
What are the effects of excessive coffee consumption on the body? Recommendation: These 5 types of people should try to touch as little as possible

author:Pediatrician Shang Yun

With the continuous acceleration of the pace of life, people's pressure at work is also increasing, because of long hours of overtime staying up late often appear too tired state, resulting in most office workers often through the way of drinking coffee to achieve the effect of refreshing the mind. #爱乐养生指南 #

Although proper drinking of coffee can achieve refreshment, but excessive drinking may cause some damage to the body, so it is recommended that everyone use it in daily life to control the intake of coffee.

What are the effects of excessive coffee consumption on the body? Recommendation: These 5 types of people should try to touch as little as possible

What are the effects of excessive coffee consumption on the body?

1. It is easy to cause osteoporosis

We all know that coffee contains a lot of caffeine, proper drinking will indeed play a role in excitatory nerves, but a long period of large intake will lead to the combination of free calcium in the human body, and eventually metabolized through urine, reducing the content of calcium in the body, resulting in a decrease in bone density and osteoporosis.

What are the effects of excessive coffee consumption on the body? Recommendation: These 5 types of people should try to touch as little as possible

2. It leads to mood changes and insomnia

Although coffee has the effect of refreshing the brain, if too much coffee is consumed at one time, it will seriously stimulate the human nerves to appear overexcited and irritable, especially before going to bed, if a large amount of coffee will make the body in a state of extreme excitement, seriously affecting the quality of sleep, and may even appear insomnia.

3, Anorexia

Because the irritation of coffee is strong, after drinking a large amount of alcohol, it will cause strong irritation to the stomach and intestines, resulting in damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, a large amount of gastric juice secretion, resulting in gastrointestinal discomfort, and stomach ulcers when serious, which greatly reduces people's appetite.

What are the effects of excessive coffee consumption on the body? Recommendation: These 5 types of people should try to touch as little as possible

Recommendation: These 5 types of people should try to touch as little as possible

1. People who are taking medication

In fact, the ingredients in some drugs may have a certain chemical reaction with caffeine, and the two entering the body may reduce the efficacy and affect the treatment results, so try to reduce the intake of coffee during taking the drug.

2. People who are allergic to caffeine

Some people after drinking coffee, often appear nausea, vomiting, dizziness, the reason for this situation, may be due to people's allergy to caffeine caused, this time do not drink again, otherwise it will aggravate the phenomenon of allergies, serious damage to the body.

What are the effects of excessive coffee consumption on the body? Recommendation: These 5 types of people should try to touch as little as possible

3. Kidney deficiency

The caffeine contained in coffee will continue to stimulate the central nervous system of the brain after entering the human body, making people excited and emotional, in addition to causing certain stimulation to the kidneys, especially for middle-aged people, due to the gradual decline of various organs in the body after entering the middle and old age, kidney function gradually declines, if excessive drinking of coffee will lead to, caffeine on the kidneys produce strong stimulation, increase the burden on the kidneys, thereby causing a series of kidney problems.

4. Cardiovascular diseases

Patients with coronary heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, and atherosclerosis must drink a small amount of coffee in their daily lives to avoid the phenomenon of excessive heart rate, which is not conducive to the recovery of the disease.

What are the effects of excessive coffee consumption on the body? Recommendation: These 5 types of people should try to touch as little as possible

5. Long-term insomnia

Caffeine contained in coffee is easy to stimulate the brain nerves, let people have excessive excitement, if you are often plagued by insomnia, it is recommended that you do not drink coffee, if excessive drinking of coffee is easy to aggravate the phenomenon of insomnia, there is a situation of sleeplessness all night.

Coffee, drinking is safer, do a good job of details more reliable

1. Drinking pure coffee is more reliable:

In fact, when drinking coffee, it is recommended that you can directly choose pure coffee powder for brewing, or develop your own coffee beans, and then brew, which may relatively reduce the intake of additives and help your health.

What are the effects of excessive coffee consumption on the body? Recommendation: These 5 types of people should try to touch as little as possible

In the process of drinking coffee, it is not recommended to choose coffee containing phytoliptic glycosaccharides, because this type of coffee adds a lot of preservatives and additives, although it is more delicious to drink, but too much intake, it is likely to cause certain harm to the body.

2. Choosing "Brew Coffee" will be healthier:

Compared with brewed coffee and roasted coffee, grinded coffee, roasting and grinding processing methods are more likely to increase the content of harmful substances such as acrylamide, which will cause serious damage to the body after drinking, so it is still recommended that everyone choose to brew coffee in daily life.

What are the effects of excessive coffee consumption on the body? Recommendation: These 5 types of people should try to touch as little as possible

3. Drinking is OK, but limit the amount:

In fact, proper drinking of coffee is of certain benefits to the body, but excessive drinking will bring trouble, for adults, the amount of caffeine intake per day is not recommended to drink more than 250 mg of coffee per day is not recommended to drink more than three times.

Secondly, do not be too hot when drinking coffee, and avoid damaging the esophagus and gastrointestinal mucosa due to excessive temperature, which will cause esophageal lesions and a series of gastrointestinal diseases, seriously damaging the body.

What are the effects of excessive coffee consumption on the body? Recommendation: These 5 types of people should try to touch as little as possible

It is recommended that everyone in the drinking coffee room temperature does not exceed 65 ° C, limit or do not add sugar, income too much sugar will lead to a rapid rise in the body sugar content, increase the risk of diabetes, followed by drinking coffee must choose the right time, it is recommended that you can drink coffee about an hour after the meal, it is not recommended to get up in the morning to drink coffee immediately, because this can reduce the stimulation of caffeine for the stomach and intestines,

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