
What are the three most unforgivable stupid deeds when falling in love with Gemini?

What are the three most unforgivable stupid deeds when falling in love with Gemini?

1. Monitor their every move all day long, and even spy on privacy!

Gemini likes to live a free life, they hate being restricted by others, and they hate being each other's "prisoners" even more. Lovers who practice surveillance in the name of "care" will be warned by Gemini with a yellow card. And stupid behavior such as peeking at their diaries and emails, and call logs is even more intolerable to Gemini, and they will directly punish you for the "red card"!

What are the three most unforgivable stupid deeds when falling in love with Gemini?

2, too wordy, too nagging, too troublesome!

Gemini advocates simplicity and clarity, and most hates wordy people and repetitive preaching. If their lover happens to be this kind of person, Gemini will jump up! In addition, don't always give them trouble, love is to be relaxed and simple, if you always put forward any rules and precautions for them, be careful that they immediately throw their hands away!

What are the three most unforgivable stupid deeds when falling in love with Gemini?

3. Restrict their association with friends!

For Gemini, friends are important, and they can't live without friendship. So, if you're a person who doesn't like your partner to have too much socializing, you'd better not look for Gemini as a lover. They are not your private property, and any little distrust of them that you have, they will be aware of. And don't ask the question that is too stupid to be stupid - "Which is more important between me and your friends, do you want me or do you want your fox friends?" Gemini will only give you a blank stare when you are two hundred and five, and then, as if to find their friends dashing and happy.

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