
Are you fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

author:Armor nurse
People spend 1/3 of the day in sleep, and then sleep can help the body's cells to repair effectively and keep the organs well rested. Waking up in the morning of day 2 can effectively restore physical strength and energy, and maintain good vitality into work.

Sleep is a physiological activity that everyone must complete every day, in the process of sleep, the human body can get full relaxation and rest, damaged cells and tissues can also get a full supply of nutrients, about 1/3 of the time of people's life is spent in sleep, reasonable adjustment of work and rest, regular sleep, in order to better maintain physical health.

Are you fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

What harm will long-term lack of sleep bring to the body?

1. Long-term lack of sleep can lead to depression

In fact, insomnia and depression have a very close relationship, if you insomnia for a long time to their own lack of sleep, it is easy to let us suffer from depression, so in the usual life we should pay more attention to their sleep time, do not let depression affect their own body.

Are you fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

2, long-term lack of sleep is easy to make us aging

Many people are very concerned about the problem of aging, they all hope that their appearance can look younger and younger, in fact, if the long-term lack of sleep is easy to make us become old, because our body needs to detoxify during this time of sleep, if there is no good sleep during this time, it will actually make our body unable to detoxify, long-term accumulation of toxins will make our skin look very poor, and there will be a variety of symptoms of aging.

Are you fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

3. Long-term lack of sleep leads to memory decline

Not sleeping can cause memories to decline rapidly. This is because we need to strengthen the connection between brain cells through sleep and enhance long-term memory. If there is a lack of sleep for a long time, the brain will become confused due to the lack of rest, and it will be difficult to remember things.

4. Lack of sleep, improve the risk of death

Long-term sleep duration is less than 6 hours, with a higher mortality rate. In the recent international journal Cell Research, staying up late not only damages the brain and cardiovascular system, but even damages our intestines. And the probability of causing sudden death increases. Often read the news reports will find that staying up late for a long time is easy to cause sudden death.

Are you fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

5, lack of sleep, the risk of cancer will also increase

Prolonged lack of sleep can lead to disturbances in the secretion hormones in the human body, which can lead to abnormal cellular metabolism in the body, and even lead to mutations in cells. People with chronic sleep deprivation had a 24 percent increased risk of tumors compared to people with regular rest.

Are you fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

Everyone is fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

"8-hour sleep theory", many friends believe that it is true, insist on sleeping more than eight hours a day, but this kind of sleep theory is not suitable for everyone, and there are different differences in different individuals How long each person sleeps every day There is no unified answer. Some people only need 6 hours of sleep to be enough, while others need more than 10 hours to be energetic.

Are you fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

According to the relevant research of the World Health Organization, there is no relevant basis, sleep eight hours is beneficial to everyone, under normal circumstances, the health of the human body must be maintained through self-sufficiency and multi-faceted, therefore, we can not say that we will be healthy after eight hours of sleep, this statement is unscientific, we should not be blinded by eight hours of sleep.

Depending on the age group, not everyone needs to strictly follow the 8-hour sleep time to demand themselves, in other words, different people have different sleep standards, in today's fast pace of life, some people will face huge work and study pressure, these people need to frequently sleep at night overtime to study, so for such a group, the sleep mechanism should be changed.

Are you fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

For male friends aged 50 to 60, the daily sleep time should be controlled at about 6.5 to 7.5 hours. Due to changes in the level of hormone secretion in the body, it is recommended that you maintain the best sleep time of about 7.5 to 8 hours, and it is best to ensure that it is around 9:40 p.m. to 5:20 a.m.

Elderly people have different physical fitness, more likely to suffer from chronic diseases and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, if you sleep too long, it will have a certain impact on the body, so it is recommended that the elderly sleep time control in 6 to 7 hours.

Middle-aged and elderly people should not snooze, sleeping too much will hurt their bodies

For middle-aged and elderly people, in fact, too much sleep is not a good thing! It is likely to pose some adverse risks to health.

Zou Zhili, deputy chief physician of the Psychosomatic Medical Center of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, said that too much sleep in the elderly may lead to slower metabolism in the body, causing symptoms such as memory loss and accelerated brain aging.

Are you fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

This is mainly due to the fact that if you sleep for a long time, the body's metabolic efficiency will slow down the muscles, because not getting enough oxygen and nutrient supply will easily bring about a very serious feeling of fatigue.

Under this problem, sleeping too long will easily affect heart function, and when people sleep, our hearts are relatively in a state of rest.

Middle-aged and elderly people, how to improve sleep problems? Try these 4 natural "sleeping pills"

1. Angelica tea

Angelica is a common Chinese herbal medicine in our lives, and is often used by us to stew and make soups to drink. Angelica itself has a certain tonic effect on the human body, can help the human body nourish yin and activate blood, with angelica to make tea can help us soothe the nerves, relieve the tight pressure, and then let us sleep more peacefully.

Are you fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

2. Millet porridge

Millet porridge has the reputation of ginseng soup, and millet contains more nutrients. It not only contains nutrients contained in other grains and cereals, but also has its own unique features. It is easy to feel tired when it is almost time to go to bed, which helps the arrival of quality sleep, so this ingredient also hopes that you will eat some appropriately.

Are you fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

3. Lotus seeds

For people with frequent insomnia, palpitations, and irritability, use lotus seeds with white ear jujube soup, or use it to boil porridge to drink. Lotus seeds contain a lot of isotinoline, lotus root, aromatic glycosides, and raffinose and other ingredients, which can play a calming effect.

Are you fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

4. Warm milk

Drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bed can be effective in helping sleep. Milk is rich in amino acids and other nutrients, amino acids can promote the secretion of melatonin, which in turn helps sleep. But this approach is only effective for patients with short-term insomnia.

Are you fooled by the "8-hour sleep theory"? What is the best time to sleep after the age of 50?

Conclusion: Although most people have experienced insomnia, mild insomnia may not have a great impact on people's lives and work, but in the process of long-term insomnia, it may put the body in a vicious circle of processes, and affect the normal immune system. Therefore, if you have serious insomnia, you must go to the hospital to ask for the doctor's advice.