
He became famous at the age of 19, made a double mark at the age of 80, won the Mao Prize at the age of 81, and worked hard at the age of 88

author:Yu see literature and history

In China's contemporary literary scene, there is an 88-year-old man with a strong spirit, who became famous in one fell swoop at the age of 19, and after the age of 80, there was a creative highlight, and now at the age of 88, he is still working hard, and he is praised by Tie Ning, chairman of the China Writers Association, as an "elderly young man", and by Mo Yan as "jumping out of the official field and entering the sea, sweeping thousands of troops like a sweep". This old man is Mr. Wang Meng, former Minister of Culture, winner of the Mao Dun Literature Prize, and people's artist.

He became famous at the age of 19, made a double mark at the age of 80, won the Mao Prize at the age of 81, and worked hard at the age of 88

Wang Meng was born in 1934 in Beiping to a family of scholars, his father taught at Peking University, and his mother worked at a primary school in Beijing. His father's good friend and famous poet He Qifang gave him his name. In 1940, at the age of 6, he studied at the Affiliated Elementary School of Beijing Normal University. In 1948, at the age of 14, he joined the party organization while studying at Hebei Middle School in Beijing and began to work under the urban underground under the leadership of the party. In the second year after the founding of New China, he entered the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League.

In 1953, the mainland began the first vigorous "Five-Year Plan", in the context of poverty, poverty, whiteness, and waste to be rebuilt, the youthful vigor and fighting spirit of the whole country and all strata dared to call the sun and the moon for a new day deeply infected the 19-year-old Wang Meng, who completed the novel "Long Live Youth" in one fell swoop. After the novel was completed, it was not published, and individual chapters were published in newspapers and magazines, which caused a sensation in the country at that time, and became famous in one fell swoop, until it was published 26 years later in 1979, and in 1981 the book was named one of the ten favorite books of primary and secondary school students in the country.

In 1956, Wang Meng was criticized for creating "The New Young Man from the Organization Department", which also attracted the attention of Chairman Mao, who gave great care and help to the 22-year-old young writer.

He became famous at the age of 19, made a double mark at the age of 80, won the Mao Prize at the age of 81, and worked hard at the age of 88

From 1963 to 1978, he took the initiative to apply to work in the rural areas of Xinjiang, dragged his family and mouth to mingle with the Uyghur masses and established a deep relationship, and also learned fluent Uighur, and still takes time to visit the frontier where he once lived every year, and nagging with his fellow villagers. The novel "This Side of the Landscape", published in 2013, was created from the Uighur masses, and in 2015, because of its special era background and unique western style, it conquered all the judges, and the novel won the 9th Mao Dun Literature Award.

In 2012, his wife Cui Ruifang, who had been with him for 55 years, died, which was a heavy blow to Wang Meng, feeling like the sky was falling, unable to get out of the painful quagmire, he used two poems "In this life and this heart, Seocho Fang Fei Xu Feng" two poems to express the infinite nostalgia for his deceased wife.

In 2013, in Qingdao, he met Ms. Shan Sanya, a senior reporter of Guangming Daily, who was 20 years younger than herself, and fell in love at first sight, and after half a month of acquaintance, she married her happily. The barren garden in Mr. Shan's heart is full of flowers, and as Mr. Shan Sanya said, Ms. Shan Sanya is the comfort given to me by Heaven, the resurrection of my vitality. He began to write about youth, love, and life with passion.

He became famous at the age of 19, made a double mark at the age of 80, won the Mao Prize at the age of 81, and worked hard at the age of 88

Nowadays, the 88-year-old gentleman is still the same as when he was young, insisting on fitness, swimming, walking every day, maintaining 6-pack abs; when talking, he thinks quickly, speaks clearly, and has a loud voice; for new things, he is always full of curiosity and interest, WeChat, blogs, online shopping, and drama chasing are very familiar.

Nowadays, the 88-year-old Mr. Wang Meng is still working vigorously in his youth, and his bumpy experience in life is a history of the growth of new China, he has inexhaustible materials, the republic's magnificent struggle process of more than 70 years, and the great spirit of the republic's indomitable indomitable spirit in the face of strong enemies will surely shine in Mr. Wang's pen!

He became famous at the age of 19, made a double mark at the age of 80, won the Mao Prize at the age of 81, and worked hard at the age of 88