
What is the "white object" squeezed out on both sides of the nose? Is it a mite? Knowledge has increased

author:Dahui talks about popular science

In the 21st century, people look at their faces, and everyone cares a lot about their own faces, and how their appearance can feedback the mental health problems of the whole person.

For female friends, the skin condition is related to age. A person's facial skin is smooth and translucent and white, and it will definitely make people feel very young.

What is the "white object" squeezed out on both sides of the nose? Is it a mite? Knowledge has increased

As the saying goes, everyone has a heart for beauty, once there is a problem on the face, everyone must improve as much as possible and seek a variety of skin care methods for treatment.

So the question is, are some of the white dirty secretions that appear on both sides of the nose mites? Or some pores clogged with dirt? Let's take a look.

What is the "white object" squeezed out on both sides of the nose? Is it a mite? Knowledge has increased

In general, the white substances extruded from both sides of the nose are mostly some oils or lipid hoards secreted by sebaceous glandular hair follicles.

What is the "white object" squeezed out on both sides of the nose? Is it a mite? Knowledge has increased

Because the sebaceous glands on both sides of the nose are very developed, it is easy to produce oil, especially in the summer, when you wake up, you look full of oil, and these oils play a protective role in the skin and protect the stratum corneum.

Oil secretions

If the skin on the nose is normal in color, it is not blackened. By squeezing or pushing, the nose secretes something white, indicating a mixture of oils and fats that form a mixture of oils in the pores. It is important to note that these whiteheads may also be acne, which develop with keratin to block each other over time.

Mite secretions

If a white substance appears after pressing on a blackhead on the nose, it may be that the mite secretion is damaged. These mites prefer moist and greasy places, and this epidermal cell causes the hair follicles to secrete a lot of oil, and after the mites enter the pores, they prompt the sebaceous glands to secrete more oily substances.

Dust in the air, granular apoptosis of growth cells, skin cells mixing with each other, clogging pores.

The reason why the white secretions on both sides of the skin turn black is because they are often affected by dust particles with air oxidation.

In this case, there will be small black dots twice, which is what dermatologists call blackheads, and there will be a long secretion after squeezing, and the color will be white.

What is the "white object" squeezed out on both sides of the nose? Is it a mite? Knowledge has increased

In general, doctors do not recommend that people squeeze the sebaceous glands on both sides of the nose. Although these places are very greasy and squeezed together to produce white greasy acid, there is often a chance to cause scarring of pigment residue, resulting in enlarged pores and repeated recurrence of blackheads.

So the question is, how can you stay away from strawberry nose?

First of all, everyone uses facial cleanser to clean the skin, and finally use a hot towel to apply a local, which can effectively open the pores to better wash away dirty things.

Secondly, it is possible to wash your face with sulfur soap to remove oil and kill bacterial mites resulting in a decrease in secretions. It should be noted that sulfur soap will irritate the skin, so do not use it to wash your face frequently, which will lead to the development of sensitive skin.

Third, if the skin is more resistant, you can use salt to help, salt can be anti-inflammatory and sterile, wet the face with hot water, wait for the pores to open, apply the salt to the place with blackheads on the nose, gently massage and rub, until the salt is all melted, wash it clean.

What is the "white object" squeezed out on both sides of the nose? Is it a mite? Knowledge has increased

It should be noted that many people's skin itself is very sensitive, and it is better for everyone to be careful.

Finally, in addition to changes in skin care methods, be sure to start more in your diet, eat less spicy oils, foods with high cholesterol, go to bed early and get up early to correctly skin care, wash your face before makeup, and thank you for the skin metabolism environment.

Read further: Be sure to pay attention to sun protection on your face during the summer months.

Ultraviolet rays are an important killer of accelerating skin aging, and we must do a good job of sun protection in the summer, whether it is chemical sun protection or physical sun protection, as far as possible to achieve a two-pronged approach.

1, be sure to choose a mild cleanser, morning and evening, if you want to save oil to protect the skin, it is recommended not to wash your face in the morning, clean at night.

2, be sure to do a good job of moisturizing work, choose some moisturizing lotion essence to dry the face immediately after use, do not stay too long. Of course, cosmeceuticals are the best choice, there are many cosmetics with sensitizing ingredients, especially in the summer when the skin is changed to a state of hydration can improve allergic reactions.

3, sunscreen must contain high sunscreen index at the same time do not choose with alcohol sunscreen function. According to the time you go out, you should also use it correctly indoors and outdoors. Wear a sunscreen hat and sunscreen to protect against UV rays from harmful skin.

What is the "white object" squeezed out on both sides of the nose? Is it a mite? Knowledge has increased

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