
Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

author:The duck is entertained

In 2017, the movie "Wolf Warrior 2" turned out,

This film, which shows the pride of the Chinese nation, eventually earned 5.689 billion at the box office

Also saved Xie Nan and Wu Jing's last property,

And as the female number one in the movie,

The name Lu Jingshan is also really well known to the audience.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Looking at this rather "exotic" face on the screen,

Everyone has speculated about what kind of "back door" she took to participate in this movie.

In fact, director Wu Jing is her biggest backdoor.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Rescue "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jingbao Media,

Who is Lu Jingshan,

What kind of charm is she,

It all starts a long time ago.


Lu Jingshan is a Chinese-American,

Born in 1985 in Hong Kong, China,

From elementary school to high school, she attended Chinese school in Hong Kong.

Born and raised in a Chinese environment, she can speak fluently Chinese.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

When Lu Jingshan was born, her Chinese mother named her Lu Xuelian.

This means that her mother hopes that when she grows up, she can be like a snow lotus - "high moral character, tough and unhurried".

Her mother was born in Chaoshan, Guangdong,

And Lu Jingshan's father was an authentic American.

In fact, speaking of her father, the audience who often watches American action movies may have some impressions.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

His name is Roy Horan, he is an American action film actor.

In the seventies and eighties of the last century, he gave himself a new name, Louis,

After that, he entered the Hong Kong film circle and starred in a number of Hong Kong action films.

He also starred in Jackie Chan's film "The Serpentine Archer", in which he played the villain.

Speaking of her father's profession, Lu Jingshan has felt that he is a "bad person" since she was a child, because he always plays a "bad person" in movies.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

When she was 6 years old, Lu Jingshan happened to see the movie in which her father participated on TV.

I was watching with relish,

But she suddenly found that her father was actually "killed" under the knife of the protagonist of the movie.

Just then Dad suddenly got off work,

Little Lu Jingshan looked at her father standing in the doorway and affectionately called himself baby,

But he was pale with fear and trembling,

Because she couldn't understand how the father who had been killed came back,

Standing in front of him must be the "soul" of his father.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Later, after listening to her father's explanation, Lu Jingshan understood,

In the movie, the bad guy played by Dad is "killed" by the good guy, which is called "good triumphs over evil".

There is a well-known movie in India, WrestleMania! Father! 》,

The father in the film has always longed for a son to "inherit the father's business",

And Lu Jingshan's growth experience can be called "the film shines into reality".

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Lu Jingshan and her sister learned kung fu from an early age under the influence of their father.

Mom looked at the soft and cute two sisters on the side, tortured by the "action star" dad,

Developed a rough boy's temperament,

And in the mother's original plan,

It is to train these two girls to become ladies who are proficient in calligraphy, Chinese painting, and tea art.

But the reality is "very different".

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Following her father, Lu Jingshan learned shooting, sanda and taekwondo from an early age.

Originally, her mother was worried that she had such a high martial art, would she bully other children in school.

But in fact,

Lu Jingshan was the most bullied one in the school.

Because she is of mixed Chinese and American descent, Lu Jingshan has been very different from her classmates in appearance since she was a child.

Why she is called an outlier, is not how strange she looks.

It's just that she's "unruly" and doesn't look like the people around her.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

From an early age, she was called the "Ugly Duckling" and was ostracized in school.

One day after school, Lu Jingshan met a group of male classmates on the way home.

They formed a circle and laughed loudly, and kept shouting "ugly ducklings."

After returning home, Lu Jingshan asked her father what to do if someone bullied him.

Dad's reaction was not fierce or perfunctory,

He said in the most bland tone, "Then you will bully back." ”

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

After that, I will meet people who laugh at and bully themselves,

Lu Jingshan will "treat his body in the way of others",

Under the influence of his father,

She also gradually became stronger and more confident.

