
Liu Qihong: Less than 70 years old, don't say you are old! As long as you have muscles, you are not old

author:Bright Net

Recently, many people want to become "Liu Qihong girl", and Liu Qihong's most said sentence when he took everyone to exercise was, "70 years old life has just begun" "Less than 70 years old, don't say you are old, as long as you have muscles, you are not old."

On April 26, Liu Sent a Weibo post in the morning to appeal to everyone not to write the wrong age about him, saying, "I think it is necessary for me to state that I am not yet 50 years old... Please don't write it wrong again, life has only begun in 70, and now I am still in the warm-up stage. At the same time, he also deliberately posted two recent photos, showing his abs, and was in a particularly good state!

Liu Qihong: Less than 70 years old, don't say you are old! As long as you have muscles, you are not old
Liu Qihong: Less than 70 years old, don't say you are old! As long as you have muscles, you are not old

In this Weibo comment, some netizens joked, "You know, you are 49.5 years old."

However, liu Qihong's physical state in the live broadcast is really not like that of a 50-year-old person, a body of muscles, full of spirit, and looks more like a 30-year-old.

If you want to live a long life, it is important to "store muscle" first!

The ancients cloud "life is seventy years old", and modern people most often say that "life is only seventy years old". Yes, with the development of modern science and technology and medicine, 70 years old is nothing at all.

In February 2022, the National Bureau of Statistics released the 2021 Statistical Communiqué on National Economic and Social Development, showing that the average life expectancy of Chinese in 2021 will reach 76.34 years (1). In December 2021, the National Bureau of Statistics released the "Outline for the Development of Chinese Women (2011-2020)" terminal statistical monitoring report, showing that after the mainland entered the ranks of longevity countries in 2000, the average life expectancy of women on the mainland increased to 80.88 years. ②

However, if you want to live a long life, it is important to "store muscle" first. In fact, as an important part of the human body, muscles can not only make the body shape more beautiful, maintain a young and healthy posture, but also have a very important help for exercise, balance and strength, and it also plays an active role in various metabolisms.

1. Muscle strengthening significantly reduces the risk of death

A 2022 study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, a top journal in exercise science, found that muscle strengthening exercise with only 30-60 minutes per week (about 5-8 minutes per day) was enough to significantly reduce the risk of death.

Liu Qihong: Less than 70 years old, don't say you are old! As long as you have muscles, you are not old

The researchers found that the risk reduction was greatest (about 10-20 percent) for about 30-60 minutes of muscle strengthening activity per week, while in diabetes, the risk reduction was greatest for 60 minutes per week for muscle strengthening activity. In addition, when aerobic exercise was combined with muscle strengthening exercise, the risk of all-cause, cardiovascular disease, and overall cancer death was reduced by 40 percent. ③

2. Higher muscle mass helps fight diseases

Increasing muscle mass is very important for people who suffer from the disease themselves. Many cancer patients become weak after the disease, and studies have found that higher muscle mass helps fight the disease and has a better prognosis.

A 2008 study published in the medical journal The Lancet showed that cancer patients with low muscle mass experienced more complications, longer hospital stays and lower survival rates. Researchers believe that improving muscle mass through nutritional interventions can improve the treatment and prognosis of cancer patients.

Compared with people with low muscle mass, people with high muscle mass also have a higher chance of survival after breast cancer (women); they spend less time in intensive care units (ICUs) and have a better chance of survival. ④

3. High muscle mass reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Skeletal muscle mass is also associated with the risk of heart disease and stroke.

A 2019 study showed that those with the highest skeletal muscle mass in middle age had an 81 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease (such as stroke or myocardial infarction) compared to those with the lowest skeletal muscle mass; after adjusting for factors such as gender, education, socioeconomic level, smoking, physical activity, Mediterranean diet, high blood pressure, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and obesity, subjects with higher skeletal muscle mass at the start of the study had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease within 10 years. ⑤

And they are less likely to be obese, diabetic, or have high blood pressure than those with the lowest skeletal muscle mass.

