
6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

author:Floral mesh

Raising flowers or raising woody plants is good, it can be long-lasting, and it can also be raised from small to large, so that the value increases little by little, which is also a very beautiful thing. Today I introduce 6 kinds of woody plants, buy a small seedling, and it will grow into a big tree in a few years. Let's take a look at which plants they are.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

First, Black Kong

The black diamond leaves are black, and in the south are planted two trees at the mouth of the village, which grow into large trees. It is said that feng shui can be strong, which means that if you look at the south, you are rich. So keeping at home can definitely bring us good luck.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

Black Kong prefers a sunny environment and likes a high temperature and high humidity environment. However, it is more resistant to the environment, and the dark environment can also persist for a long time. Drought tolerance is best not to long-term lack of water, long-term water shortage leaves grow unevenly, affecting the appearance. Usually give water once every 5 days, spray more water on the foliage. Give a slow-release compound fertilizer once every 15 days.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

Black Kong is relatively hardy, but the environment below 0 degrees should be properly insulated. Unsuitable environments will shed some of the old leaves. In the north, there are often flower friends who raise black King Kong from a small seedling to a tree several meters high, and they don't need to change pots, just find a place with abundant light, enough water and fertilizer pipes, and grow up in a few years.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

2. Duck foot wood

The leaves of the duck foot wood are composed of seven small leaves, which are also called horse chestnut. In a light environment, the duck foot wood grows particularly vigorously, the number of leaves is huge, full of vitality, and at a glance, it feels full of motivation.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

Duck foot wood likes a well-lit environment, outdoor open-air maintenance can also be, not afraid of exposure to the sun. Here is an interjection, outdoor plants are once a day water, rainy days can not be watered. Duck foot wood in the room once 3 days a water, the leaf surface spray more water, it will grow its own leaves with the light layer by layer, especially full and symmetrical. Half a month to give some slow-release compound fertilizer, the lack of light environment will fall off the old leaves, because there are many leaves, the need for photosynthesis to produce nutrient supply, lack of light hungry stomach, the old leaves will sacrifice themselves to keep the mother and newborn leaves.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

If there is a good light in the corner of the home, you can use a larger flower pot and more soil, so that it will grow and quickly fill the whole space and become a green leaf column. Flower lovers with conditions can try it.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

Third, the happiness tree

Happy trees are large trees from small seedlings to 6 meters tall, and have a wide range of uses. Suitable environment, the leaves can not fall for a long time, plus the canopy can be unfolded very large, generally will be placed under the tree a small tea table, there is nothing to drink tea under the tree leisure.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

Happy Trees prefer a well-lit environment and love water. Water is given once every three days, and fertilizer is slow-release compound fertilizer once every 7 days. The root system is particularly developed, and the happy tree is planted with large pots, and the canopy can grow larger. Like the ventilation space of the large environment, as long as give it enough time, it will fill the entire space.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

Below 10 degrees of the environment should pay attention to heat preservation, low temperature will fall leaves, this we have to pay special attention to. The environment with low light will also fall leaves, and the foliage plants, we will always be beautiful for the leafy branches.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

4. Fluke Tong

The leaves of Tung Fluke are feathery, layered and layered, which is very special. It is a medicinal herb, as a horticultural flower variety for a short time, it is in the right environment, the leaves can last for several years without falling leaves, grow into a large tree of Fulu Tong is particularly magnificent.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

Tropical plants, the temperature can not be lower than 18 degrees, which is the first necessary condition for conservation. The potting soil is water once every 7 days, and the foliar surface does not like to spray water, but the environment above 35 degrees can spray water, so that the surrounding air circulation is conducive to growth. Loved the airy and sunny environment. If it is not the above environment, the leaves will fall. Fertilizer half a month to give some slow-release compound fertilizer.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

Fulu Tong value is very high, meaning to add blessings and longevity, especially suitable for giving to the elders, generally as a high-grade gift flower, if others give you FuLu Tong, it means that friends attach great importance to you.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

5. Dutch iron

Dutch iron is super nurturing, jedi pure masters, full of rigidity. The blades were straight and straight like swords. Plus the stump is very stocky, sitting next to it, very secure.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

Dutch iron is hardy, low temperature resistant, shade resistant, and can be placed where there are windows in the home. Give water once every 10 days, give some compound fertilizer in half a month, basically do not have to take care of much. What's even more powerful is that even if the leaves are full of bugs, it doesn't affect the growth at all.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

Dutch iron likes well-breathable soil, the root system is relatively small, pay attention to do not accumulate water when maintaining, the water will rot roots. After encountering this situation, don't worry, re-change the soil with good air permeability, and it won't take long to re-root.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

6. Horsetail iron

Horsetail iron is a subspecies of millennium wood, the leaves are green, and the shape of the leaves resembles a horse's tail, so it is called horsetail iron. The ability to adapt to the environment is very strong, and it can take root quickly when inserted in the soil and soaked in water.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

It grows well in the scattered light environment of the window, and can also grow in the exposed sun. Give some water for about 10 days, and give some slow-release compound fertilizer a month. When cultivating soil, it is necessary to use soil with good air permeability, its root system needs to breathe, and the long-term closed environment will rot the roots. It is also a kind of lazy flower, that is, you can't see it at home, remember to give a little water but raise well.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

If the temperature is lower than 10 degrees, you should pay attention to the heat preservation, it will wither some old leaves, but don't worry, just need proper heat preservation to restore, the stump will not die easily.

6 kinds of woody plants, easy to raise year after year appreciation, buy a small seedling, a few years to grow into a big tree

Today to recommend these 6 kinds of plants to everyone, from the seedlings to find a big tree only need time, see if there is a favorite, the home grows a corner, I believe that the future will become a landscape in your home. That's it for today, thank you.

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