Although Lu Jingshan's appearance was ridiculed in school,

But she unexpectedly gained the favor of the camera,

In order to help her daughter build self-confidence,

Her parents had encouraged her to go to the commercial shoot,

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

And after just one attempt,

Lu Jingshan became a special guest of advertisers,

Many brands have come to visit, hoping to invite her to shoot advertisements for herself,

Taking this as an opportunity, Lu Jingshan began to work as a graphic model at a very young age.

Many people say that she has parents who love her very much, have talent and good luck,

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

But Lu Jingshan's own efforts did not live up to the love of her parents, with talent and good luck,

Her life path is full of badges of hard work.


Influenced by Hong Kong Music,

Lu Jingshan has loved music since she was a child,

Her dream is to become a professional singer and release an original album of her own.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

At the age of 14, she signed up for a music competition.

Her performance attracted the attention of one of the judges present, who was the famous Japanese music director Tetsuya Komuro.

After the results of the competition were announced, Lu Jingshan unexpectedly found that she was the first place.

In addition to the surprise, Tetsuya Komuro personally came to ask her if she would like to sign a contract with an agency so that she would have the opportunity to release her own records.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

"A big pie fell from the sky", Lu Jingshan immediately agreed and became a signed singer.

Released a record in Japan, he also sang with Namie Amuro at the G8 Summit in Okinawa in 2000.

Lu Jingshan, who tasted the taste of "success", felt,

It was as if I had fallen into the time tunnel of Doraemon, shuttling between dreams and reality.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

And it is not only Lu Jingshan who sees this "success", but also the brokerage company she signed.

In order to better develop the business,

The agency advised her to give up her studies and stay in Japan to become a professional singer.

But at this time, Lu Jingshan was not yet an adult, and she had already applied for a year off from school in order to sing in Japan.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

But she knew very well that although singing was her dream,

But there is no cultural knowledge, no academic qualifications,

She is like a thin blank piece of paper, never a fertile soil to take root, always able to drift with the waves and drift with the wind.

In the end, Lu Jingshan terminated her contract with the brokerage company and returned to Hong Kong to continue her education.

Since then, she has put her musical dreams on hold for the time being.

Before entering the university, I will no longer participate in any competitions or shoots.

Study without distraction, just to get into a good school.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Remembering will reverberate,

In the end, Lu Jingshan applied to the London School of Economics and Political Science to study in economic management.

She graduated with top grades.

Study economics in a higher education institution, and get a graduation certificate with a leading result,

Before Lu Jingshan left the university door, she received interview invitations from many large financial companies.

But she refused one by one.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

In the eyes of others, Lu Jingshan rejected these large companies and large enterprises because of "high ambitions".

To develop to a better platform,

But the truth surprised everyone - Lu Jingshan stayed in London to continue studying music.

Compared with the "big man" in the financial world, she prefers to sing freely and create an original record of her own.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

After returning to Hong Kong, she began to form a band, which was led and sung by Lu Jingshan.

Studied music production in the UK for a year,

Lu Jingshan can now also be responsible for songwriting and post-production.

In order to raise more funds to support the development of the band,

Lu Jingshan "returned to the old business",

She went back to the camera to do graphic models, shoot commercials,

In addition, she also applied for a TVB program host,

Lu Jingshan, who has worked many jobs, only to be able to make her original record come out earlier.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

She knows that if you want to make your dreams light, you must carry the weight forward on the road ahead.

However, by chance, the four words composed a beautiful melody at this time,

The seed of Lu Jingshan's flower of life unexpectedly landed in another garden.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi


Just when the prototype of this original record belonging to Lu Jingshan first appeared,

Her music manager suddenly asked her one day, "Jingshan, isn't your dad an action movie actor, so will you fight?" ”

Lu Jingshan replied proudly, "Of course I will." ”

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

I thought it was a small talk between friends,

But I didn't expect him to say excitedly: "Eh, there is now a director looking for the female number one of his films, this director is called Wu Jing, you can try it." ”

Lu Jingshan did not take this matter to heart, but in order not to disappoint her manager, she went to the interview out of support for her friends.

