
When going to the toilet, if there are 3 manifestations, or a signal of high blood sugar, don't take it seriously

author:Dr. Song said popular science

Diabetes has now become a common disease, the incidence of diabetes, the prevalence of diabetes in the mainland is about 2% to 4%, there are about 70 million patients, second only to India, ranking second in the world, and now has become the third health killer after cardiovascular and tumors.

As we all know, although medical technology in the mainland is constantly advancing, there is no complete cure for the chronic metabolic disease of diabetes, and patients can only be stably treated by taking long-term hypoglycemic drugs or injecting insulin.

When going to the toilet, if there are 3 manifestations, or a signal of high blood sugar, don't take it seriously

In addition to taking medicine on time, it is also necessary to develop good living and eating habits, closely observe their own body changes, and once abnormalities are found, timely medical examination can greatly delay the progression of diabetes.

When going to the toilet, if there are 3 manifestations, or a signal of high blood sugar, don't take it seriously

1. Increased urine output

Due to the lack of insulin or the reason for combined insulin resistance, it will lead to high blood sugar is difficult to enter the cell to be used, then the concentration of glucose in the plasma increases significantly, and the increase in glucose concentration in the plasma will lead to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the urine in the kidneys when excreting, which will lead to osmotic diuresis.

Urinary glucose is excreted to take away water from the body, leading to polyuria in diabetics, which is often indicative of poor glycemic control.

When going to the toilet, if there are 3 manifestations, or a signal of high blood sugar, don't take it seriously

2. Foamy urine

If you have poor control over your condition, it is likely that there will be foamy urine, which often indicates the production of diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy as a characteristic microvascular complication of diabetes, it is completely normal in the early stage, but if you enter the third stage, there will be a case of microalbuminuria, with a little foam in the urine.

If the disease further develops into diabetic nephropathy, stage 4, the foam in the urine will be very obvious, belongs to the typical large amount of proteinuria, if the disease is not controlled in time at this time, it is likely to enter stage 5, that is, the stage of uremia, the patient's quality of life will be greatly affected, can only rely on dialysis to maintain life.

When going to the toilet, if there are 3 manifestations, or a signal of high blood sugar, don't take it seriously

3. Urine hanging on the wall

Urine hanging on the wall is to say that urine will not slip away immediately after being discharged, but there will be adhesion, even if it is discharged into the urinal, it will be found that the flow is very slow, which is the phenomenon of urine hanging on the wall.

The urine hangs on the wall because there is a lot of sugar in the urine, and the sugar is easy to stick, which is the initial symptom of diabetic patients.

When going to the toilet, if there are 3 manifestations, or a signal of high blood sugar, don't take it seriously

Other symptoms of diabetes

1. Blurred vision

Many patients with diabetes complain of decreased or blurred vision at an early stage, which may be mainly related to changes in crystal osmolality caused by high blood sugar, causing changes in crystal diopter. In the early stages, most of the functional changes are generally occurring, and once the blood glucose is well controlled, vision can return to normal more quickly.

2. General weakness

It is also common in diabetic patients, because glucose can not be completely oxidized, that is, the human body can not make full use of glucose and effectively release energy, while tissue dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and negative nitrogen balance, etc., so feel fatigue, mental atrophy.

When going to the toilet, if there are 3 manifestations, or a signal of high blood sugar, don't take it seriously

3. Foot paralysis

Foot paralysis or pain Many people do not care very much, simply think that it is caused by walking too much, and think that more rest will get better. As we all know, foot paralysis is also one of the early symptoms of diabetes, diabetic nerve damage develops from the bottom up, and foot symptoms are the earliest signals.

4, often hungry

Eating a lot of food but still feeling hungry is due to the abnormal function of insulin in the body, resulting in low functioning of fat, muscles and other tissues and organs. Among them, the pancreas, which plays a key role, secretes too much insulin, which will prompt the brain to produce a feeling of fasting, which is also one of the early symptoms of diabetes.

When going to the toilet, if there are 3 manifestations, or a signal of high blood sugar, don't take it seriously

What complications can occur if blood glucose control is unstable?

Complications of diabetes are mainly divided into acute complications and chronic complications.

Acute complications, one is diabetic ketoacidosis, the other is hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome, which are two more serious complications of diabetes and require emergency treatment.

When going to the toilet, if there are 3 manifestations, or a signal of high blood sugar, don't take it seriously

Chronic complications fall into four broad categories:

1. Microvascular complications, mainly including diabetic nephropathy, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic cardiomyopathy; macrovascular complications refer to complications of atherosclerosis in all blood vessels, mainly including cerebral arteriosclerosis, coronary atherosclerosis, and renal atherosclerosis;

2. Nervous system complications: there are mainly peripheral neuropathy of diabetes, which is manifested as limb numbness, pain, weakness and other symptoms;

3. Autonomic neuropathy of diabetes mellitus: manifested as gastrointestinal paresis, patients with diarrhea, or constipation and other complex clinical symptoms;

4. Diabetic foot: mainly on the basis of vascular and neuropathy, the foot of diabetic patients is damaged and ruptured, thus concomitant infection, that is, diabetic foot, which is an important complication of diabetic disability.

How to lower blood sugar?

1. Eat more soy products

Soybeans are a source of plant protein, beneficial to diabetics, in addition to the unsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids and legosterols in soybeans can reduce blood cholesterol, while soybeans are also rich in inorganic salts, trace elements and B vitamins and other nutrients, can meet the nutritional needs of diabetic patients.

2. Weight control

Obese people mostly have insulin resistance, when more than 35% to 40% of the ideal body weight, the sensitivity of the tissue to insulin will drop by 30% to 40%, in order to maintain normal blood sugar, islet β cells secrete a large amount of insulin, so diet regulation is the key to weight loss, endurance exercise is very important, drugs can choose sibutramine and so on.

When going to the toilet, if there are 3 manifestations, or a signal of high blood sugar, don't take it seriously

3. Monitor blood glucose

Hyperglycemia is one of the main causes of diabetes symptoms and complications, and controlling high blood sugar is the key to treating diabetes. To know if diabetes is well controlled, blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin must be monitored frequently in order to adjust treatment in a timely manner to achieve glycemic control.

4. Exercise to lower sugar

Exercise therapy can increase insulin sensitivity, thereby improving glucose and fat metabolism, achieving the purpose of lowering sugar, lipids and weight loss, and improving physical and mental state throughout the body. In patients with mild and moderate diabetes, blood sugar can be controlled in a near-normal range, in part through dietary control and exercise therapy.