
Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

author:We're talking a little bit

Bruce Lee was the most influential kung fu star among the Chinese. He brought Chinese Kung Fu to Hollywood, put it on the world screen, wrote the word Kung Fu into the English dictionary, and explained the wisdom and philosophy of life in Chinese Kung Fu. His influence is multifaceted and multi-layered.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

He has enhanced the status and influence of chinese people in the world film and television circle, promoted the spread of Chinese kung fu in the world, promoted the understanding of Chinese kung fu in foreign countries, and had a great impact on the world spread of Chinese culture.

The "martial fool" who absorbs the strengths of all

Born in 1940, Bruce Lee first appeared on the screen when he was three months old. Bruce Lee participated in a number of film and television dramas in his childhood, which led to Bruce Lee's strong interest in filming, but he hated school. After going to school, Bruce Lee's grades were very bad, and he often skipped school, leaving his parents very worried about studying. Although he had no interest in learning, bruce Lee showed an obsession with martial arts as a child. By the age of thirteen, Bruce Lee had already roughly studied a variety of martial arts, including Tai Chi, Hong Quan, and Cai Li Fo Quan.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

Although Bruce Lee did not do well in his studies, he liked to practice martial arts. After learning a variety of martial arts, he began to think about and compare the advantages and disadvantages of various martial arts. Bruce Lee belonged to the more mischievous kind of child when he was a child, with a more upright and competitive personality, and after learning boxing, he was always eager to try, hoping to have the opportunity to use it in actual combat, and always fight with others. Bruce Lee found through actual combat that several martial arts he had learned before were not very practical in actual combat, and he hoped to learn a practical boxing technique.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

At that time, the practicality of Wing Chun was recognized by everyone, so Bruce Lee studied Wing Chun with the Wing Chun master Ip Man at the recommendation of others. The study of Wing Chun enriched the practicality of Bruce Lee's martial arts. At the same time, because Bruce Lee is keen on fighting, he has become a famous "fighting king" in junior high school, and he is famous in school.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

The school's physical education teacher also really understood the principle of teaching according to his aptitude and making the best use of things, encouraged Bruce Lee to participate in inter-school boxing matches, and left Bruce Lee in the school's boxing team. Bruce Lee won the intercollegiate boxing tournament. In 1962, Bruce Lee opened the first "Zhen Fan Guoshu Museum" in Seattle's Chinatown, and began to open classes to receive apprentices. Gradually began to spread his martial arts philosophy in the United States.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

Hollywood's "Kung Fu Business Card"

In 1965, Bruce Lee came to Hollywood and signed an official contract with Twentieth Century Fox Pictures. It was during this period that Bruce Lee created and completed his own classic works that have been handed down to the world, which are still talked about by fans and regarded as classics. Works such as "Big Brother Tangshan", "Jingwumen", "Raptor Across the River", "Dragon Fight tiger fight" and other works gradually established Bruce Lee's status in Hollywood, and kung fu films began to become a genre film in Hollywood and loved by fans around the world.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

The appearance of Bruce Lee changed the film landscape in Hollywood. Through Bruce Lee's efforts, a new genre became the most popular selling point for Hollywood films. The legendary oriental martial arts have entered the field of vision of foreigners. Foreign movie fans have seen the mysterious power of the East through Bruce Lee's films. More and more foreigners have fallen in love with Chinese martial arts through movies and have developed a strong interest in Chinese culture.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

Bruce Lee's kung fu films stirred up a worldwide kung fu fever. The figure of Bruce Lee in a yellow kung fu suit has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become synonymous with Chinese kung fu. Years later, in Hollywood director Quentin. In Tarantino's work "Kill Bill", the heroine is wearing the same kung fu costume as Bruce Lee, which shows how far-reaching Bruce Lee's influence is.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

The superstar has fallen

As the saying goes, "There are unexpected storms in the sky, and people have bad luck at the end of the day." On July 20, 1973, just as Bruce Lee was preparing to continue filming Game of Death, he died in Hong Kong at the age of thirty-two. Bruce Lee's sudden death caused an uproar, and the cause of his death caused people to speculate, and it is still a fog and full of doubts.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

Bruce Lee's bizarre sudden death caused an uproar. In view of his great influence, relatives and friends at that time held a huge funeral for him, and countless fans from all over the world also came to bid farewell to a generation of kung fu superstars. At that time, there were six people who supported Bruce Lee, and each of them was not small.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

The first is the Japanese Takeyuki Kimura. Although Takeyuki Kimura was much older than Bruce Lee, he was indeed a disciple of Bruce Lee. Takeyuki Kimura was a businessman with favorable economic conditions and provided great economic support in the process of Bruce Lee's opening of the martial arts center. Although Bruce Lee was sixteen years younger than him, Takeyuki Kimura had great respect for Bruce Lee as his master. Therefore, after Bruce Lee's death, Takeyuki Kimura rushed to help the spirit and became Bruce Lee's tomb keeper, cleaning the cemetery for Bruce Lee every week.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

The second is South Korean taekwondo master Lee Jun-joo. Li Junjiu and Bruce Lee are a kind of relationship of mentoring and friendship, the two exchanged ideas with each other, learned from each other's strengths, learned each other's strengths, and achieved each other in exchanges and discussions. Li Junjiu asked Bruce Lee for boxing advice to make up for his shortcomings in taekwondo. At the same time, Bruce Lee learned taekwondo kicking tips from Li Junjiu. Therefore, Li Junjiu also became Bruce Lee's spirit supporter.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

The third place is Danny. Inoyama. Ino Shandu was a disciple of Bruce Lee and a master of Bruce Lee's Kung Fu. After Bruce Lee's death, he was considered the first person in the world to cut boxing, and the only successor who could have fully inherited Bruce Lee's Kung Fu.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

Fourth is Steve. Mcqueen. McQueen was a well-known Actor in Hollywood at the time, often playing tough guy and heroic roles, so he had a strong interest in Kung Fu. Because he often had opportunities to work with Bruce Lee in movies, the two developed a deep friendship.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

Similarly, there is the fifth for the spirit of James. Cobain. Cobain is also an American actor, because he is very interested in kung fu, he often practices with Bruce Lee, and agrees to cooperate in filming in the future, but this wish is not realized, and Bruce Lee dies suddenly.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

The last person to support the spirit was Peter Qin. Compared with the above five people, Peter Qin should be Bruce Lee's closest person. He was not only a disciple of Bruce Lee, but also a good friend of Bruce Lee. He often practiced with Bruce Lee and was given the disciple who received Bruce Lee's handwritten certificate. At the same time, each of Bruce Lee's films will take the initiative to invite Peter Qin to participate, let Peter Qin watch the samples and give him suggestions.

Bruce Lee came out of the funeral to shoot: the person who supports the spirit is quite large, no one dares to provoke, and the average person is not competent

Conclusion: The above six are the people who are closest to Bruce Lee, they are either Bruce Lee's disciples or friends. At the same time, these six are also very accomplished in their respective fields, which is not comparable to ordinary people. These disciples and friends rushed to the funeral site as soon as Bruce Lee died and supported Bruce Lee's spirit, which was a touching act of affection and righteousness.

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