When she got home, she completely forgot about it and concentrated on making it.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

But soon after, Lu Jingshan received a call from the manager,

Friends said the director decided to use her as the heroine of the film.

The news was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, exploding in her head.

Speechless for a long time, Lu Jingshan said: "I will fight but I will not act, these are two different things, this is the movie female number one, I can't afford to wait." ”

Although her father was an actress, she had never been exposed to filmmaking.

And Lu Jingshan, who is full of music, has never thought that she will become an actor and engage in film-related professions in the future.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Lu Jingshan directly refused, but the film director, Wu Jing, personally called her.

"I know why you don't want to shoot and understand your concerns, but I hope you can go back and think about it again."

It was Wu Jing's sincerity and affirmation that made Lu Jingshan begin to waver,

And her friends around her are also advising her,

"Since the universe has opened this door, why don't you have the courage to go inside and find out?"

Lu Jingshan finally agreed to the invitation,

Starred in this film "Wolf's Tooth" directed and self-starred by Wu Jing,

In 2008, Lu Jingshan brought her film debut to meet the audience,

Since then, she has officially debuted, turning from singer to actress.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

With her first work, she also received rave reviews,

It is precisely because of this cooperation that Lu Jingshan and director Wu Jing have become friends.

In the years since, she has appeared in several films.

Even went to Hollywood in the United States to "study" acting skills and shoot the movie "Green Arrow".

But there is no "nobleman" Wu Jing's promotion and partner,

The road to acting after Lu Jingshan was somewhat difficult.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Most of the movies she participated in were like small pebbles thrown into the sea.

Just listen to the sound of "fluttering", see that no wave has been set off, and then sink to the bottom.

In order to make a film that truly shows the majesty of the Chinese nation,

Wu Jing raised funds to shoot the movie "Wolf Warrior".

However, the results of "Wolf Warrior 1" after its launch were greatly disappointing, and finally only received 550 million box office.

Wu Jing is not willing and does not believe in evil, he smashes the pot and sells iron and also wants to shoot the second part,

From this, there is also the news that the audience knows - "Wu Jing changed his property to prepare for the filming of "Wolf Warrior 2".

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

With the support of his wife Xie Nan, Wu Jing broke the boat and finally set up the film project.

But before filming began, the heroine of the movie who was originally looking for a good job suddenly put forward the request for "salary increase",

She asked the director to increase her salary by twenty percent.

But at this time, in order to make the film start as scheduled, Wu Jing has almost reached the point of exhaustion.

In the face of her request, Wu Jing could only say "I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do."

The female lead actress broke the contract and ran away in a fit of anger,

Just waiting for Wu Jing to disappoint because of the vacancy of the heroine,

At this moment, Wu Jing thought of his good friend, Lu Jingshan.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

A phone call over,

Wu Jing and Lu Jingshan said that they had a new movie and wanted to ask her to "save the scene".

Lu Jingshan said half-jokingly: "Do you need to undress for this movie?" ”

Wu Jing also smiled and replied, "I don't need you to take it off, I'll take it off." ”

Between laughter, Lu Jingshan became the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2".

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

In 2017, as soon as the movie was released, it became a sensation across the country.

Soon "Wolf Warrior 2" became the box office champion of Chinese movies,

Lu Jingshan, as the heroine of the movie, is also famous,

Later, this "heroine storm" was reported by the media,

The world is sighing: "I don't know where the female star who asked for extra remuneration is crying now." ”

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi


In 2017, Lu Jingshan, who has a representative work, participated in the Award Ceremony of the Golden Rooster Awards of Chinese Films.

She took to the stage as a lottery guest.

It was also this opportunity that Lu Jingshan met love,

In just a few minutes of contact, she and Han Geng came together.

Two people who don't know each other stand on the stage, and you come and go between them,

Tacitly speaking kind words of "commercial mutual support" to each other.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

But on this day, Lu Jingshan's shoes did not fit well, and the skirt on her body was a little long.

