
The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

author:World history says

Since ancient times, men with three wives and four concubines have been more easily accepted in the eyes of people, but if you hear that a woman has many men or has a lot of men, things will become different. And a 62-year-old aunt in Japan, but can rely on her own capital, have been in contact with more than 120 men, life experience is rich as if watching a movie!

So, what is it that makes this sixty-something Japanese aunt so happy and dashing? Let's find out!

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

Amorous female "Aquaman" Yamabe Setsuko

The Japanese aunt was arrested in Thailand, and the wedding was in vain

In March 2017, Ilika and her Thai boyfriend decided to hold a wedding in Thailand and officially married and began to live together. Ilika met her boyfriend in a cowboy shop in Thailand, and her boyfriend was a cowboy in a Thai cowboy shop, and for some reason he was being attacked by other cowherds in the store.

At this time, Ilika, who was passing by, happened to see this scene, and the Thai man's face was the type that Ilika liked, so she saved the beaten Thai cowherd and gave the other cowherds a warning. Ilica told the people in the cowherd's shop that the cowherd was the one he had chosen, and no one would be allowed to bully him like this in the future. Ilika squandered her money profligately to express her love for the Thai cowboy.

Ilika took the cowherd in and out of various high-end restaurants in Thailand, spent money on him, and even bought a house for the cowherd to live in in a small area of Thailand. Ilika even took care of the cowherd's family, and when she found that his mother was bedridden and still in the hospital, she did not hesitate to help the cowherd's mother pay all the medical expenses, so that the cowherd had no worries.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

Ilica told Niu lang that she was 38 years old, but she was actually 62 years old. Because she spent a lot of money on her face for many years to maintain, and even did surgery such as breast augmentation and plastic surgery, her lies successfully deceived everyone, and the 62-year-old could maintain a 38-year-old face, which was enough to prove Ilika's affluence.

Both Niu Lang and Niu Lang's family developed a great affection for Ilika in her meticulous care and unsparing money squandering, so when Ilika proposed to marry Niu Lang, Niu Lang and his family happily agreed, after all, it was a golden lump. Ilica is 62 years old, may also want to find a home, will decide to get married, it just so happens that this cowboy, whether it is body or appearance is in line with her aesthetic, Ilika is very satisfied with this marriage partner.

The wedding was scheduled for the end of March, and Ilika carefully selected the wedding venue, arranged the wedding room for the two, and even invited Niu lang's mother as an elder, and Niu Lang's mother was very satisfied with the daughter-in-law who helped her pay for the medical expenses, and gladly accepted. When everyone thought that Ilika would marry the cowherd smoothly, there was an accident at the wedding.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

On the wedding day, a team of Thai police suddenly entered the wedding scene and involuntarily wanted to take Away Irika, and the guests at the scene did not know what had happened, and there was some commotion. But the person in question, Ilica, as if there was no one, left the police aside and calmly called.

Ilica wears a white princess dress and cute black hair accessories, and no one who comes to see her will think that the bride is 62 years old! When the police pulled out Irica's passport, Niu lang and others learned that the woman who claimed to be 38 years old was actually 62 years old, and everyone thought it was unbelievable.

Seeing that the matter had been exposed and that the matter had been powerless to return to heaven, Ilika did not resist much, and walked out of the wedding scene with the Thai police, leaving a bunch of dumbfounded guests and a mess. Ilica was escorted to customs by the Thai police, and the Japanese police took over her, and it turned out that Ilika's original identity was a Japanese woman and a fraudster, and the amount of fraud reached 150 million yuan!

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

The naturally amorous female "Aquaman", with countless rolls

Ilica, formerly known as Setsuko Yamabe, is a well-known "female aquaman" in Japan, and a super "financing queen", that is, a fraudster. The Japanese police pursued her for a long time, and finally found her tracks in Thailand, which led to her arrest.

Yamabe Jiezi has made countless circles of money through fraud, and even used this money to live in mansions, drive luxury cars, often go in and out of cowherd shops, and raise many young and strong young men. This pile, piece by piece, made Yamabe Setsuko a household name in Japan for a while. Her story was later adapted into a movie, and many netizens said that the film was not as colorful as her own experience.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

Born on March 3, 1953, Setsuko Yamabe was born into an ordinary family in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, and did not have a superior family background, but this did not affect The innate communicative attributes of Seto Yamabe. Yamabe Setsuko has been charming and affectionate since she was a child, and when she was still in school, she was the object of many boys' pursuit, and the boys in the school would compete to help Setsuko carry her bags, and they would follow her in groups to talk to her more.

Of course, the reason why Setsuko Yamabe is so popular with boys is not only her good looks, but also setsuko's "high emotional intelligence" performance in the face of boys, which is the reason why she really captures men. At the beginning of puberty, when most girls resist too much contact with boys, Setsuko is already very popular in the pile of boys.

