
6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

author:Ichiki who loves flowers

Many people never prune flowers, which is the wrong habit, because the characteristic of the plant is that the more it is trimmed, the more it branches and the more it blooms. But this point many people do not know, if not pruned for a long time, the plant will grow thin and tall, the top of the flower will be gone, especially ugly. Below I have helped you sort out 6 kinds of flowers that need to be trimmed in the summer, which is convenient for everyone to remember.

6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

First, Ji Xiaoju

6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

Ji Xiao chrysanthemum is a very cute chrysanthemum, its flowers are not large, but incomparably bright, and the amount of flowers is mostly, as soon as it blooms, it can bloom a large flower ball, but this needs to be trimmed to achieve. If your chrysanthemum grows sparse flowers, then shave its head and prune it, then water and fertilize, it will quickly re-sprout and flower, and the amount of flowers will be greatly increased.

6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

Second, the petunia

6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

The petunia is a garden flowering machine that places several pots on the balcony, and when it blooms, it can bloom a sea of flowers. However, many people raise dwarf morning glory but in vain, the amount of flowers is very small, which is caused by not pruning, we can prune all the dwarf morning glory flat, so that it will re-emerge a large number of branches, the number of flowers will also be greatly increased.

6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

Third, small hibiscus

6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

The small hibiscus is also known as the flowering machine, because this plant is too capable of flowering, more than a hundred flowers at a time, and it is also very good to raise, thrown outdoors and can bloom popcorns. But many people do not prune, the amount of flowers is particularly small, it is characterized by the more pruning flowers, so if your small hibiscus flowers are few, quickly prune the branches.

6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

Fourth, the moon flowers

6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

Many people like to raise monthly flowers, but many novices never prune the monthly flowers, which is a serious mistake. The characteristic of the moon flower is that its flowers will continue to consume nutrients after withering, if it is not pruned, it is difficult to produce more flowers, so we must trim the residual flowers after the moon flowers, so that the moon flowers can bloom more and more.

6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

Fifth, sunflowers

6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

If the sunflower is not pruned for a long time, it will grow longer and longer, and it will have very few branches and grow very ugly. In order to increase the crown width of the sunflower and make it bloom more flowers, we must prune it, and the overly long branches can be cut in half directly, so that the sunflower will divide more branches and the amount of flowers will increase.

6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

Sixth, jasmine

6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

Many novice jasmine flowers will have such a problem, that is, the branches grow thin and tall, and only a small white flower blooms at the top, and there is no effect of raising a burst pot. In fact, this is due to the lack of pruning caused, jasmine is the more pruning branches, the larger the amount of flowers, we must be bold pruning, pruning after the application of some potassium dihydrogen phosphate fertilizer, can promote it to bloom more flowers.

6 kinds of "beautiful flowers", pruned in the summer, click a few scissors, and bloom into a large flower ball in the future

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