know what kind of books to choose for their children.

However, when it comes to children, we still have to start with understanding children. Different children, different reading levels, will have different performances.

The same 5-year-old child, a child with a high reading level may be able to tell a complete story and grasp the relationship between words and pictures very skillfully. Children who have never been exposed to reading have a sense of books in the most primitive state.

In this state, some children turn their heads and do not read, saying that they do not like to read. And some children, under the guidance of their parents, can fall in love with reading. However, the starting point will be relatively low, and it is necessary to start with the picture book of the enlightenment class and gradually advance.

In the world of parent-child reading, every child can find their own space, and the reality is that many children miss such opportunities because of the mistakes made by their parents.

Here are 4 common misunderstandings that every parent should be careful with.


Myth 1: My kids don't like to read

I think that on the road of parent-child reading, the biggest obstacle is not that they can't afford to buy books, nor do they not know how to choose books and how to tell children about books?

Parents' attitude towards parent-child reading is the focus.

I have been arousing new mothers to give their children reading enlightenment as soon as possible, so that children can hear about it early, get to know books, a good friend of life, and let them know that there is this fun thing in the initial stage of contact with the world - listening to their mothers read aloud.

But many moms feel frustrated after a while of starting out. Because their treasure does not read books, and even pushes away as soon as he sees books, saying that he does not look at them or read them. So what to do?

Then don't look at it first, respect the child's rejection. But we ourselves cannot give up. Of course, not giving up doesn't mean forcing the child to see, even if the little guy cries and shouts to break free, you hold on to him. That would make him hate books.

We can completely use the book as a "toy", find a proper time, and happily put him in front of the child. Interactive books are more interesting. But sometimes a child may only look at a page of a book, or just a diagram on a certain page. The rest of the places don't look anyway. In this situation, don't be in a hurry.

For 0-2-year-old babies, the most important thing to carry out parent-child reading is to "wait patiently and actively contact". We give our children access to books and don't get upset. Then wait patiently, one day, until the accumulation reaches a certain level. Suddenly, he is holding a book and asking you to explain or tell him a story. At that time, you will kiss the child excitedly, and your own efforts will finally blossom.

Don't think that your child doesn't like to read, and the same is true for older children, it just can seem a lot more troublesome. Because older children already have some hobbies, one of the biggest troubles is that the child falls in love with video games or cartoons. Because for them, books are really boring compared to these two things, no sound, no animation, and it seems boring.

But you can't give up! I think every kid loves to play games and listen to stories. They will always like some specific stories, the key is to see if the parents have found out, whether there is early cultivation. Some children love comics, some children love reasoning stories, some children like historical stories, some children like science fiction stories...

The key is for parents to understand their children's interests and then guide them from the world of games to the world of stories.

Find books on this and open the door to your child's reading.

As a parent, you can't make excuses, because reading for your children is a study with little investment and the lowest threshold.

Maybe just the money for a few sets of clothes can make children have the nutrition to read all year round.

4 misunderstandings on the way for kids to read, maybe you're making mistakes! (Required reading for parents)


Myth two: rushing to see the effect

Reading is arguably the least effective learning activity, unlike some training institutions that say how much to improve their scores in a month. Because for a short time, it will not help your math scores and English scores in any way.

Not even improving your language score.

At this time, many parents are in a hurry. No, you can't! You look at who is next door, who went to a summer vacation training class, the rank rose a lot, did not see him read ah, but every day to make up for the class ah!

At the moment when the current score line determines the university level, we all love high scores, but we can't give up reading for high scores.

It's a big frustration. In these sprint stages, we always have to choose, but I believe that children who really love to read, just temporarily put books on the shelf, will one day pick up again.

I remember that at that time, for the college entrance examination, I was also rolling in the sea of books. But when I saw Mr. Zhou Ruchang's "The Twelfth Floor of the Red Chamber" on the bookstore shelf, I still bought it silently, pressed it under the pillow, and occasionally touched or flipped over.

Another time because of a cold headache, I took a leave of absence to go to the dormitory to rest, and I found a copy of Cai's "First Intimate Contact", which was very popular in those years, and it was better to read and read.

Now that I think about it, the books I read in those years were really miscellaneous. But I still have no regrets, and I don't find it useful until many years later, and it is endlessly fun to taste.

Let your child read and don't rush to see the effect. Because after many years, the knowledge accumulated by children who love to read will be like grass-eating cows, producing delicious milk. Life is a long run, getting into college, finding a job is not our end.

