
Women often eat cabbage will aggravate facial spots? Doctor: Do not want to have a full face, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

author:Dr. Tang science chat

Chen Kun once said, "No one is obliged to understand your heart from your sloppy appearance." In the interaction between people, the first impression is particularly important, the soul is interesting, and the time that others do not show you is also in vain.

For female friends, facial skin is always kept in a young state, which can highlight personal charm, especially senior agents, if you want to have a foothold in the workplace, high appearance can indeed bring more development opportunities.

Women often eat cabbage will aggravate facial spots? Doctor: Do not want to have a full face, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

Therefore, most women also spend a lot of money to buy skin care products in order to maintain their skin.

Especially after women enter the age of 40, the function of organs is not as good as before, the skin condition is also deteriorating, and slowly there will be long spots and wrinkles. For such women, they will also be called "yellow-faced women", which is a difficult thing for women to accept, so they also pay great attention to maintenance in normal times.

When female friends age, what will the body perform?

1. Increased waist and abdomen

When women are old, the waist and abdomen will slowly increase. This is due to the fact that with the increase of age, the speed of the body's metabolism will also decline, and the energy ingested into the human body will accumulate in the body if it is not consumed and decomposed in time. The waist and abdomen are relatively easy to accumulate fat, and over time it will form a bucket waist.

Women often eat cabbage will aggravate facial spots? Doctor: Do not want to have a full face, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

2. Wrinkles are obvious and stains are increased

With the increase of age, the loss of collagen, the decline of skin physiological functions, the decrease of pore tension, women's faces will slowly appear forehead wrinkles, eye wrinkles, nasolabial wrinkles, etc., very old, skin conditions began to become worse.

And with the increase of women's age, the level of hormones in the body will also change, which is easy to aggravate the formation of pigmentation, melasma and freckles.

Women often eat cabbage will aggravate facial spots? Doctor: Do not want to have a full face, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

3. The hair turns white and the hairline moves up

As we age, hair gradually turns white due to the decrease in the content of melanin in the hair follicles. At the same time, female friends have reached a certain age, and it is inevitable that the hairline will move. As you get older, the physiological condition of the skin on your head decreases accordingly, your hair follicles slowly relax, and with the influence of hormones, your hair begins to fall out.

4. The back becomes higher

With age, the calcium in the human body will continue to lose, bone density will decrease, which will lead to changes in the shape of the bones, which is manifested by the back becoming higher, hunchback, and the lumbar spine is not as straight as before.

Women often eat cabbage will aggravate facial spots? Doctor: Do not want to have a full face, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

As they age, facial spots also increase, which is a problem for many female friends, so they will choose various methods to remove freckles.

Some people say that female friends often eat cabbage will aggravate the precipitation of facial spots and accelerate the aging rate of the body. Is the truth true or false? Let's take a look.

Does a woman's frequent consumption of cabbage aggravate facial spots?

As a common vegetable in life, Chinese cabbage contains a variety of vitamins, dietary fiber and other substances, which can promote the excretion of toxins in the body and is conducive to health.

However, for female friends, it is not recommended to eat more cabbage, because cabbage contains photosensitive factors, which are easy to react with ultraviolet rays, resulting in melanin and pigmentation in the body.

Women often eat cabbage will aggravate facial spots? Doctor: Do not want to have a full face, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

Therefore, cabbage does aggravate facial pigmentation, and it is recommended that women eat less. Even after eating, it should not stay in the sun for a long time so as not to exacerbate the staining problem.

Doctor's reminder: do not want to have a full face full of spots, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

1. Carrots

Carrots are believed to nourish the liver, carotene, vitamins and other nutrients contained in carrots into the human body, can accelerate the detoxification and detoxification function of the liver, promote the elimination of toxic waste in the liver area. Nutritious carrots can also clear the liver and eyes, alleviate dry eye disease, and effectively prevent the occurrence of night blindness.