She will not hesitate to encourage the boys when they play ball, or gently hand over the water and towel that have been prepared, and the warm smile and considerate behavior make all the boys feel good about her. Even the male teachers of the school were pinched to death by Jiezi. Whenever The Mountainside Jiezi made a mistake and should have been punished, the Jiezi would begin to shed tears, making people look like I saw pity.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

Mountainside Festival in the student era

The teacher often has not yet opened his mouth to reprimand, and as soon as he sees the tears falling down from the knot, he will begin to be overwhelmed, and even think about whether he is too strict, and in the end things often fail. However, although Jiezi had many friends of the opposite sex during her schooling, her various behaviors were dissatisfied by other female classmates, and she had no female friends at all.

When Setsuko was nineteen years old, she worked at a government office in her hometown of Kumamoto Prefecture and married a local worker at the behest of her father, and the two had a son and a daughter together. However, the family did not change Setsuko's sociable personality, but made her feel very constrained.

So when the festival arrives at night, she will put on heavy makeup, abandon her husband and children, and mix in various entertainment venues, and be ambiguous with many men. Finally, Nobita Yamabe could no longer bear the shackles that marriage brought to her, and she filed for divorce from her husband and started her own life.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

Young Mountainside Festival

Before the divorce, Jiezi was already ambiguous with some men, and after the divorce, she was even more unscrupulous. Setsuko wants to rely on men to support herself, so she sets her sights on the golf course.

Men who play golf are generally not rich or expensive, and Yamabe Jiezi uses his most skilled routines to ask these men how to play golf, and constantly praises how good their skills are. These men gradually lost themselves in a wave of praise, such a woman who praised her wholeheartedly, any man would regard her as the person who knew him best.

Not only that, for these men who want to capture, Yamabe Seiko is a serious understanding of each man, and records everyone's hobbies and personality characteristics, etc., typical after-sea behavior. She uses this recorded information to get along with every man without the slightest flaw, so that every man who gets along with her feels that he is her true love, firmly grasping these men in the palm of her hand and turning them into her own cash machine.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

golf course

But Jiezi never took the initiative to ask these men for money to spend, which was detrimental to her own personality, and she had the means to make these men take the initiative to spend money for themselves. So one after another rich men chased after Jiezi, and successively bought her expensive bags, designer watches, and various luxury goods. Jiezi relied on the support of these men and lived a rich life that ordinary people could not match.

Some men even invested a lot of money in Jiezi, buying her a house, buying a car, and even the company's shares were willing to share with Jiezi, and even opened high-end nightclubs and taverns for her, so that Jiezi turned into a nightclub hostess. With the continuous financial support of these men, Jiezi has lived a life of paper drunk and gold fans for decades, and even spent more than 100 million yuan in Japan to buy a single-family villa, which she named "Princess Building", which shows the strength of Jiezi's property.

However, the accident suddenly appeared, and there was a problem with the company's company funds of Jiezi's friends, resulting in Jiezi losing almost all of her property overnight. Most of the funds under the name of Yamabe Jiezi were frozen, leaving only some real estate such as houses, and Jiezi, who was accustomed to a rich and noble life, could not accept his sudden destitution. Setsuko Yamabe understands that men are no longer reliable and can only rely on themselves to return to their previous lives.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

"Princess Building" of Yamabe Setsuko

So Jiezi began to circle the money of various people in the name of financing, telling them that investing in their own businesses could get a huge income. Setsuko Yamabe targeted the first men who had been held in the palm of her hand and discarded by herself, and she knew best how to make these men continue to listen to her, so these men obeyed Setsuko's wishes and took the money to her for financing.

And some of the rest of the people were still skeptical, but although Jiezi was bankrupt, those mansions and cars made her look like she was still rich and not like a liar. The rest of the people also held the idea of gambling for a million profits, and gave the money to Jiezi without any doubt, hoping that she would bring her benefits. It wasn't until their money was gone and they didn't see the benefits for a long time that everyone gradually realized that something was wrong.

Rely on fraudulent funds to raise all kinds of cowherds

Yamabe Seiko collected enough money from people from all directions to spend her life, and she gradually experienced the joy of having money in the hands of women themselves. In the past, it was those men who took care of the mountain side jiezi, although the men were deeply trapped in the gentle countryside of the mountain side jiezi and only her words were obeyed, but in the end, it was not so free to be raised by others.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

Now that Jiezi has money, the first thing she wants to do is to reconcile with the identity of the men who raised her, be the gold lord herself, and enjoy the happiness of being served by men. So Yamabe Setsuko began her nightlife of lingering in the major cowherd shops, and embarked on the road of raising cowherds.

After all, Setsuko has reached the age of fifty or sixty, ordinary small fresh meat can not attract this woman who is accustomed to seeing all kinds of men, she is deeply addicted to southeast Asian men's dark skin and muscular muscles, such a man is the most sexy and charming in Setsuko's view. As a result, many Southeast Asian cowherds were raised before and after the festival, and the styles were roughly the same.

