
The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

author:Tomato Mommy

☻ Hello everyone, I am a tomato mother who practices lifelong learning!

Some time before my daughter came home, she said that her good friend Tao Tao was hospitalized, and it was said that there was a big problem with her teeth, and she was going to visit. Because we lived very close, we bought a little fruit and decided to go to Tao Tao's house for a while.

Tao Tao is only 5 years old, and when he talks like a grandmother in her 80s, she runs with her mouth full of wind. The child's teeth were all black, rotten, and often had toothaches and inflammation. Her mother also took him to the dentist, thinking that he could repair it, but the doctor said that some of the teeth were too bad to be done, and all the broken roots had to be removed.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

So Tao Tao wanted to pull out four teeth, and the doctor gave him local anesthesia, but because of the child's poor self-control ability, several doctors and nurses could not press it, and once let Tao's mother walk away.

Tao Tao's mother told me that she was frightened at the time, afraid that something would happen when the baby pulled out her teeth. She really regretted that she didn't pay attention to the health of her baby's baby teeth. I thought that if I didn't give my child sugar, even if my deciduous teeth were broken, it would be okay, and in order to save trouble, the result was that the child suffered a lot of sins.


In fact, like many parents around us and Tao Tao's mother, they do not pay attention to the protection of deciduous teeth when their children are young. I feel that the child's deciduous teeth will have to be replaced sooner or later, waiting for the child to change the permanent teeth, and then brushing the teeth well is not too late.

Therefore, the incidence of caries in children on the mainland is very high. According to the fourth national oral health epidemiological survey report in 2017, the incidence of deciduous tooth caries in 5-year-old children in mainland China is as high as 70.9%.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

Deciduous tooth caries is not important, this is a very wrong idea, young children caries on the child's harm, more than parents think.

➊ Baby deciduous teeth caries, may affect the growth and development of permanent teeth

Our neighbor's child, because the deciduous teeth have long been broken, the permanent teeth are slow to grow. After going to the hospital, the doctor said that because the bacterial infection of the deciduous teeth is more serious, it has affected the tooth embryo of the permanent teeth below, and the permanent teeth are likely to not grow out.

Deciduous teeth are broken, which affects the growth of permanent teeth, which is very troublesome.

➋ Deciduous teeth caries, affecting the child's nutrient absorption.

When a child eats, the chewing of teeth is the first digestive procedure. If the deciduous teeth are broken and the food is not chewed enough, it will affect the absorption of nutrients. If the child forms the habit of eating and swallowing dates, it will affect the child's physical development for a long time.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

➌ Bad teeth, which affect the development of children's language expression ability.

In addition to the role of teeth in chewing food, there is also a great influence on children's pronunciation standards. The child has broken teeth, leaks air in speech, and is not pronounced clearly. Affecting the development of children's language expression ability, it is also easy for him to have psychological inferiority, dare not speak, and dare not show his mouth when laughing.

In order for the child to have a healthy mouth, the dentist recommends that parents protect the child's teeth and start from the baby's birth.


From the time the child has no teeth after birth to the time the teeth are fully developed, there are three stages, the deciduous period, the replacement period and the permanent tooth period.

Deciduous teeth refers to the period from the time the baby grows the first tooth to the beginning of the first permanent tooth, which is about from the baby's six months to about 6 years old. The complete germination of deciduous teeth, about six months from the baby's six months, to the baby's two and a half years old, 20 deciduous teeth are basically out, we can call it the "germination period" of the deciduous teeth.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

When the child is about 6 years old, the last six-year-old tooth grows out, and the first front teeth are also replaced, which begins to enter the period of breast replacement. All deciduous teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth, a process that will probably start at the age of 6 and continue until the child is about 12 years old, which is called the replacement period.

After the age of 12, the child's permanent teeth will accompany us throughout our lives, and this longest period is the permanent teeth period.

The reason why I say the three periods of children's teeth here is to tell parents: if you want to protect your child's teeth, you must use different protection methods at each stage of your child's teeth, so that your child's teeth will be healthier and your appearance will be higher in the future.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

How exactly do you protect your child's teeth?

(A) During the germination period of baby's deciduous teeth, it is recommended to use a soft toothbrush to clean the teeth.

The dentist recommends that the baby's deciduous teeth begin to germinate and grow the first teeth, so you should pay attention to the cleaning of the teeth. During the germination period of deciduous teeth, how should we protect our children's teeth?

Babies have just grown one or two teeth, and many parents like to dip gauze in water to help their children wipe their teeth. I still recommend that parents do not use this method for a long time, because the cleaning may not be in place. You can buy a breast toothbrush that is soft enough for your child to help your child clean his mouth.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

(B) Before the age of 3, it is not recommended for babies to brush their teeth alone, two ways of brushing their teeth to help the baby clean and clean the mouth hygiene.

