
Britain signed security agreements with Sweden and Finland, pledging support in the event of an attack on both countries

The General British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Reuters reported on May 11 that British Prime Minister Johnson said on the same day that he had reached a new security agreement with Sweden and Finland aimed at "strengthening European security" and promised that britain would provide support when the two countries were "attacked".

Britain signed security agreements with Sweden and Finland, pledging support in the event of an attack on both countries

Screenshot of the Reuters report

Johnson, who signed the deal with Sweden and Finland during his visit to Sweden and Finland, said at a news conference with Swedish Prime Minister Anderson that the security deal could also include enhanced intelligence sharing between Britain and the two countries, boosting cooperation in defence procurement and speeding up joint military training, exercises and deployments.

"If Sweden is attacked, ask us for help and support, we will provide support. This requires a request from Sweden and a clear indication of what type of support is required. Johnson said the type and extent of support the UK might provide would be determined by Sweden's specific requirements.

Britain signed security agreements with Sweden and Finland, pledging support in the event of an attack on both countries

British Prime Minister Johnson and Swedish Prime Minister Anderson hold a press conference Pictured from the surging image

At a subsequent press conference with Finnish President Niinistö, Johnson reiterated the terms of the agreement: "It means that in the event of a disaster, or if either side is attacked, we will provide assistance to each other, including military assistance." Asked whether Britain would send ground troops to Finland in the event of a military conflict, Johnson stressed that Britain would provide military assistance, but that "the nature of the assistance" would depend on the request of the other side.

He added that the security agreement would be the basis for strengthening the UK's "security and defence relationship" with Sweden and Finland.

The BBC noted that britain's agreement with Sweden and Finland was not some kind of law or security guarantee, but a political statement that britain was committed to providing assistance when the two countries requested it.

Britain signed security agreements with Sweden and Finland, pledging support in the event of an attack on both countries

Johnson holds a press conference with Finnish President Niinistö Video screenshot

Both Sweden and Finland appreciated the security agreement and declared the move would help counter the "threat" from Russia. Anderson said at a news conference that the deal with Britain would make Sweden safer and that Sweden was exploring "all viable options," including a quest to join NATO.

Niinistö called it a "big step forward" across sectors, with the statement meaning Britain and Finland would "stand together and support each other" in "any situation". He also praised Britain's open policy toward Finland's quest to join NATO, saying the agreement would "somehow maximize Finland's security" while Finland discusses NATO issues." ”

Asked whether Finland's quest to join NATO would anger Russia, Niinistö in turn blamed Russia, claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin "should be held accountable for NATO expansion."

Both Sweden and Finland have recently been accelerating their closer to NATO to study their applications to join nato. Sweden's ruling Social Democratic Party said on the 9th that the party will make a decision on NATO on May 15; Finnish Prime Minister Marin also said on the 11th that it will decide whether to apply for NATO within a week.

On the question of whether the UK will support Sweden's accession to NATO, Johnson responded in an interview with the BBC that the UK will not interfere in the discussion within the countries involved, "but if Sweden chooses to join NATO, we will strongly support it." We will try to make things go smoothly and easily. ”

NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg has also previously said that NATO will welcome Sweden and Finland with "open arms" and will try to "reduce delays" in the process of joining.

In addition, the United States and Germany have also made statements in recent days, trying to win over Sweden and Finland. German Chancellor Schoerz said that if Sweden and Finland decide to join NATO, then the two countries "can rely on German support." Swedish Foreign Secretary Lind said after meeting with US Secretary of State Blinken in Washington on the 4th that the US side said it was ready to provide Sweden with "security insurance" during the waiting period for entry.

In response to Sweden and Finland's discussions on joining NATO, Russian presidential press secretary Peskov responded on April 7 that if Finland and Sweden join NATO, Russia would have to take its own measures to "rebalance the situation." He said the situation on Russia's western side would be further complicated once it was concerned about its own security.

However, Peskov added that Russia does not see the two countries' move to join NATO as an "existential threat" that could prompt Russia to consider using nuclear weapons.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova also said in an interview with Spain's Abezer newspaper on May 4 that if Finland and Sweden join NATO, they will become a space for the West to confront Russia, "We have been regularly warning our Nordic neighbors that they are pulled into NATO orbit and may upset the balance of the European security system." ”

This article is an exclusive manuscript of the Observer Network and may not be reproduced without authorization.

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