
What is the change in the body of people who have long used "sweet potatoes" as breakfast? Maybe I didn't even think about it

author:Pediatrician Shang Yun

Speaking of sweet potatoes, people are also very familiar with it, sweet potatoes belong to a coarse grain, which is rich in nutrients and dietary fiber, which can not only enhance the feeling of fullness after eating, but also help to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and accelerate metabolism, especially in women during weight loss, often sweet potatoes are eaten as staple foods, so if we often eat sweet potatoes as breakfast, what changes will occur in the body? Let's take a look. #爱乐养生指南 #

What is the change in the body of people who have long used "sweet potatoes" as breakfast? Maybe I didn't even think about it

What is the change in the body of people who have long used "sweet potatoes" as breakfast? Maybe I didn't even think about it

1. Enhance immunity

Sweet potatoes are rich in trace elements and nutrients, and the fat content in sweet potatoes is very low, proper consumption helps to prevent fat accumulation in the body, repair immune cells, improve human immunity, and better resist the invasion and infection of foreign viruses.

What is the change in the body of people who have long used "sweet potatoes" as breakfast? Maybe I didn't even think about it

2. Relieve stomach discomfort

With the acceleration of the pace of life, most office workers often have the habit of not eating breakfast due to time is too tight, or breakfast casually cope with two bites, but if this often causes serious stimulation to the stomach and intestines, thereby reducing the rate of gastrointestinal peristalsis, resulting in gastrointestinal function becoming worse and worse, increasing the digestive burden, and bringing serious harm to the body.

Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, eating sweet potatoes for breakfast helps to speed up gastrointestinal peristalsis, help to expel excess garbage and toxins in the body, enhance gastrointestinal vitality, and protect gastrointestinal mucosa.

What is the change in the body of people who have long used "sweet potatoes" as breakfast? Maybe I didn't even think about it

3. Beauty and beauty

Sweet potatoes in the nutrient content is very rich, appropriate consumption helps to supplement the human body with the required nutrients, improve the elasticity of the blood vessel wall, promote human blood circulation, so as to play a role in beauty and beauty, especially for those women who love beauty, adhere to the appropriate consumption of sweet potatoes every day, may be more effective than your cosmetics and skin care products.

4. Weight loss

We all know that during weight loss, we must reduce the intake of carbohydrates, so we can take sweet potatoes as a staple food to ingest, sweet potatoes belong to a coarse grain substance is a good weight loss food, after eating not only can enhance the feeling of fullness, but also sleep to reduce the intake of other foods, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss and weight loss.

What is the change in the body of people who have long used "sweet potatoes" as breakfast? Maybe I didn't even think about it

Sweet potatoes plus "it" may help to expel moisture from the body

1: Sweet potatoes and dates

In fact, the damp effect of sweet potatoes is also very good, the main function of sweet potatoes is to pass the stomach, defecation and moisture removal, sweet potatoes can eliminate excess moisture and cold in the stomach and intestines, so as to achieve the effect of laxative and fat reduction.

The main function of red dates is to replenish blood, especially in winter, the blood circulation in the human body will gradually slow down, and the red dates will supplement the human body, sufficient blood and energy, accelerate human blood circulation, and the moisture in the body will naturally be quickly discharged.

What is the change in the body of people who have long used "sweet potatoes" as breakfast? Maybe I didn't even think about it

2: Sweet potato with kudzu root

Kudzu root is very powerful kudzu root has an excellent drainage and detoxification effect, helps to clean up the stomach and intestines of toxins and garbage, often drink kudzu people will look better, and kudzu also helps to protect the uterus, so sweet potatoes and kudzu cook together, the effect is better, help to discharge moisture in the body, to achieve the purpose of weight loss and weight loss.

What is the change in the body of people who have long used "sweet potatoes" as breakfast? Maybe I didn't even think about it

These two types of people, it is best not to eat sweet potatoes often

1. Diabetes

Diabetics are not recommended to eat more sweet potatoes, although sweet potatoes contain very rich nutrients, but diabetics can not take sweet potatoes as a staple food intake or eat a large number of sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes contain sugar is very high, some can even be as high as 20%, eating too much will only be detrimental to blood sugar levels, and even induce diabetic complications, so it is recommended that diabetics should reduce the intake of sweet potatoes in daily life.

What is the change in the body of people who have long used "sweet potatoes" as breakfast? Maybe I didn't even think about it

2. People with diarrhea

People with frequent diarrhea are also not recommended to eat more sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, this nutrient helps to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, accelerate metabolism, promote the elimination of toxic substances in the body, thereby alleviating the situation of constipation, but if you often have diarrhea, only sweet potatoes may cause diarrhea to worsen, which is not conducive to the recovery of the disease.

Share a few sweet potato tricks

1. Sweet potatoes in honey sauce

Ingredients: 1500 grams of sweet potatoes, lard, sugar, sugar roses, honey each appropriate amount.

Preparation: Wash and peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into long strips. Heat the wok, heat the lard, add the sweet potato fries and fry slightly, put it into a large bowl, sprinkle with sugar, soak a sheet of white paper and seal the mouth of the bowl, and steam for 30 minutes. Add the right amount of water, sugar, honey, sugar roses to the pot, and then decant the juice from the sweet potato bowl into the pot, simmer the honey juice over medium heat, flip the sweet potato fries on the plate, and pour the honey juice on it.

What is the change in the body of people who have long used "sweet potatoes" as breakfast? Maybe I didn't even think about it

Efficacy: This party can neutralize and neutralize the blood, wide intestinal laxative, can be used for spleen and stomach and blood diarrhea, constipation and other adjuvant treatment.

2. Sweet potato porridge

Ingredients: 250 grams of fresh sweet potatoes, 100 grams of rice, a pinch of sugar.

Preparation method: wash the sweet potatoes, cut the skin into thin slices, add water and rice to cook together to make a thin porridge, when cooked, add sugar, and then cook one or two boils to make, 1 dose per day.

Efficacy: This porridge can supplement the spleen and stomach, quench thirst, and is suitable for spleen and stomach weakness, lack of qi and weakness, constipation knots, postpartum lack of milk and other symptoms.

What is the change in the body of people who have long used "sweet potatoes" as breakfast? Maybe I didn't even think about it

3. Sweet potato fish cake

Ingredients: 250 grams of sweet potatoes, 10 grams of flour, 50 grams of fish, ginger, green onion, soy sauce, oil.

Preparation: Wash the sweet potatoes, steam, peel, press into a puree, add flour, take the net fish and chop, add soy sauce. Put oil in the pan, heat up the ginger, sauté the green onion until fragrant, and then lightly fry the fish to make the filling. Mix the fish filling with sweet potato puree noodles, press into a cake, and steam it in a basket. Eat as a staple food in the morning and dinner.

What is the change in the body of people who have long used "sweet potatoes" as breakfast? Maybe I didn't even think about it

Efficacy: It has the effect of lowering blood lipids and passing stools, and is suitable for patients with hypercholesterolemia and constipation.

What else do you know about the benefits of eating sweet potatoes? You can share it in the comments section below


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