Among them, there is a Southeast Asian cowherd who is setsuko's beloved, she paid a huge amount of ransom money for this man, and even bought a house for niulang to live in, just like the ancient Chinese golden house Tibetan Jiao, leaving niulang by her side. He also signed an agreement with this cowherd, willing to give this cowherd up to 100,000 yuan a month in living expenses, so that he can be his own man, not to interact with other women, but at the same time can not interfere with Jiezi and other men's contacts.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

Although the agreement seems very outrageous, but for Niu Lang, a monthly living expense of 100,000 yuan is enough to make him stay here, not to mention that she also bought herself a house, which is a very cost-effective deal.

As she grew older, Setsuko did not want to grow old like this, so she began to spend frequent money on plastic surgery for herself, tried her best to keep her beauty, and even went to breast augmentation surgery, investing a lot of money in her face and body, but it did make The nearly sixty-year-old Yamabe Setsuko look no different from her thirties.

Just when Setsuko was mixed up in various cowherd shops and was living a drunken life and dreaming of death, her fraud was also discovered by the police, and she began to arrest Setsuko with all her might. However, Setsuko Yamabe was prepared, and before the police could find her, she quickly bought a plane ticket to Thailand and flew to Thailand, quickly giving up everything she had in Japan and taking away all the money.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

When things are revealed, it is a void in the end

After Seiko Yamabe fled to Thailand, she gave up her original name and assumed the pseudonym Ilika and began her life in Thailand. Despite escaping from Japan, Setsuko Yamabe is still pregnant with huge sums of money, and her life in Thailand is still prosperous and drunk. Setsuko still spends a lot of money on maintaining her appearance, in Thailand where no one knows her and lies that she is 38 years old, and no one doubts the truth of these words because of her appearance.

When she came to Thailand, Seiko Yamabe still did not give up the old habit of Japan, or lingered in the cowherd shop night and night, seeking fun and flirting with various cowherds, until she met the Thai cowherd who wanted to marry him later. According to incomplete statistics, there are nearly 120 men in Yamabe Seiko's life, which is even worse than some ancient emperors.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

Of course, everything that Seiko Yamabe has began to leave her one by one when she was arrested by the police, whether it was money or these men who had a relationship with her.

After Seiko Yamabe was arrested, even after landing at a Japanese airport and being surrounded by countless media to ask sharp questions, she maintained her composure and did not show a single expression of embarrassment. During the police questioning, Seiko Yamabe said that she knew that this mistake could not be remedied, but once she began such a drunken and dreamlike life, the desire for money gradually eroded her heart.

At first she just wanted to rely on men to live better, but then she began to become less satisfied, she didn't want to be attached to men, she wanted to have more wealth, to have her own power. So after her assets were adrift overnight, Setsuko went crazy and wanted money, and she couldn't accept the days when she didn't have any money.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

The plan of the fraud appeared in her mind, and she was very confident in her deception, after all, she relied on these methods to attract one man after another in the first half of her life, so that they could spend money for themselves, and then have a worry-free life. Therefore, after the success of the fraud, Setsuko Yamabe was relieved to use the money obtained by these scams without the slightest guilt.

After her arrest, although Seiko Yamabe said that she knew that she had done something wrong, in fact, even if she did it again, she might still make the same choice. This woman's ambition can be seen when she and her husband firmly divorced, and she is willing to spend a lot of time understanding the rich people she wants to capture, isn't it just to get a better life? People with such ambitions, of course, are more willing to make desperate bets, and would rather take a road of eternal doom for the sake of glory and wealth, and it is impossible to keep to themselves for the sake of a corner of peace.

After returning to Japan after being arrested from Thailand, Yamabe still vowed to the outside world that she would only be imprisoned for about 4 years before she could get out of prison, and she wanted to live with the Thai cowherd after she was released. Setsuko even wrote to the cowherd while in prison, asking if he would like to spend the rest of his life with him after he was released from prison.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

But the Thai cowherd did not even reply to her letter, and ended without the slightest nostalgia, and this relationship had only begun based on interests. How can you not see that Niu Lang and himself are completely for their own wealth, just like when they were raised by those men, even if they don't like it, they must try to cater to and please each other.

But she can be said to be very attentive to this cowherd, even his mother praised Setsuko as a good person, but setsuko Yamabe, who is already in her sixties, is already old enough to be the mother of the cowherd, and has lost the bond of interests, which young man would be with such a woman?

One of Yamabe's early sons and daughters also broke off contact with her as early as when she abandoned her family and children. Even now that they have been informed that their mother is in prison, the children are reluctant to take care of it, the mother has never brought them the slightest bit of maternal love, and now they do not need to repay anything. So in the end, jiezi lost his wealth and became nothing. Those things that relied on fraud and cajoling eventually left her, leaving only the bamboo basket to draw water.

The 62-year-old Japanese grandmother plastic surgery lied about being 38 years old and had 120 boyfriends, netizens: like watching a movie

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