Women often eat cabbage will aggravate facial spots? Doctor: Do not want to have a full face, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

Although carrots can nourish the liver, if you eat carrots in large quantities in a short period of time, it will also cause the skin to turn yellow and accelerate the loss of subcutaneous collagen. Skin care can cause skin spots and acne, affecting the external image.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and lycopene and are relatively low in calories. They can supplement vitamins for the body, and there is no need to worry about eating too many tomatoes will bring obesity to the body. Therefore, people who lose weight can eat some tomatoes appropriately, which may have the effect of losing weight.

Tomatoes, on the other hand, are acidic foods. If you eat too many tomatoes, it may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, reduce gastrointestinal digestive function, and may form some melanin precipitate in the body, which can easily increase the risk of skin spots.

Women often eat cabbage will aggravate facial spots? Doctor: Do not want to have a full face, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

So if you want to keep your skin free of spots, it's best to eat fewer tomatoes.

3. Celery

Celery is a green vegetable rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, which can effectively promote gastrointestinal peristalsis speed, discharge accumulation and metabolic waste, and has obvious effects on regulating blood pressure and lowering blood lipids. However, it is not recommended that female friends eat more.

This is mainly because celery is a light-sensitive food material, there are many photosensitive factors, will absorb the components of ultraviolet rays, resulting in melanin in the subcutaneous tissue, accelerating the formation of pigmentation.

Women often eat cabbage will aggravate facial spots? Doctor: Do not want to have a full face, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

To maintain skin and reduce stains, it is best to eat less celery. If you really want to eat it, you can eat it at dinner to reduce UV exposure.

4. Spinach

Spinach as a common green leafy vegetables, spinach contains a rich content of fiber, eat more spinach, can play a laxative effect, prevent constipation problems, rich in vitamin content, usually eat a little more can also effectively improve the body's immunity, resist the invasion of virus bacteria.

Women often eat cabbage will aggravate facial spots? Doctor: Do not want to have a full face, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

Spinach is also a vegetable with more photosensitive factor content, which also contains a lot of oxalic acid, it is best to blanch water in advance before eating spinach, which can reduce the oxalic acid content on the surface of spinach and reduce the burden and pressure of the stomach and intestines.

5 foods that resist stains, you can eat more in moderation

1. Cucumber

Rich in vitamins, sugars, minerals, etc., often eaten can eliminate freckles and whiten the skin.

2. Grapefruit

Contains more vitamin C than lemon, but also contains vitamin P, which promotes the absorption of vitamin C, which can effectively fade spots and whiten skin.

Women often eat cabbage will aggravate facial spots? Doctor: Do not want to have a full face, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

3. Black fungus

According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", black fungus has the effect of lightening dark spots on the face. It can emollient and prevent skin aging.

4. Red dates

And Zhongyi Qi, healthy spleen and emollient, help to remove dark spots.

Women often eat cabbage will aggravate facial spots? Doctor: Do not want to have a full face, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

5. Aloe vera

It has a good care effect on the skin after sunburn, and can effectively reduce the skin pigmentation caused by ultraviolet stimulation.

Read further – How to prevent stains?

1. Do not be exposed to the sun for a long time, wear a sun hat or umbrella when going out, and also apply sunscreen to the exposed areas when going out.

2. If you suspect that melasma is caused by certain drugs and cosmetics, you should stop using it to observe whether melasma is aggravated, it is best to find the specific ingredient that causes melasma, and you can avoid using drugs and cosmetics containing this ingredient in the future.

3. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables: such as yellow cauliflower, black fungus, lotus, apple, pear, watermelon, etc. In this way, trace elements such as vitamins can be replenished in time to avoid the occurrence of melasma.

Women often eat cabbage will aggravate facial spots? Doctor: Do not want to have a full face, 4 kinds of vegetables or eat less

4. To stay away from melasma, you must drink less alcohol.

5. Keep the spirit happy, exercise more, but pay attention to the combination of work and leisure.

6. Actively treat chronic liver and kidney diseases, correct menstrual irregularities, regulate endocrine dysfunction, etc., and fundamentally treat the causes of melasma.