
During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Xiangqian was suddenly transferred away from the front line and did not go to the battlefield for 5 years, what was Chairman Mao's true intention

author:Zhengjueji Street 96

The revolutionary road of the Communist Party of China is a revolutionary road of blood and fire, and the ancestors took it as their duty to expel the Tartars and reshape China, and dedicated their talents and bravery to China's revolutionary cause. Successive generations of revolutionary ancestors have carried forward the past and finally achieved the glorious achievements of China today.

The Qing Dynasty government, reactionary warlords, bandits, bullies, and aggressors have always faced many difficulties in army building, and they are all enemies of the people and enemies of the people's army. In the deadly struggle against these enemies, the soldiers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army "obstructed a hundred rivers and went east, and returned to the storm and fell down," and achieved remarkable results.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Xiangqian was suddenly transferred away from the front line and did not go to the battlefield for 5 years, what was Chairman Mao's true intention

They ignited the passion of the whole nation, and lit a spark in the darkness. A group of talented and idealistic revolutionaries stood out from the masses of the people, who made many meritorious achievements in battle and who tried their best to turn the tide.

After the founding of New China, the Central Committee selected ten marshals based on their seniority, prestige, military achievements, qualities and abilities in China's revolutionary war, and Xu Xiangqian was one of them. Ranked as one of the top ten marshals, Xu Shuai's ability naturally does not need to be said, but such an outstanding military talent did not appear on the battlefield from 1940 to 1945.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Xiangqian was suddenly transferred away from the front line and did not go to the battlefield for 5 years, what was Chairman Mao's true intention

Xu Qianqian

Xu Xiangqian was born in Yong'an Village, Wutai County, Shanxi Province, the son of Xiucai in the late Qing Dynasty, and an ordinary peasant woman in his mother. Although his parents were unremarkable, their teaching of Xu Xiangqian made him unforgettable.

His father and mother were his first teachers, his father taught him to wait for people, and his mother took him to work and told him to be kind to others. Young Xu Xiangqian did not yet understand the connotation of equality and kindness taught by his parents, but he took it to heart and had many influences on his growth.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Xiangqian was suddenly transferred away from the front line and did not go to the battlefield for 5 years, what was Chairman Mao's true intention

Although the family is not rich, his parents are very concerned about Xu Xiangqian's education. When the new style of education first appeared, Xu Xiangqian entered the local new style school, where he was exposed to many unheard of trendy ideas, and this learning career had a major impact on his life.

Later, due to his family's poverty and his studies could not be maintained, Xu Xiangqian had to become an apprentice to support himself. The hardships of work and life made Xu Xiangqian more and more tenacious, although he was tired of heavy work, he never gave up studying, and as the revolutionary cause began to unfold, Xu Xiangqian resolutely decided to serve the country from the army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Xiangqian was suddenly transferred away from the front line and did not go to the battlefield for 5 years, what was Chairman Mao's true intention

In 1924, Xu Xiangqian entered the Whampoa Military Academy with the concept of serving the country from the military. After several months of study, Xu Xiangqian became a Chinese soldier as he wished.

The following year, full of hope, Xu Qianqian came to the Sixth Mixed Brigade of the National Revolutionary Army, where he did not see the hope of the country, but only the corruption of the people and the corruption of military discipline.

At the juncture when Xu Xiangqian was full of confusion, he read a lot of Lenin's works, and the Marxism in the works made Xu Xiangqian see hope again. The Three People's Principles cannot save China, only Marxism can save China, and with a new belief, Xu Xiangqian joined the Communist Party of China.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Xiangqian was suddenly transferred away from the front line and did not go to the battlefield for 5 years, what was Chairman Mao's true intention

Plagued by injuries

Xu Xiangqian was a highly qualified student at the Whampoa Military Academy, and he had good command ability and military accomplishment, and soon stood out from our army. Three years after joining the Communists, Xu Xiangqian became a deputy commander of the First Army of the Red Army.

