
0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

author:Little windmill mommy

When I was playing downstairs with my family's second treasure, I saw that the neighbor Grandma Zhang also brought her little granddaughter Lele down to play. The two children got together and had a lot of fun.

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

I saw Lele singing children's songs in his mouth while playing: "Who has more toys, who has fewer toys, my toys more, your toys less." ”

I looked at Lele a little surprised, and I didn't think that Lele, who had not yet gone to kindergarten, had so much stronger expression ability than my family's second treasure. The two children played for a while, I chatted with Grandma Zhang next to me, and I found that Lele's cognitive ability, comprehension ability, logical ability and other aspects are obviously stronger than my family's second treasure.

Because my second treasure is more than half a year old than Lele, I have been in kindergarten for several months. However, in the process of playing games, the mind is always led by Lele, and even under the guidance of Lele, it must be completed.

I kept praising Lele for being awesome, and then asked Grandma Zhang how she had educated Lele and educated a child under three years old so well.

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

It turned out that Grandma Zhang was the director of a kindergarten here before she retired, and she had a lot of experience in early childhood education. After retirement, there was nothing to do, just when Lele was born, so Grandma Zhang accompanied Lele from the birth of Lele to grow up. It can be said that Lele has enjoyed the care of parenting experts since birth.

According to the growth of Lele, Grandma Zhang formulated an education plan, especially for the development of Lele's whole brain potential.

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

Grandma Zhang said that 0 to 3 years old is the golden age for children to develop their brains, and this time, the whole brain development training for children will stimulate the child's brain potential in an all-round way, and affect the child's IQ and emotional intelligence.

What is the potential of a child? Grandma Zhang said that children's potential is generally divided into eighteen aspects, including: spatial intelligence, cognitive intelligence, language intelligence, motor intelligence, music intelligence, mathematical intelligence, perceptual intelligence, observation intelligence, social intelligence, comprehension ability, imagination ability, observation ability, perception ability, imitation ability, memory ability, thinking ability, judgment ability, and creative ability.

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

If you want to make your child smart, want to open up your child's thinking ability, and want your child to fall in love with expression, you must carry out all-round whole-brain development for your child.

And Grandma Zhang has been reading picture books with Lele since she was more than half a year old. Although Lele could not speak at that time, he could see and listen, and would express emotions through his own gestures. Grandma Zhang took Lele to read picture books, which is actually to stimulate Lele's vision, hearing, touch, etc., so as to stimulate Lele's brain development, make the brain active, and better receive and understand information.

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

When Le Le could talk, Grandma Zhang took Le Le to read picture books, tell stories, and practice children's songs every day.

No wonder Lele's performance is so great, it turns out that the starting line of others is several years earlier than my family's second treasure.

Dr. Gardner, an American educator and psychologist, proposed that human thinking and cognition are diverse, and that there are at least eight intelligences in each person: language intelligence, mathematical logic intelligence, interpersonal communication intelligence, musical intelligence, spatial intelligence, body movement intelligence, self-knowledge intelligence, and natural intelligence. (The eighteen intelligences mentioned earlier are subdivisions of this eight intelligences)

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

Under normal conditions, with appropriate external stimuli and personal efforts, everyone can develop and strengthen any kind of intelligence of their own. There are three factors that affect everyone's intellectual development: innate qualifications, personal growth experience, and personal acquired cultural education. Among them, the biggest impact on intelligence is the acquired cultural and educational activities.

I hurriedly asked Grandma Zhang what books she had read to Lele, and whether it was also suitable for my family's second treasure

Grandma Zhang smiled and introduced me to several sets of picture books that she took Lele to read.

The first set is "The Baby Is One Year Old", which is the first picture book that Grandma Zhang took Lele to read, which can be said to be the enlightenment book developed by Lele Intelligence.

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

This set of books is mainly to lay the foundation for the development of the child's whole brain, focusing on improving the child's language expression ability and cognitive ability, and guiding the child to simple observation and thinking on this basis.

For example, in this picture, in the form of children's songs, the child's desire to speak is stimulated at a brisk rhythm: I learn duckling, quack, duckling, where are you? Quack, I'm here.

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

Nursery rhymes are short, rhythmic, and at the same time, with the image of the child's familiar duckling, which is easier for the child to accept.

For example, this picture, let the child observe the picture to see who is different, which is actually a stimulus and test of the child's vision, and the exercise is the child's observation ability, cognitive ability, and judgment ability.

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

Most of these books use easy games for parents and children to interact, so that children can learn knowledge and develop their potential in the game.

The second set of books is "The Baby Is Two Years Old", which is a picture book for two-year-old babies, which is in line with the characteristics of physical development and intelligent development of two-year-old babies.

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

Two-year-old babies' language expression ability has been greatly improved, they can say simple sentences, understand the words of parents and mothers, and some babies can clearly express their wishes.

At this stage, the focus is on cultivating children's spatial perception ability, cognitive ability, judgment ability and so on.

For example, in this comparison chart, children are allowed to recognize the difference between cows and kittens in the form of children's songs: "A cow and a cat, a big one, a small one." Build a distinction between large and small in the child's brain; "a group of butterflies and a bird, more on one side and less on the other", so that the child has a preliminary understanding of more and less.

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

This is through vivid and concrete pictures, so that children understand the abstract concept of how big and small.

The third set of books is "The Baby Is Three Years Old", which is a picture book for three-year-old babies, this set of picture books focuses on improving the baby's observation ability, thinking ability and so on.

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

Because three-year-olds can already express complete sentences fluently, what we parents have to do is to guide our children to fall in love with expression and be a lively and cheerful child. At the same time, let the child be a careful and observant child.

For example, this picture is to find differences, let the child observe what is different between the two pictures, which is very helpful for the child's observation ability, judgment ability and concentration to improve.

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

This picture is to let the child think by looking at the picture, which develops the child's expression ability and imagination ability.

Grandma Zhang said that she usually took Lele to read the most is these three sets of books. It is precisely because Grandma Zhang insists on reading with Lele and interacts with Lele for parent-child interaction that Lele will have such a good performance.

0 to 3 years old is a golden age for children to develop their brains, and doing so will make children smarter

I also quickly bought a set of picture books for my second treasure " Baby is three years old " . After all, my family's second treasure is more than three years old, and I hope to be able to develop the potential of the second treasure by reading more picture books and accompanying the second treasure to make more games.

I put the link to this set of picture books below, and in my window there are picture books for children of all ages, and parents can choose the right picture books according to the age of their children.

Baby around 3 years old brain potential development ¥49 purchase

We parents all want our children to win at the starting line, in fact, the starting line of children is the degree to which our parents develop their children's potential. Especially for young babies, through parent-child reading and interaction with the baby, improve the baby's ability in all aspects, and develop the baby's potential, that is, let the child win on the starting line. So moms and dads don't miss this golden period.