Babies before the age of three, their hand fine movements are not fully developed, and the correct way of brushing their teeth is not well mastered. Therefore, parents need to guide their children to guide them gradually.

Parents help the baby brush teeth, guide the baby to learn to brush his teeth, you can use these two brushing methods: one is the Pap brushing method, the toothbrush and teeth are tilted at 45 °, gently forced, the residue in the teeth will be cleaned out.

Another way to brush your teeth is the rotary brushing method. The toothbrush cleans the teeth one by one in your mouth in the order you are accustomed to, and in a few moments it will be clean.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

(C) After the age of 3, the baby can brush his teeth independently, we advocate age-sharing dental care, and choosing a toothbrush for the right child is the most important.

We women are very good at maintaining their own skin, according to different ages, the skin state is not the same, choose different nutrients of cosmetics.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

The cleaning of children's teeth should also be based on the age characteristics of children, and the appropriate children's toothbrush should be selected. Some children's toothbrushes on the market are set to be suitable for children aged 3-12 years, which is unscientific.


Why do we advocate age-sharing dental care?

The child's body is constantly developing, the size of the teeth, the softness of the material, and the child's health status, the size of the oral jawbone development, the mouth, teeth to achieve a thorough cleaning effect. It is necessary to do a good job of nursing according to the degree of tooth development and the teeth during the teeth change and teething period. Just like children of different ages need different ways of education.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

My daughter used to be a "difficult household" to brush her teeth, brushing her teeth is always sloppy to deal with things, see our adults use electric toothbrushes, will say: "Anyway, you adults save trouble, and you don't have to brush your teeth vigorously." "It wasn't until I found a particularly good electric toothbrush for children that she now fell in love with brushing her teeth. That is rijioo rigill brand electric children's toothbrush, an electric toothbrush that focuses on children's ageing.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

☆ RIJIOO rigiou brand electric children's toothbrush, giving people the first feeling - meticulous, attentive, professional.

My daughter began to like brushing her teeth, and she said that this electric toothbrush is more comfortable than brushing my own teeth. RIJIOO's electric toothbrush, its brush head is very small, and slender, the brush head design in accordance with the size ratio of 1:2 with the teeth, flexible operation in the mouth, toothbrush and teeth will not appear bump phenomenon.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

Moreover, the bristles of the toothbrush are imported DuPont bristles, and the top grinding round rate of the bristles is as high as 85%, which is 1.6 times that of the national standard, and there will be no uncomfortable feeling when brushing to the gums. Considering that during the teeth change period, the baby will be loose due to the tooth root of the tooth change, the gums are red and swollen and sensitive, RIJIOO adopts the X-type soft and hard mixed hair implant technology, the X-shaped clean hair is effectively cleaned, and the surrounding soft hair cares for the gums, alleviating the irritation to the gums, and cleaning the oral debris and plaque in the teeth with maximum efficiency.

☆ RIJIOO brand electric children's toothbrush, age-specific dental care expert - more scientific and professional.

Some children's electric toothbrushes on the market are universal versions of 3 to 12 years old. The Rigi Gull brand electric children's toothbrush, it is finely according to the stage of children's tooth development, the development of children's electric toothbrushes suitable for children's "onset teeth", "deciduous teeth", "change of teeth", "young permanent teeth" and other stages of children's electric toothbrushes.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

Through cooperation with 30 children's dental institutions, the company according to the baby's different ages of oral and teeth development characteristics, from the softness of the toothbrush, the size and shape of the brush head, the size of the power are designed fine, professional, scientific, to give children's teeth, the greatest degree of care.

☆ RIJIOO brand electric children's toothbrush is suitable for children to use products, the design is very simple, one key start.

The first time my daughter used it, she was able to handle it herself. Moreover, it has different gears, and there is always a cleaning force that is suitable for children. A button in the middle, on, off, shift, one key to solve, the operation is very convenient.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

This electric toothbrush is waterproof rated IPX7, my daughter often brushes her teeth while taking a bath, and the toothbrush falls in water and rinses the whole machine with water. The battery life of the toothbrush is also very powerful, charging one night, you can use it for more than three months, it can be said that this level of endurance, beyond many first-line brands, parents can rest assured to use.

The 5-year-old boy has rotten teeth and black teeth, and the "culprit" is not candy, but the negligence of her mother

As for the exquisite packaging, high appearance, children like it very much, which is the most intuitive advantage. If your child does not like to brush teeth, teeth black, yellow, but pay attention, may wish to buy a RIJIOO Reggie Gull brand electric children's toothbrush for the child, let the child from the small teeth healthy, white, the value of the face from a young win in the starting line.

RIJIOO Rigiou Children's Age-Sharing Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush Designed for Children 6-12 Years Old Reject Caries Care Brush Head*2 Powder 【6-12 Years Old Exclusive】2 Brush Head ¥299 Purchase