
Jin Xian gong loves the house and wu wants to abolish the prince, how did he do it?

author:Talk about history

In history, the Kangxi Emperor deposed the prince, and everyone is familiar with it, and in the Spring and Autumn Period, the Jin State also had the matter of deposing the prince, which was the abolition of the prince Shensheng by the Jin Dynasty. But unlike Kangxi, he was embarrassed to love the prince of Wu and Wu, and he frowned hard.

Jin Xian gong loves the house and wu wants to abolish the prince, how did he do it?

In the 5th year of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty conquered Li Rong, and incidentally captured Li Ji and Li Ji's sister, which can be described as a beautiful return. This subordinate Gonggong was fascinated by Li Ji's beauty, and From then on, Li Ji was very pampered. In the 12th year of The Duke of Xian, Li Ji gave birth to a son named Xi Qi, and at this time, Gong Gong also had three sons, namely Prince Shensheng, Gongzi Zhong'er (Jin Wengong), and Gongzi Yiwu (Jin Huigong), all three of whom were relatively virtuous among the princes. Crown Prince Shensheng's mother was Qi Jiang, the daughter of Duke Huan of Qi. Gongzi's mother was the daughter of zhai ren fox, and Yiwu's mother was the sister of heavy ear mother.

Because Li Ji was favored, he wanted to depose Li Ji's son Xi Qi as the crown prince for a long time, but he could not find anything wrong with Prince Shensheng, and he could not justifiably abolish it, so he completed his goal of deposing the prince through strategic arrangements.

Strategic arrangement 1: Send Prince Shensheng to garrison Quwo and keep him away from the political center. Arrange for Shigeo and Yiwu to garrison Pudi and Qudi, dismembering them for the power of the crown prince.

Strategic arrangement two: In the process of Destroying Huo, Wei, and Geng in the 16th year of the Expansion of the Jin Dynasty, Xiangong commanded the army under the command of Prince Shensheng, the Shangjun army under the command of Xiangong, Zhao Su drove the chariot for Xiangong, and Bi Wan served as the right hand of the car. After the destruction of the kingdoms, the Banshi returned to the dynasty. Gong Xian built a city in Quwo as the crown prince, and gave Gengdi and Wei to Zhao Su and Bi Wan respectively, which is also the origin of the later Warring States period zhao and wei. Letting them all serve as Qing Dafu is actually implying that Prince Shensheng will be a Qing Dafu and that it will be impossible to be a monarch in the future. The Grand Master advised the prince to flee to avoid being killed, but the prince did not listen to him.

Strategic arrangement three: 17 years after the sacrifice of the duke, the Jin Dynasty sent the crown prince Shen Sheng to conquer Dongshan. According to the system, the prince cannot go out alone to lead the troops to fight, because the prince is the one who inherits the monarch, the mandate of heaven is precious, if there are three long and two short, it will suffer heavy losses, and it is the duty of the monarch and the secretary of state to go out to lead the army to fight, and the prince is obviously unprofessional. Doctor Rick advised Xiangong to take back his life, saying, "I have several sons, and I don't know who to make as the crown prince." Rick went out without refuting this rough understanding of the meaning of the offering, and he encouraged and comforted the prince to do a good job of self-cultivation and not to pay too much attention to the matter of abolition. The signal of this strategic arrangement was already obvious at the time, that is, he wanted to create another prince.

Jin Xian gong loves the house and wu wants to abolish the prince, how did he do it?

The three strategic arrangements of The Duke of Xian sent a strong signal to Crown Prince Shensheng and Guozhong Daifu to depose the crown prince, weakening the strength of Zhong'er and Yiwu to compete for the crown prince, and laying a solid foundation for Li Liji's son Xi Qi. Prince Shensheng appeared a little naïve in the whole process, not showing the slightest political wisdom, but always in a passive arrangement, which was mainly manifested as follows:

1. Sent to defend the city outside the capital. Although The three sons of Gong Xiang were sent to garrison at the same time, Shen Sheng was the crown prince, and it was not in line with the system to be stationed in a city in a different place, and the prince Shen Sheng did not react and blindly obeyed.

2. Built a city for Crown Prince Shensheng and was made a Qing Dafu. This signal was even stronger, and the Grand Master Shi Huan advised him to flee without heeding it, which showed that Prince Shensheng had no sense of political smell.

3. Lead the army alone to fight. Rick advised the duke, the prince Shensheng was still asking whether he was deposed, it seemed a bit stupid, through this series of strategic arrangements, the prince did not realize the seriousness of the problem, and still hoped for Rick's advice.

Jin Xian gong loves the house and wu wants to abolish the prince, how did he do it?

In short, Prince Shensheng was politically naïve, but on the contrary, this person was too simple, at this time, the news of the abolition of the prince in the Jin state was flying all over the place, it seemed that the abolition of the prince was already a nail in the coffin, only the prince Shensheng still had a glimmer of hope for his father, and finally got rid of the prince Shensheng under the trap of Li Ji and the fainting of the Duke of Jin.