Nowadays, many of our children are excellent in school and have a rich life, but they have suffered from hollow heart disease and feel that life is not interesting. Often because living too purely - pure like an exam tool, like a learning robot, without appreciating the richness of life and the vastness of the spiritual world, often in their own small world, lost themselves, do not know who they are, what do they need? What to pursue?

This is worth reflecting on as parents.


Myth 3: Parent-child co-reading with utilitarian purposes

Why do we always talk about reading, but not so many people actually read? Because reading does not bring direct rewards, and more and more people read with utilitarian purposes, in order to promote or master a skill, in the adult world, such purposeful learning is beyond reproach.

But the child's world is not like this, and I have always hoped that the child's world will not be mixed with too many utilitarian benefits of the adult world.

We'll see scenes like this, in a home where elders ask children what their dreams are. The kid says to be a librarian because he manages many, many books.

Grandpa would mutter, that the salary is not high.

Grandma said that the benefits should be good.

Dad said, Baby, you don't want to be the director of the library? Cooler.

Mom said that mom still wants you to be a doctor or a lawyer, and boys have to do big things.

The kid said, I just love being a librarian.

His little persistence, in that moment, was the guardianship of dreams. But in a few years, he will also change direction,

I really hope that children can have their own choices, whether it is a dream or a book they like to read.

In actual reading, each child will show a different situation. Because of nature, some children like animal books, some children like mechanical books, such as car books, and some children like exciting stories, and some children like good pictures.

What parents can do is respect their children's hobbies and choices. Of course, some mothers will ask me, Fish Daddy, my son reads fantasy novels, do you want to stop it? Why stop, you block, the child will still sneak a look. "It is better to block than to loosen", we must open the eyes of children and enrich their world.

I think that children with the world and ambitions in their hearts are just curious to read fantasy novels and enjoy a taste. In the end, he will know what he really wants.


Myth 4: Reading is a child's business, it has nothing to do with me

Do you know? When you are young, children ask you to read to him, often not because of books, but because they like the way you read books, like this way of companionship, just like the games they directed.

Parents should let go of all their shelves or minds and enter the role like children. Only when your child feels your sincerity can you become his trusted reading partner.

Some parents say they don't know how to read to their children, and even sprinkle their anger on books. For example, some books have more pictures and fewer words, and some people say what this is, there are few words, how to read to children? Why not take a good look at the diagram? Spread the wings of imagination.

Some books have a lot of words, some people say so many words, how to read to the child, the saliva is dry, the child still does not like to listen. Of course, we have to admit that some books are doing very poorly. But if you don't do your homework yourself, a good book will be messed up.

Let me start by talking about my own process of reading a book to my child:

1, I will read it myself first, whether it is a picture or a text, to understand it first.

Sometimes I read the editor's or author's recommendation, many books have this reading guide, because picture books are more abstract, different people feel differently, we can listen to other people's suggestions.

2, when we are ready, then let's start talking.

In the process of speaking, you have to open your heart. When talking, change a tone, imitate the voice of the character, I know that you certainly can't compare with the voice actor, but the child will not dislike you at all, rest assured. Where there is action, you can imitate it, and when you encounter tension, you can calm down and tense, create an atmosphere, and when you encounter funny places, you can show it through language and action.

Parent-child reading time, we all incarnate into the characters in the book, substituted into the scene, will be more exciting, at this moment, you can open a book like a child.

3. After reading it, you can discuss the book with your child

Of course, don't make a bunch of big truths and ask the child, you know what? Do you get it? If it were you, wouldn't you... At this time, we should listen more to what the child says, rather than rushing to preach or ask questions.

Might as well do it this way: Baby, how do you feel about this story? Come, let me listen, and you can tell me about it (of course they may be shy to refuse, it doesn't matter, more encouragement) would there be a better way? Is there any other ending, let's think about it together!

Of course, many mothers will say why don't their children read it themselves? Always have parents read aloud. Every child's reading ability and expression ability are different. They are shy at the beginning, afraid of not doing well, so parents should always encourage their children to repeat the plot, and they can also adapt the ending with their children, which is the best time to exercise their children's expression ability and imagination.

By the age of seven or eight, children have mastered certain Chinese characters and can begin to transition to independent reading. Parents should choose some books that are suitable for their children's abilities and start the road of independent reading. At this time, parents can let go of their hands and let their children read, remember to read and communicate often.

It can be said that on the road of parent-child reading, parents are the best reading partners for children, and your attitude and intentions directly affect the quality and effect of parent-child reading.