
How is the date of pregnancy calculated? [Sun] Recently, a fan private message said: "Recently took cold medicine, just tested out pregnancy, very worried that there will be an impact, the date of taking medicine is not in the pregnancy period?

author:Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr. Qin

How is the date of pregnancy calculated?

[Sun] Recently, a fan private message said: "Recently took cold medicine, just tested out pregnancy, very worried that there will be an impact, the date of taking medicine is not in the pregnancy period? How is the date of pregnancy calculated? ”

[Sun] In the outpatient clinic, Lao Qin often encounters this situation, how to calculate the pregnancy date in the end? Today, Lao Qin will make it clear to you at once!

[Breeze] calculates the date of pregnancy, which is divided into 2 different situations:

(1) Menstrual regularity

Pregnant mothers with regular menstruation can start counting from the first day of your last menstrual period, for example, the first day of your last menstruation is May 1, and by June 1st is your pregnancy for 31 days.

(2) Irregular menstruation

Pregnant mothers with irregular menstruation cannot use the method of the last menstrual period to calculate the date of pregnancy, at this time, they need to go to the hospital to detect the size of the pregnancy sac by ultrasound to determine the date of pregnancy!

[Sun] Pregnancy Date Calculation Method Have You Learned?

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How is the date of pregnancy calculated? [Sun] Recently, a fan private message said: "Recently took cold medicine, just tested out pregnancy, very worried that there will be an impact, the date of taking medicine is not in the pregnancy period?
How is the date of pregnancy calculated? [Sun] Recently, a fan private message said: "Recently took cold medicine, just tested out pregnancy, very worried that there will be an impact, the date of taking medicine is not in the pregnancy period?
How is the date of pregnancy calculated? [Sun] Recently, a fan private message said: "Recently took cold medicine, just tested out pregnancy, very worried that there will be an impact, the date of taking medicine is not in the pregnancy period?