
The home-style method of spiced broad beans is simple and easy to learn, fresh and fragrant, delicious and delicious

author:Atong talks about food

Hello everyone, I'm Atong. It's the season of broad beans on the market again, and today Atong shares with you a delicious recipe for the delicious dish of five-spiced broad beans.

The home-style method of spiced broad beans is simple and easy to learn, fresh and fragrant, delicious and delicious

Main ingredients: broad beans, green onion, ginger.

Main seasonings: salt, star anise, dried chili peppers, fragrant leaves, peppercorns, soy sauce, chicken essence.

Step 1: Peel the fava beans and use a knife to draw a slit in the center of the fava beans.

The home-style method of spiced broad beans is simple and easy to learn, fresh and fragrant, delicious and delicious

Step 2: Put the broad beans into a pot, pour in the right amount of water, add a spoonful of salt, and soak the broad beans for ten minutes.

The home-style method of spiced broad beans is simple and easy to learn, fresh and fragrant, delicious and delicious

Step 3: Boil the water, add star anise, dried chili peppers, fragrant leaves, peppercorns, soy sauce, chicken essence, stir well, then add the soaked broad beans, then add the ginger slices and green onions, then turn the heat down and cook for fifteen minutes.

The home-style method of spiced broad beans is simple and easy to learn, fresh and fragrant, delicious and delicious

Step 4: Prepare a shallot, cut the shallot into minced shallots and place on a plate to set aside.

The home-style method of spiced broad beans is simple and easy to learn, fresh and fragrant, delicious and delicious

Step 5: Use a colander to fish out the broad beans, pick out the large ingredients inside, and sprinkle with green onions. In this way, a delicious and wine-filled five-spiced broad bean is ready.

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