
Where does the white hair grow, suggesting where the disease comes from? Growing on the two sideburns, forehead, and back of the head indicates what each indicates

author:Synagogue Fun Talk

Introduction: As we age, the organs of our body gradually begin to decline, of which growing white hair is the most intuitive feeling.

Where does the white hair grow, suggesting where the disease comes from? Growing on the two sideburns, forehead, and back of the head indicates what each indicates

White hair will make people look old visually, and when people find themselves growing their first white hair, they often lament in their hearts that they are not old.

Of course, in daily life, there are not a few people with white hair, but the position of many people's white hair is different, some people have white hair on their foreheads, some people have two sideburns before white, while other places do not have white hair, this is different from person to person, or what is the problem with the body?

Where does your white hair grow?

First of all, understand what causes gray hair?

Hair white refers to the hair all white or partial white, white hair is generally divided into congenital white hair and acquired white hair two kinds, the causes of white hair are mainly the following:

One: genetic factors, some patients have a family history, indicating that there is a certain relationship with heredity;

Second: mental and neurological factors, mental tension, bad mood, frightened, insomnia, anxiety, sadness, etc. can cause gray hair, and environmental pollution also has a certain relationship.

Where does the white hair grow, suggesting where the disease comes from? Growing on the two sideburns, forehead, and back of the head indicates what each indicates

Third: poor eating habits, unreasonable diet, causing disorders in the synthesis of hair follicle melanocytes, causing gray hair;

Fourth: caused by diseases, such as vitiligo in the scalp;

Fifth: Chinese medicine believes that there is a certain relationship with the liver, spleen and kidney organs.

Where does the white hair grow, where does the disease come from?

【White hair on forehead】

The reflex area corresponding to the forehead is the spleen and stomach, and conditioning the spleen and stomach is very helpful in preventing and treating white hair on the forehead.

People with a bad spleen and stomach often have bloating, abdominal pain, stomach acidity, light mouth, no thirst, lukewarm limbs, and loose stools.

Others are often accompanied by bad breath, excessive appetite, or puffiness of limbs, cold and warmth, long or unfavorable urination, which are symptoms of spleen and stomach deficiency.

Where does the white hair grow, suggesting where the disease comes from? Growing on the two sideburns, forehead, and back of the head indicates what each indicates

How to regulate the spleen and stomach:

You can take Traditional Chinese medicine, choose acupuncture, moxibustion for conditioning, Chinese medicine to strengthen the spleen and digest food, qi and stomach mainly.

Spleen and stomach discord can also be acupuncture with moxibustion of the following acupuncture points: middle acupoint, Jianli, Liangmen, Tianshu acupoint, foot three miles and so on.

For the spleen and stomach is not good conditioning should also pay attention to the diet, diet should be regular, three meals regular and quantitative, do not overeat, and to be light, eat more vegetables and fruits.

Secondly, we must pay attention to keep warm, cold is a major factor in the spleen and stomach.

【White hair grows on both sideburns】

White hair grows in two sideburns, is a typical premature aging, the two sideburns corresponding to the visceral reflex area is the liver and gallbladder, liver and gallbladder fire is more vigorous people or grumpy, or love to sulk, accompanied by dry mouth, bitter mouth, dry tongue, sour eyes, etc., is caused by liver and gallbladder fire, treatment needs to nourish the liver.

Where does the white hair grow, suggesting where the disease comes from? Growing on the two sideburns, forehead, and back of the head indicates what each indicates

How to regulate hepatobiliary exuberance:

Hepatobiliary fire is often caused by visceral qi and blood disorders, which can easily lead to endocrine disorders.

To eat some foods that clear the liver and diarrhea, relieve the liver, cold, and taste sour, such as lentils, chestnuts, dates, yams, tomatoes and many other vegetables and fruits have such effects.

In addition, drinking more water can promote the metabolism of the body, but also can help remove some fire, can play a role in nourishing the liver, but also can help take away some of the liver fire, thereby improving the phenomenon of liver fire.

【White hair grows on the back of the head】

In the theory of Traditional Chinese medicine, the back of our head corresponds to the visceral reflex area of the bladder meridian, so if a large amount of gray hair appears on the back of the head, it is likely to be caused by insufficient kidney qi.

The urination function of the human bladder is inextricably linked to the rise and fall of our kidney qi, when the kidney qi is sufficient, the urine can be secreted in time, but if the kidney qi is weak and insufficient, there will be kidney deficiency, which will cause symptoms of white hair.

Where does the white hair grow, suggesting where the disease comes from? Growing on the two sideburns, forehead, and back of the head indicates what each indicates

How to regulate kidney deficiency:

First of all, when the kidney qi is insufficient, the diet should be avoided, and many foods in life can supplement the kidneys, such as goji berries, abalone, leeks, black sesame seeds, dog meat, etc., and some are easy to cause kidney deficiency, such as cigarettes, spring shoots, etc., you can eat more kidney food.

Secondly, patients with insufficient kidney qi should develop good living habits, including adequate sleep, moderate diet, and daily waist exercises and foot massage.

In addition, it is necessary to refuse to supplement the kidneys indiscriminately, because patients with kidney qi deficiency, if they simply use aphrodisiacs not only have no effect of tonifying the kidneys, but also cause discomfort such as fire, and even cause damage to the kidneys, so be sure to consult a professional doctor.

Read further: Can I pull out my white hair?

Long white hair can be removed, and some people think that the more you pull it, the white hair will grow out, especially the normal physiological white hair.

With age, the function of each organ will be weakened or lost, and the ability of melanocytes to produce melanin will become weaker and weaker, so it will make the hair more and more white, and a small amount of occasional plucking is OK, not to say that the more it is pulled, the more it is pulled.

Where does the white hair grow, suggesting where the disease comes from? Growing on the two sideburns, forehead, and back of the head indicates what each indicates

But often pull hair, not just white hair, it will also stimulate this hair follicle, damage to the hair follicle one is to produce inflammation, or often stimulate the formation of inflammation, destroy the structure of the hair follicle, the growth of these hairs will be affected.

Therefore, we still do not recommend pulling hair frequently, there is a skin disease called trichotillomania, some people can not suppress the pulling, a piece of hair are pulled out, involuntarily pulled.

Therefore, it is not recommended that white hair be pulled out, it is still long, and it cannot be pulled out thoroughly, and it will also stimulate hair follicles, and there is damage to hair follicles, and there is no big problem once by chance.