
Dou Jingtong rarely walks the airport with her half-sister, her white T put on a pair of velvet pants is sassy and cool, her sister's style and temperament are similar to her in the past, and Dou Jingtong is rare with her half-sister Dou Jiayan

author:Dole Like Fashion
{"info":{"title":{"content":"窦靖童罕见与同父异母的妹妹走机场,她白T搭条绒裤又飒又酷,妹妹风格气质与她神似昔日,窦靖童罕见与同父异母的妹妹窦佳嫄一起","en":"Dou Jingtong rarely walks the airport with her half-sister, her white T put on a pair of velvet pants is sassy and cool, her sister's style and temperament are similar to her in the past, and Dou Jingtong is rare with her half-sister Dou Jiayan"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}

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