In the past three years, Xu Qiangqian has experienced various battles of all sizes, and has made many military achievements, which can be described as meritorious achievements. By the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Xu Xiangqian had become the commander of the first column of the Eighth Route Army, holding a high position of authority. Although he is in a high position of authority, Xu Xiangqian still upholds his original belief and tries his best to do every battle without omission.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Xiangqian was suddenly transferred away from the front line and did not go to the battlefield for 5 years, what was Chairman Mao's true intention

Xu Xiangqian was always able to accomplish the combat tasks entrusted to him by the party, but in 1940, when the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was in full swing, the battlefield general was transferred away from the front line and remained in Yan'an.

Xu Xiangqian, as a battle-hardened and experienced general, did not want to transfer him from the front line unless he had to. However, the situation is stronger than people, the body is the capital of the revolution, and Xu Xiangqian's capital can no longer withstand the toss of battlefield labor.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Xiangqian was suddenly transferred away from the front line and did not go to the battlefield for 5 years, what was Chairman Mao's true intention

Xu Xiangqian has been fighting in all directions since he joined the Communist Party of China, and the harsh environment on the battlefield and the variety of combat tasks have made Xu Xiangqian's health deteriorate.

At the threshold of the Seventh National Congress of the Central Committee, he had to lie down and recuperate because of an accidental injury. The problems that Xu Xiangqian had accumulated for many years suddenly broke out, making him extremely weak, and his condition had not completely improved over and over again.

Xu Xiangqian's own actions also made his recuperation date continue to extend, in order to deal with military affairs, he has also been working non-stop on the sickbed, which directly led to lying in the hospital for half a year, Xu Xiangqian's body really improved.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Xiangqian was suddenly transferred away from the front line and did not go to the battlefield for 5 years, what was Chairman Mao's true intention

Rear work

Xu Xiangqian's conscientiousness and responsibility were touching, but the central authorities were very worried about his physical condition, and Chairman Mao and President Zhu decided after some consultation to adjust Xu Xiangqian to the front line, so they stayed in Yan'an while working and adjusting their bodies.

In order to stabilize Xu Xiangqian, Chairman Mao personally talked to him and asked him to take care of his health, not to worry about military affairs on the front line, and to stay in Yan'an to do revolutionary work, responsible for developing Yan'an production to provide material supplies for the frontline soldiers.

The importance of developing production Xu Xiangqian naturally understands, but he is a complete layman for how to develop production. In order to complete the revolutionary tasks that should be assigned, Xu Xiangqian began to actively think about countermeasures.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Xiangqian was suddenly transferred away from the front line and did not go to the battlefield for 5 years, what was Chairman Mao's true intention

Under the leadership of Xu Xiangqian, the troops in the border areas began a production movement of self-reliance and self-sufficiency. The famous Nanniwan was opened up at this time. In the past year, there has been a major breakthrough in production in the Border Region, and Xu Xiangqian has proved to the Party that he can not only fight but also engage in production, and the Party and Chairman Mao are also very satisfied with his work.

After successfully completing the task of developing production, Xu Xiangqian received a new appointment, the president of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University. As an important organization for cultivating party cadres, the president of Kang Da can be described as very important.

At this time, our army had begun to turn into a strategic offensive to continue cultivating talents, so Xu Xiangqian served as the acting principal of the Kang Da under the recommendation of Chairman Mao. Xu Xiangqian's profound knowledge and profound military attainments made him successful in conducting education in the Kang Da. It has well established revolutionary conviction for the cadres who have come to study and has cultivated a number of outstanding talents for the party.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Xiangqian was suddenly transferred away from the front line and did not go to the battlefield for 5 years, what was Chairman Mao's true intention

Brief summary:

Based on the love and affection of Chairman Mao and the Party Central Committee, Marshal Xu Qianqian stayed in Yan'an to work due to illness in 1940, and did not return to the battlefield again until 1945. Although he did not participate in the battle for five years, Marshal Xu Qianqian was still invincible and made many military achievements. Marshal Xu Qianqian was an excellent communist fighter, and no matter what kind of work the Party entrusted him, he could do it brilliantly.