
Why is Nightingale also known as the Lantern Goddess?

author:Hainan Xiaojia
Why is Nightingale also known as the Lantern Goddess?

Nightingale is a very famous nurse and statistician in British history, and she has devoted her life's time and energy to the development of nursing. Nightingale is the founder of modern nursing, her achievements in nursing career are very large, of course, she also won a lot of honors and praise, such as Nightingale is known as "the angel of Crimea", also known as "lantern goddess". The title of "Angel of Crimea" may be understood by many people, but many people have doubts about the title of "Lantern Goddess", so why is Nightingale also called the Lantern Goddess?

The question of why Nightingale is also known as the Lantern Goddess dates back to the Crimean War. After the outbreak of the Crimean War, Nightingale actively sought to work in the hospital on the front line of the Crimean War from the military, and on October 21, 1854, Nightingale and thirty-eight female nurses went to work at the Crimean Field Hospital and served as the head nurse of the hospital.

During this time, Nightingale analyzed a lot of material and concluded that most of the deaths of British soldiers were due to contracting diseases outside the battlefield and lacking professional care after being wounded. So when Nightingale was the head nurse, he took very careful care of the patient, carrying a lamp every night to check the condition of a patient. Of course, Nightingale's lantern care for the sick was remembered by every soldier in the Crimean War, and her spirit of selfless dedication touched every British soldier. Therefore, the British soldiers praised Nightingale as "the angel of Crimea" or "the goddess of the lantern", which is why Nightingale is also known as the goddess of the lantern. Nightingale

What happened to Nightingale?

International Nurses Day is celebrated on 12 May because it is the birthday of Nightingale, a British nurse and statistician who was the founder of modern nursing. It can be said that Nightingale is very famous in the entire medical community, so what are the deeds of Nightingale?

In 1820, Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy, on a trip to her parents, who named her the city Florence: Florence Nightingale. After studying nursing in Germany, Nightingale returned to England to work in a hospital in London, where she became head nurse in 1853. After the outbreak of the Crimean War, Nightingale actively sought to open a hospital on the front line, and on October 21, 1854, Nightingale went to work with 38 nurses at the Crimean Field Hospital and served as the head nurse of the hospital. During this time she actively cared for the sick and was known as the "Angel of Crimea".

In 1860, Nightingale used more than 4,000 pounds of government rewards to create the world's first formal nursing school, and since then Nightingale has founded many nurse training classes, which has led to her being known as the founder of modern nursing education. In 1901, Nightingale was blinded by overwork, and in 1907 Nightingale was awarded the Medal of Merit by the Queen of England, after which she initiated and organized the International Red Cross. In 1908, Nightingale was awarded the London Freedom Prize, and on 13 August 1910, Nightingale died at the age of 90.

These are the main deeds of Nightingale's life. It can be said that Nightingale has dedicated her life to the cause of nursing, dedicated to the world, she has never married, and has been working hard for the cause of nursing. This is the main reason why she is deeply respected. Nightingale

Nightingale's family background

According to the data, Nightingale's father was called William Edward Nightingale, and his mother was called Fanny Smith, and the family conditions were quite good, and they were the british high society class at that time. Nightingale's father, William Edward, graduated from cambridge university in the United Kingdom, excelled in mathematics, and was proficient in English, French, German and Italian languages; In addition, Nightingale's father was well versed in ancient literature, natural science, historical relics philosophy, and was also gifted in music and painting. It can be said that Nightingale's father, William Edward, was a polymath and a highly cultured man. Nightingale's father, Fanny Smith, was born into a prominent family in England, a very wealthy family, and the times were good.

Nightingale's family background can be said to be very good in England at that time, and as a young woman, she lived a carefree life, served at all times, and often dealt with aristocratic figures. Nightingale's parents give him more than £5,000 a year as pocket money so that she can live comfortably outside of work. But Nightingale felt that such a life had no meaning, so she chose a nursing career despite her parents' objections. After becoming a nurse, Nightingale felt that such a life was what he wanted, so he insisted on constantly struggling in the nursing career.

In short, Nightingale's family background is very good, her family is in the British high society, the family is wealthy. Both father and mother are very cultured and cultured people. Nightingale

Evaluation of Nightingale

As we all know, Nightingale was a famous nurse and statistician in britain, who pioneered the professional nursing career in modern times. Nightingale is very famous throughout the medical community, and the name Nightingale has become synonymous with the spirit of nurses. So what do people think of Nightingale?

In general, people's evaluation of Nightingale is very high, and nightingale's contribution to the nursing career is fully affirmed. As early as 1853, when Nightingale went to work in the Crimean Field Hospital, all the officers and soldiers who were wounded at that time had highly praised Nightingale as "the angel of Crimea", and "angel" once spoke highly of Nightingale's meticulous care for the sick, and to this day, the angel in white refers specifically to nurses. Of course, this title originated from Nightingale and is a high praise for Nightingale, the founder of the nursing business.

Later, people's evaluation views on Nightingale were also very many, mainly the following points: First, Nightingale was a person who dared to insist on his dreams. Nightingale was born into a British high-society family, but despite her parents' objections, she resolutely chose a nursing career and continued to do so.

Second, Nightingale gave everything she had, including youth and life, to the cause of nursing. In order to reduce the casualties of soldiers, Nightingale traveled thousands of miles to the front line of the Crimean War to treat the wounded, and since then she has established the world's first regular nursing school and worked tirelessly for the cause of nursing. Eventually, she became blind due to exertion, but also because of overwork, and eventually died in sleep.

Third, Nightingale's contribution to the entire nursing profession was enormous. Because of Nightingale's unremitting efforts, there has been an improvement in the social status and social image of nurses. The nurse's becoming a symbol of nobility is inextricably linked to Nightingale's great contribution. These are the main evaluations of Nightingale, in short, when people evaluate Nightingale, they fully affirm her great contribution to the cause of nursing and nursing education.

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