
Adjust the leek stuffing, remember 3 put 3 do not put, leeks are delicious and juicy, do not produce water and do not burn the heart, too delicious

author:Big Mouth Chef

Adjust the leek stuffing, remember 3 put 3 do not put, leeks are delicious and juicy, do not produce water and do not burn the heart, too delicious

As the saying goes, "June leeks, stinky dead dogs", because when june is old, farmers are no one willing to cut, it rots in the ground, plus the weather is hot, so it stinks, want to eat leeks, must be grasped, now the leeks are still relatively tender, whether fried to eat or dumplings, the taste is very good.

Adjust the leek stuffing, remember 3 put 3 do not put, leeks are delicious and juicy, do not produce water and do not burn the heart, too delicious

Use leeks to mix the filling, make buns, dumplings, vegetable boxes and other delicacies, the whole family loves to eat, but you must learn to adjust the leek stuffing, many people have done it wrong.

When mixing the filling, there is a wrong practice, that is, put a lot of spices, think that the more spices are more fragrant, don't be so adjusted in the future.

Each ingredient has its own unique taste, if you add too many spices, it will destroy the original taste of the ingredients, so that the leeks have no leek flavor, the meat has no meat taste, and it is naturally not fragrant to eat. And the moisture of leeks is very sufficient, if it is not handled well, it is easy to get out of the water, so that the spices become watery, and it is not easy to break the skin.

Adjust the leek stuffing, remember 3 put 3 do not put, leeks are delicious and juicy, do not produce water and do not burn the heart, too delicious

Today I teach you a trick, the secret of the owner of the dumpling restaurant to adjust the leek filling, is "3 put 3 do not put", to ensure that the leek stuffing is delicious and juicy, do not produce water and do not burn the heart, especially delicious.

【Tips for adjusting leek filling】

The boss said that the mixture of leek stuffing can not be placed randomly, must put 3 samples, there are 3 things can not be put.

Put 2 samples

1, edible oil must be put

After chopping the leeks, add some cooking oil and stir well. Cooking oil can wrap the incision to prevent water from spilling, so that the leeks will not come out of the water, and the taste is more fragrant, and the leeks have a strong flavor.

Adjust the leek stuffing, remember 3 put 3 do not put, leeks are delicious and juicy, do not produce water and do not burn the heart, too delicious

2, edible alkali must be put

Why add alkali to leek stuffing? Doesn't it have an alkaline taste when eaten? Rest assured, there is no alkaline taste. Leeks contain a certain amount of oxalic acid, and adding alkali can neutralize oxalic acid and remove the bitter taste. At the same time, eating alkali can soften the fiber, reduce the stimulation of the stomach, and eat it without burning the heart.

Adjust the leek stuffing, remember 3 put 3 do not put, leeks are delicious and juicy, do not produce water and do not burn the heart, too delicious

3, edible salt must be put

Isn't that? No salt is tasteless, how to eat? Although it is nonsense, the order of putting salt must be clear, is it salt first or salt later? If the leeks are cut and put directly in salt, they will definitely produce water, and you must wait until all the ingredients are mixed before putting salt, regardless of meat and vegetables, so as to avoid water.

Adjust the leek stuffing, remember 3 put 3 do not put, leeks are delicious and juicy, do not produce water and do not burn the heart, too delicious

There are 3 things that can't be put, but many people have put them, no wonder it's not delicious

1. Seasoning powder

Stir-fry dishes can not be separated from the seasoning powder, such as five-spice powder, thirteen spices, Nande, etc., add a little can improve the aroma of the dish, mainly because they are mixed with a variety of spices, including but not limited to peppercorns, star anise, ginger, etc., it is the taste is too fragrant, not suitable for filling, will cover the aroma of leeks, eat no leek taste.

Adjust the leek stuffing, remember 3 put 3 do not put, leeks are delicious and juicy, do not produce water and do not burn the heart, too delicious

2. Oyster sauce

Now the deliciousness of oyster sauce has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, no matter what dish is fried, they like to add some oyster sauce, which has a good effect on freshness. It is also because oyster sauce is very fresh and will spoil the deliciousness of leeks. In addition, in addition to the umami taste, oyster sauce also has a fishy smell, after all, it is still seafood, which will make the taste of leek filling become very bad.

Adjust the leek stuffing, remember 3 put 3 do not put, leeks are delicious and juicy, do not produce water and do not burn the heart, too delicious

3: Minced green onion and ginger

Chopped onion and ginger have the effect of removing fishy and increasing fragrance, and it is okay to mix other fillings, but it is not suitable for leek filling, mainly because they are "the same". Leeks are warm and spicy, green onions and ginger are also warm and spicy, have a special flavor, if the leek stuffing adds onion and ginger minced, it will also destroy the taste of the leek itself, and it may be on fire, so whether it is mixed with leek vegetarian stuffing or leek meat filling, it is not recommended to add chopped onion and ginger.

Adjust the leek stuffing, remember 3 put 3 do not put, leeks are delicious and juicy, do not produce water and do not burn the heart, too delicious

Let me tell you about the specific method of [leek vegetarian filling], the taste is light, delicious and juicy, and it is particularly fragrant.

Prepare leeks, eggs, shrimp skins, vermicelli, fungus, salt, cooking oil.

1: Pick and wash the leeks, drain the water, chop and add a spoonful of cooking oil, a spoonful of edible alkali, stir well and set aside.

2: Beat the eggs into a bowl, add a spoonful of salt, stir into egg mixture, pour into hot oil and fry until set, sauté into pieces.

3: Soak the fungus, vermicelli and shrimp skin in water, wash it and drain it, chop the fungus and vermicelli.

4: Pour the leeks, eggs, fungus, vermicelli and shrimp skins into a large basin, add an appropriate amount of salt and cooking oil, and stir well.

Adjust the leek stuffing, remember 3 put 3 do not put, leeks are delicious and juicy, do not produce water and do not burn the heart, too delicious

Because the ingredients are very delicious, you only need to add salt when seasoning, and do not add other spices to reflect their respective tastes. Think my article is good, please give me likes, comments, forwards, favorites, follow, see you next time.