
Frequent sighs are easy to get sick! May seasonal flowers, everyone can soak, feel comfortable, away from disease

author:Beijing Satellite TV Health Hall

After the epidemic, the pressure of work has increased, and the trivialities of life have increased, and we find ourselves or the people around us may sigh from time to time, and sometimes we may not find out.

It is important to note that this constant, unconscious sigh is not a good thing. In the theory of Chinese medicine, sighing is called "good breath", which is a typical manifestation of liver qi discomfort and liver qi depression.

Modern nodules, such as thyroid nodules, lymph nodes, breast nodules, uterine fibroids, and some critical myocardial infarction, stroke, etc., are related to emotional discomfort. Today I will introduce you to a kind of seasonal flowers in May, which helps to relieve liver depression, prevent disease, and better prolong life

Frequent sighs are easy to get sick! May seasonal flowers, everyone can soak, feel comfortable, away from disease

This May's "liver relief flower" is - roses.

According to Chinese medicine, roses taste sweet and slightly bitter and warm, return to the liver and spleen, as the dried buds of roses of rose family plants, are good medicinal and food homologous products.

And the medicinal properties of roses are very mild, good at soothing the depression of the liver and gallbladder, but also able to strengthen the spleen and reduce fire, help alleviate bad emotions, play a calming, soothing, antidepressant effect, is the first choice for the treatment of hepatic blood stagnation.

Frequent sighs are easy to get sick! May seasonal flowers, everyone can soak, feel comfortable, away from disease

Wang Guowei, vice president of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, drew the essence from many precious medical cases and recommended a liver-soothing formula suitable for May generation tea for modern people.

1 May liver soothing tea

Usage: rose 5g, tangerine peel 10g, goji berries 10, tea substitute tea.

Rose flowers relieve liver depression, goji berries nourish the liver and kidneys, tangerine peel prevents the addition of time to cause greasiness, and has the effect of awakening the spleen and appetizing the stomach. These three herbs are very suitable for tea substitutes in early summer, which can not only relieve liver depression, but also nourish the liver and kidneys, wake up the spleen and appetizers. Especially suitable for people with poor stools, bitter and sour mouths, bloating and discomfort, and mental difficulties.

Frequent sighs are easy to get sick! May seasonal flowers, everyone can soak, feel comfortable, away from disease
Frequent sighs are easy to get sick! May seasonal flowers, everyone can soak, feel comfortable, away from disease

Of course, roses are not only delicate and beautiful, but also have a fragrant taste, but also help to soothe the liver. In fact, it has some other medicinal effects that should not be underestimated.

1 line of qi invigorates the blood and scatters the knots

Many women have had this phenomenon, and breast swelling and pain occur before menstruation. This is generally caused by the reversal of qi and blood, in this case, it may also lead to stagnation of qi and blood, which is easy to produce "nodules".

The rose is an aromatic drug, although the aroma is strong, but clear but not turbid, and not fierce, propaganda depression at the same time, but also feasible qi, blood, in order to achieve the effect of "loose knot".

Ingredients: 6 g roses, 1/2 kumquat cake

Directions: First remove the roses from the peduncle into petals, wash and dry, put them in a lidded cup with the chopped kumquat cake, brew them in freshly boiled water, tighten the lid and simmer for 15 minutes. When drinking tea, it can generally be brewed 3-5 times, and after eating on the same day, rose petals and kumquat cake can also be chewed together.

Frequent sighs are easy to get sick! May seasonal flowers, everyone can soak, feel comfortable, away from disease

2 Rational gasification to dissolve stasis, help nourish the face

Usually said that the face is not good or the face is long spots, tracing back to the source, are related to the abnormal operation of qi and blood, stasis in the uterus or face. In Chinese medicine, it is said that "qi is the handsome of blood", and only when the qi is smooth can the blood flow smoothly and the garbage deposited in the body be dissolved.

Rose flowers have the effect of rational gasification and stasis, which can warm people's heart, liver and blood veins, regulate human qi and blood, and accelerate blood circulation; and are rich in vitamins and tannic acid, which can promote skin cell regeneration and metabolism, fade pigmentation, and beautify and emollient.

Ingredients: 6 roses, 1 sachet of black tea, 1 spoonful of honey, 1 slice of lemon

Directions: Pour water into a pot and bring to a boil, put in a black tea bag, brew for about 6 minutes, put the roses into the black tea liquid and mix, continue to boil over low heat, pour in the honey and turn off the heat and add lemon slices.

Frequent sighs are easy to get sick! May seasonal flowers, everyone can soak, feel comfortable, away from disease

3 Calm the spirit to help sleep

Chinese medicine believes that flowers, plants and trees, with their color, fragrance and taste constitute different "qi", have therapeutic effects on people's body and mind.

The unique appearance and aroma of roses can help regulate emotions, make people refreshed, feel comfortable, have the dual effects of drug conditioning and spiritual treatment, and help achieve the effect of calming the spirit and helping sleep.

Usage: People who are prone to anger, sighing and other depression leading to poor sleep (difficult to fall asleep, easy to wake up, dreamy), can dry the roses, put a little into the pillow or make a sachet to put on the pillow, help to stabilize sleep.

Frequent sighs are easy to get sick! May seasonal flowers, everyone can soak, feel comfortable, away from disease

In life, everyone will dry the roses to make tea, in fact, the roses can also be eaten in the dish, not only fragrant but also delicious.

1 rose peanut cheese

Ingredients: 200 g peanuts, 50 g glutinous rice, roses.

Directions: 200 grams of peanuts boiled in boiled water twice peeled (or fried), 50 grams of glutinous rice soaked for 1 hour in advance, put into the soy milk machine, add 1000 ml of water, do not use the soy milk function, use the function of grains, wait for cooking; finally add the chopped roses (or rose tomatoes).

Caution: Consume as soon as possible, do not leave for too long.

Frequent sighs are easy to get sick! May seasonal flowers, everyone can soak, feel comfortable, away from disease

2 rosettes

Ingredients: 500 grams of fresh rose petals, 1,000 grams of sugar, 30 grams of white wine, 1 lemon, honey to taste, 25 grams of low gluten flour, 10 grams of corn oil, 4 hand cakes


(1) Pickled rose sauce: the fresh and edible roses are plucked from the petals to remove the flower buds, washed and dried into the pot, poured in white wine and squeezed into lemon juice, added sugar, and rubbed the petals out of the juice.

(2) Prepare a sealed jar, sterilize with alcohol and put in the rubbed roses, pour a layer of honey to seal after pressing, cover the lid and put it in a cool place for 1 to 3 months.

Frequent sighs are easy to get sick! May seasonal flowers, everyone can soak, feel comfortable, away from disease

(3) Make rose filling: Mix low gluten flour and oil with 230 grams of rose sauce and stir well, divide into equal 10 parts, and then roll them into small balls one by one and freeze them in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

(4) Prepare the crust: Take out the hand grab cake, fold 2 sheets together and roll them up, then cut into 4 equal parts of small ingredients, and then roll out one by one to form a round cake.

(5) Finished: Take out the cold frozen flower filling, wrap the filling into the rolled hand cake one by one, tighten the mouth, and bake it at 200 ° C in the preheated oven for 20 minutes.

Note: The roses used here are edible varieties, not ornamental flowers. If you feel that you have trouble making fillings, you can also buy ready-made flower fillings.

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