
When I grew up, I became you

author:Chinese military network

May 12, 2008

A magnitude 8.0 earthquake struck Wenchuan, Sichuan

Mountains and rivers shook, and the world collapsed

That retrograde green

Guard life with life

Bring light and comfort to those who have suffered from great disasters

14 years have passed

Those who have been guarded by green

Slowly they also changed into their appearance


When he grows up, he can wear a military uniform like his uncle "Iron Army"

That year, Zeng Jiafu's hometown of Dujiangyan was severely damaged

At that time, he was 9 years old in a makeshift board room

That day, he met Li Hongzheng, a military doctor who came to the rescue

Look at the little Zeng Jiafu

Li Hongzheng's eyes were full of pity and love

Often hold his little hand and chat together

Encourage him to be strong and study hard

And gave him a notebook and a watercolor pen

Spent a dangerous and difficult time with him

When I grew up, I became you

Childhood rich family and disaster-stricken children

Like to call Li Hongzheng and his comrades-in-arms "Uncle Iron Army"

Because the place where they lived at that time was called "Iron Army Road."

"Uncle Iron Army" Li Hongzheng did not know

An act of kindness of the year

Planted in the heart of a child

A seed determined to serve the country

Zeng Jiafu looked forward to it

One day in the future

You can also become a person like "Uncle Iron Army"

Wear a military uniform and defend your country

When I grew up, I became you

In 2008, Li Hongzheng gave 9-year-old Zeng Jiafu a precious notebook, which Zeng Jiafu has been carrying with him for more than a decade.

When I grew up, I became you

When he was a child, Zeng Jiafu used a watercolor pen sent by "Uncle Tiejun" to learn Li Hongzheng to write in that precious notebook.

In 2021, Zeng Jiafu came to the army as he wished

The light bag contained his most important items—

The notebook given by uncle "Iron Army" that year

He always wanted to have a chance

See uncle "Iron Army" again

Let him see if he's put it on too

Proud military uniform

When I grew up, I became you

June 11, 2021

It was an unforgettable day in Zeng Jiafu's life

On this day, he was awarded the rank of private

More importantly

He reunites with the "Uncle Iron Army" who is thinking about it.

The scene of the award ceremony

When the host read out Zeng Jiafu's name

He stood up with tears on his face

Shout "To" in a crisp voice

He stepped on stage

Li Hongzheng saved the child that year

Wear the rank of a private with your own hands

When I grew up, I became you

Li Hongzheng (right) and Zeng Jiafu (left) at the conferment ceremony.

Now, Zeng Jiafu and Li Hongzheng

Become comrades in arms

"When I grow up, I'll be you"

Hats off to the cutest people!

Grow up I became an airborne soldier

Wenchuan earthquake relief in 2008

Airborne troops armed with the red flag of the "Huang Jiguang Hero Company" arrived

Helping people affected by disasters to rebuild their homes

Relief is over

Farewell to the crowd of rescue troops

Cheng Qiang, 12, held up a banner and made a vow

"Grow up as an airborne soldier"

When I grew up, I became you

Cheng Qiang, a 12-year-old teenager, held aloft a banner that read, "Grow up as an airborne soldier."

Growing up, he not only became an airborne soldier

He became the 38th class leader of the "Huang Jiguang Class"

In 2019, as the inheritor of the heroic spirit

Cheng Qiang became a member of the Air Force's foot team

Do not fear the scorching sun to train elite soldiers

Fearlessly scarred to challenge the limits

Pursue the ultimate in the meter seconds

Walk up with your head held high

A military parade ground to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China

When I grew up, I became you

"Growing up, I really became you"

——In the self-statement written by Cheng Qiang

This is how he summed up his years of mental journey

Now he has finally achieved his dream

He became a comrade-in-arms with the airborne hero who had rescued him

He became a comrade-in-arms with Huang Jiguang's old squad leader

Give me a chance to repay the kindness of the year

14 years ago, wenchuan earthquake

Liu Jia's middle school was badly damaged

Traffic is blocked and communication is interrupted

She and her classmates were helpless

Spend the most memorable day and night of your life

Finally looking forward to the rescue of the People's Liberation Army

When I grew up, I became you

Liu Jia recalled:

"There was nothing to eat at that time and it was cold

I remember it very clearly

The People's Liberation Army is coming

Pitched us a tent on the playground

Bring the food

Reassure us

'It's all right, don't be afraid!' ’

Until now I think about it

I felt particularly warm

I take this kindness to heart

I thought about what I could do in the future

What careers do to help others."