The two of them walked down the stairs of more than twenty steps together,

Lu Jingshan was a little cramped and flustered,

Han Geng, on the other hand, gently held her arm at the side.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Han Geng gave Lu Jingshan a fulcrum to support her body, and also made her feel more close and dependent in her heart.

Before the two met,

Han Geng is also recognized as the "little prince of the love field" in the entertainment industry.

Since returning to China, the lace scandals about him in the media have not stopped.

From "The Smallest Film Queen" Li Xiaolu to "CCTV Host" Hu Die,

Six or seven girls have intersected with him.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

But from beginning to end, Han Geng did not respond publicly,

Until the appearance of Lu Jingshan,

She also became the only girlfriend that Han Geng publicly acknowledged since her debut.

Han Geng grew up in an incomplete family,

His parents parted ways very early on because of their personalities.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Because my father was a soldier,

Therefore, from an early age, he was strictly tutored, and in such a family environment, Han Geng developed a traditional conservative nature.

Han Geng entered the secondary school class of minzu University of China at the age of 12.

In school, he majored in folk dance and also studied ballet.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

In order to seize the rare learning opportunity, he can only strengthen the intensity of practice,

Even because of the fracture of the dancing leg, soaking in the rehearsal room for more than ten hours a day, sleeping time is countless,

Such a dance practice career, Han Geng has spent decades.

In 2001, he participated in the selection event held by SM Korea in China.

In the end, he stood out from more than 3,000 contestants and became a preparatory trainee.

After graduating from school, Han Geng went to Korea for further study.

After more than two years of practice, Han Geng officially debuted as the only Chinese member of the idol group Super Junior.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Four years later, he terminated his contract with SM and re-debuted as an independent singer after returning to China.

Han Geng's resume is very different from Lu Jingshan's.

As a result, when they announced their relationship in 2018, they were "called down" by the whole network.

Because whether it is family background, growth environment, or emotional experience,

Netizens all felt that Han Geng was not worthy of Lu Jingshan at all.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

But for Lu Jingshan,

Equally matched love is not a "strong alliance" in material and monetary terms, but a "complementary complement" of spiritual concepts.

And the sublimation of feelings between them is largely thanks to Wu Jing.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Because of Wu Jing's promotion and help, Lu Jingshan had the opportunity to meet Han Geng.

And there was also an intersection between Wu Jing and Han Geng.

In 2013, when Wu Jing participated in the movie "Journey to the West 3", he met Han Geng,

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

And Lu Jingshan is also Wu Jing's friend for many years,

After a quick glance from the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony,

They will never forget the way they looked at each other,

Wu Jing and his wife Xie Nan became witnesses to this relationship.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

On December 31, 2019, Han Geng and Lu Jingshan posted on the social platform, officially announcing the happy news of marriage.

The two then got married in New Zealand.

After marriage, the couple seems to be very low-key, rarely appearing in front of the camera, talking about their marriage and family,

So much so that for a long time, the audience did not know that these two people had become husband and wife.

On Mother's Day in 2022, Lu Jingshan, who rarely appears, posted on social media announcing her promotion to become a mother.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Husband Han Geng also followed suit and released a group photo,

Han Geng said: "We are 'pregnant'", and Lu Jingshan said "we have advanced".


Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

Zhang Ailing's book has written,

"Meet the person you want to meet among thousands of people, in the thousands of years, in the endless wilderness of time, no step earlier, no step later, just caught up, there is no other word to say, only to ask softly Oh, you are also here?" 」

In the vast sea of people, Lu Jingshan found the most suitable person,

She and Han Geng cherish each other and are in agreement with each other.

They met at the proudest time, at the most appropriate time,

The spark of love that rubs out is charming.

Lu Jingshan: From the mixed-race scholar to the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2", Wu Jing acted as a matchmaker and married Han Gengxi

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