
This constellation game is all fake

This constellation game is all fake
This constellation game is all fake

Welcome to this new collection of zodiac signs. This time we discuss a topic that may be a little serious, the main problems that the zodiac signs face in the process of growing up are due to the inherent characteristics of the signs themselves. What are the personality factors that will bring you some negative effects, which you need to consciously overcome in order to achieve growth. In particular, the constellation itself may not be aware of the problem, or it is aware of but not very willing to face the problem. To put it simply, I'm going to talk about your shortcomings.

I have written many series before will emphasize to you, this is just the characteristics of this sign or habit of thinking, many times when analyzing the two signs to get along, I will try to teach you some methods of mutual understanding and acceptance of run-in, because I think a lot of it can not be called a shortcoming, nor can it be distinguished who is right and who is wrong, and who must be corrected. But the problems this series says, I think, really need to be able to pay attention to a little, if you want to grow, you may have to cross that hurdle. Some of them, if left unchecked, or go to a more extreme situation, will have a big, long-term impact. So I said this series would have some seriousness. It is not to scare everyone, I hope that everyone will be patient and listen to it - from Xiao Yang's "clichés" and "long-term" life lecture hall.

Today, there may be a lot of people who can guess by looking at the title, it is Gemini's turn.

Get used to self-misunderstanding.

Many people often say that they don't understand Gemini very well. Gemini themselves are too. They seem to be quite shrewd, not only do they misunderstand themselves a lot, but they are also prone to emotional things and can't figure out what they really want. When I discuss Gemini with my colleagues, I unanimously find that geminis are actually prone to falling into bitterness. Let's think about the advantages of Gemini Oh, everyone thinks that Gemini is so exquisite that he can speak the tao, get along with people very naturally and freely, it is easy to make others feel intimate, they themselves love to communicate with the outside world, and all kinds of small wisdom can detect everyone's likes and dislikes. Isn't every feeling a love master? It may be true that there are more opportunities for love, but there are not too many Gemini who can talk about love well. Even they often push themselves into desperate situations, especially in the case of twins.

Gemini is just an easy idea to start doing something on a whim without thinking about it. Emotionally, it is especially easy to get on the head, because it has gained a momentary happiness and planted it. And it's extremely easy to indulge in. I used to praise gemini's inclusiveness, thinking that they had a pair of eyes that found beauty, and might see the good in various people, which was a good feature when it came to meeting friends. But when in love, it is not a good thing. Gemini is always attracted to some inexplicable points, with some people who are not suitable for them. And in an instant it was very head-on. They will continue to reinforce the person's goodness, as well as strengthen their preferences and emotions, so that everything becomes rationalized. Then they really break through all odds and stick to this relationship. Once you really get moved, it's hard to give up.

The worse situation is that the other party may be a suitable person, who happens to take the spiritual route, so that Gemini feels that he is in touch with his own heart, and feels that he is a person who can understand himself, and there is nothing to stop Gemini. Maybe this person is not single, maybe the two people are very disproportionate in social status, maybe the actual conditions are not allowed, it may be different, and there is no human ethic or social rules that can stop gemini above. But the truth is that we can't live only in the utopia of the spiritual world forever, and the actual conditions and the relationships around us will eventually affect and restrict our behavior, causing Gemini to fall into great pain.

The reason why we don't feel less obvious about Gemini's daily love is because Gemini never falters because of a failed relationship, and they don't learn much next time, and then they come by nature, and then they are planted in another unreliable relationship. My Gemini friends are really in love every time they fall in love. This leads to the fact that gemini can not have a stable relationship all rely on luck, the initiative is completely in the hands of the other party. Emotional stability is actually a very important condition for Gemini to grow. All superficial relationships are a temporary pleasure for Gemini, who need to master the method of making a real connection with people in intimate relationships and build real confidence.

Unable to get along with loneliness.

Gemini is easy to be accused of "scum" in fact, it is not unjust, because they are too easy to get acquainted with, and they need to be accompanied. If this person can make Gemini happy, they will lose their measure to get along, not only to let the other party misunderstand, but even to misunderstand that this is like. When I found out that things were not right, I had been given the name of scum. I teach you a little trick to avoid being "scum" by Gemini, that is, the more unnatural gems get along with you, the more incoherent they are, the more confusing you are, and the happier and the lower they are, it must be heartfelt. If you have enough words and clever words to open your mouth, you will definitely not be on that part. Gemini is essentially an instigation, and the more you want something in your heart, the more you dare not fight for it.

Gemini insists on being with the things that make them happy, hoping that information can surround them, and can't stand loneliness, and they all come from the same reason, especially pessimistic. Maybe you have thought of a hundred ways to be rejected before confessing to the person you like, and you can't accept this bad ending, so forget it, don't take the first step. When Gemini is lonely, this huge inferiority and pessimism will strike uncontrollably, so they don't want to let themselves have time to idle and think, don't want to observe internally, and let the more sensitive and inferior part occupy most of their time.

At the beginning, the way Gemini dealt with the problem was to escape, and if you can bypass it, you can go around it as much as possible, as long as it is well covered up, you may not have to face this problem again in this life. The way to face yourself is to try not to think about the side you don't want to accept. I cover up the problem with more happiness, I let more people surround myself, so that I don't have time to think about bad things. Even if the other party is not so suitable, as long as I can accompany me, I may as well try it, and I can fill my vacancy time. A lot of Gemini have low times, but they go back and tell, haha I'm fine. Whether it's really good or covered up, only Gemini themselves know.

If you deviate, you will not be able to deal with the problems of inferiority and negativity for a long time. Gemini may become two less pleasing people. A kind of never walking the heart, and ordinary people habitually giggle and haha, very good at talking about the scene, and when you want to go with him, his vigilance is particularly high, repeated temptation. The feeling is that there is no heart. In fact, it is pessimism about emotions. There is also a kind of capital that cares very much about practical interests, insists on hard work, and then everything seems to show off, in fact, it is to continuously strengthen their self-confidence. In any case, it is a symptom rather than a cure.

Gemini is really a very easy to go to the negative sign, but they themselves are completely unable to accept the negative, do not know how to get along with the negative, so the way to choose is to avoid, refuse to accept, refuse to accept their negative side, refuse to accept the negative side of themselves, refuse to accept the people who make them have negative emotions. They think that as long as they get along with the part that can make them happy, they may have a lot of resistance to themselves, can't accept themselves who will be depressed, and can't find a solution. Then it's easy to back off, because it may be useless to try the effort. I also lose touch with someone I really like, because I think about losing before I open my mouth. No matter which zodiac sign, being able to get along with your bad emotions must be the first step in growth. Only by accepting the unsatisfactory side of yourself can there be hope of changing it.

Written | Alex (Yang)

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