
Blue snowflakes, clear blue "snowflakes" can bloom from summer to autumn, stubble after stubble, not afraid of the heat, bringing a touch of coolness to the hot summer. Therefore, it is the most impressive of its many flower languages

author:Glimpse of Zhai Light
{"info":{"title":{"content":"蓝雪花,清澈的蓝色“雪花”可以从夏天开到秋天,一茬接一茬儿,不惧酷暑,为炎炎夏日带来一抹清凉。因此,它的众多花语中最令人","en":"Blue snowflakes, clear blue \"snowflakes\" can bloom from summer to autumn, stubble after stubble, not afraid of the heat, bringing a touch of coolness to the hot summer. Therefore, it is the most impressive of its many flower languages"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}

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