4. High muscle mass helps prevent fractures

In September 2020, at the "Healthy China Say - 2020 Fracture Prevention Conference", Bai Yansong, a well-known CCTV host, said, "I strongly advocate that Chinese start to practice strength and exercise muscle strength, which has a very effective protective effect on our bones." ”

Bai Yansong said that in 2007, he was 39 years old when he fractured a bone from a kick. During more than 5 months of rehabilitation, he focused on training to strengthen muscle strength. This has allowed him, now in his 50s, to remain active on the pitch and never suffer from a fracture again. ⑥

Skeletal muscle is the driving force of the human motor system, muscle aging and atrophy, is an important sign of the beginning of aging in the human body, but also one of the causes of fractures and joint injuries.

After the age of 40, muscle decays by 8% per year

In fact, from about the age of 30, the muscle mass in the human body will decline, thereby increasing the health risk, and once you do not exercise for a long time or suffer from diseases, the muscle mass will decline more rapidly.

A 2015 study published in the Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine showed that researchers at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark bound one of the participants with a leg fixator, and after staying still for 2 weeks, the leg muscles of young people decreased by an average of 485 grams, and the leg muscles of older people decreased by an average of 250 grams. This means that young people's muscle strength is reduced by 1/3, and their leg muscle strength declines to the same degree as aging for 40-50 years, and the elderly's muscle strength is reduced by about 1/4. ⑦

For people who suffer from the disease themselves, the decline in muscle mass will make it more difficult for patients to resist the disease. Losing 10% of muscle leads to decreased immunity and an increased risk of infection; loss of 20% results in weakness and slow recovery; loss of 30% of patients who are too weak to sit down; and loss of 40% is usually fatal. ④

Therefore, once the age of 40, most people will feel a significant lack of physical strength, and one of the important reasons is that muscles begin to decrease, especially the skeletal muscles involved in sports. From the age of forty, it will begin to decrease at a rate of 8% per year, which is the increasingly valued "skeletal muscle reduction", which is the root cause of weakened athletic ability and even falls, in this sense, from the age of forty, storing muscles becomes very important. ④

Want to live a long life and save some muscle, do both!

Muscles follow the principle of "use in and out of retreat", and the physique of our people is not originally a muscular type, coupled with our traditional diet, protein intake is not as good as Europe and the United States, which is also the reason for our small muscle mass.

We often say to people who lose weight, "control the mouth, step on the legs", muscle gain, ensure muscle mass is the same, but mainly for "pipe to mouth, step to the leg".

1. Tube to mouth: Ensure adequate protein intake

Protein is one of the most important raw materials for muscle synthesis. For the elderly, it is necessary to eat three meals under the guidance of a nutritionist, and appropriately increase the intake of high-quality protein foods under the premise of avoiding excessive sugar, salt and fat.

Jiang Hua, deputy director of the Institute of Emergency Medicine and Disaster Medicine of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, pointed out in a health times article in 2017 that the protein content and quality of animal foods are higher than those of plant foods, and the elderly can appropriately increase the intake of milk eggs, lean meat, poultry, fish and shrimp and soybean products.

And it should be noted that it is also necessary to ensure that there are enough staple foods, vegetables and fruits to achieve balanced dietary requirements, and it is not possible not to eat carbohydrates. In addition, eating foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, selenium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, such as kiwifruit, spinach, carrots, etc., is also conducive to preventing muscle decay and improving immune function. ⑧

2. Step on the leg: increase the resistance movement appropriately

Professor Jiang Hua suggested that in order to increase muscle mass and ensure muscle quality, while daily exercise, it is necessary to appropriately increase some strength training to increase muscle weight (also known as resistance exercise, such as the use of barbells, dumbbells and other equipment for chest, shoulders, back, legs and other large muscle groups of various training), but also should include to improve muscle quality, improve flexibility and balance of various training (such as various pad exercises), as well as aerobic exercises that can improve physical fitness and improve cardiopulmonary function (such as jogging, swimming, etc.). ⑧

Source: Health Times

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