When I grew up, I became you

With this heart of gratitude

Liu Jia after graduating from university

He was admitted as a civilian at the Southwest Hospital of the Army Military Medical University

Achieved my original dream

When I grew up, I became you

In 2020, in the face of the sudden outbreak of new crown pneumonia

She twice submitted a petition to wuhan

Colorful years, armored

Without hesitation, heroically fighting the "epidemic"

She said

"As a member of the People's Liberation Army

It's something I've always wanted to do

Give me a chance

Let me repay the kindness of the year! ”

The barracks made me better

When an earthquake occurs

Rao Hongyin, who is in the fifth grade of elementary school

Unfortunately, it was crushed by the prefabricated plate that fell

Life and death are at stake

The people's children and soldiers who came to the rescue

Rescue him from the rubble

Although survived the disaster

But in his heart, he left an indelible pain

When I grew up, I became you

The class is 40 people

Only a dozen survived

Grandpa also walked away from the earthquake

Since then, he has aspired to study medicine to save people

When filling in the college entrance examination volunteer

He filled in the TCM form

Period of study

He quickly mastered prescriptions, acupuncture, cupping, etc

More than 10 TCM professional skills

Every summer vacation

He will run free clinics in the community

He also popularized health knowledge for the middle-aged and elderly groups

Organize a health condolence party

For widows and widows, left-behind children

People with disabilities bring joy

He also disseminated medical knowledge to children in impoverished areas

Rush to the community primary school to teach students


When I grew up, I became you

Certificate obtained by Rao Hongyin during his college years.

September 2020

He received the admission letter for the master's degree

Decided to enlist in the army

Become a direct recruiter

However, life in the boot camp was not easy

New training time

Rao Hongyin's 3 km performance was not ideal

"Be sure to practice your fitness!"

Rao Hongyin, who did not accept defeat, secretly swore in his heart

To improve running endurance and speed

He gets up half an hour early every day and runs 5 kilometers with weights

To boost muscle strength

After turning off the lights every day

He insisted on doing "3 200" -

200 push-ups

200 sit-ups

200 squats

The new training is over

Rao Hongyin's 3 km from just 17 minutes when he first enlisted

Improved to 11 minutes now

Horizontal bars range from only 3 to more than 10 easily pulled

The company commander also gave him a thumbs up

"Rao Hongyin, this young man is not simple!"

When I grew up, I became you

Due to the intensity of training of the troops

The comrades around me often have sore muscles

Rao Hongyin and his comrades-in-arms

Exchange training tips

Scientific prevention of training injuries

When I grew up, I became you

Rao Hongyin was tuinating for officers and soldiers.

During a grenade throwing training

A comrade-in-arms suddenly fainted

Rao Hongyin, who saw this scene, immediately caught up

Diagnose it

And carry out first aid in pinching people

At the same time, press the Inner Guan Acupoint

After some treatment

The comrade-in-arms woke up, and the symptoms were significantly relieved

Since then, his name of "Little Chinese Medicine" has spread in the company

When I grew up, I became you

Rao Hongyin prepares to do cupping treatment for his comrades-in-arms.

Study medicine to save people


Join the army and serve the country

Rao Hongyin's fist heart has always been absolutely sincere

He said:

I am very grateful to the barracks

It was the People's Liberation Army that gave me a second life

Today, the barracks has made me a better me

At that time, the children who were rescued

Now I am also wearing the military uniform of my dreams

Cao Wei was only 7 years old at the time of the earthquake

When he grew up, he became an armed police fighter

Earthquake orphan Chen Wei

He grew up to become a highland warrior

Qiang Tianlin, who was almost hit by a rolling rock

When he grew up, he was admitted to the National University of Defense Technology

"Hanging Bottle Boy" Li Yang

When he grew up, he voluntarily signed up for enlistment


The best legacy,

When I grow up, I become you

"When you guarded me,

Now I'll guard you. ”

(Source: CCTV Military, China Military Television Network, Eastern Theater WeChat public account, Guangming Network, China Youth Network, People's Network, Xinhua News Agency, etc.)

Source: China Military Network

Author: Wang Yun

Editor-in-Charge: Wang Yun