
The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

author:History in the eyes of cats

Years later, when confronted with the firing squad's guns, cut. Che Guevara must have remembered the distant twilight when he went to Cuba alone to join the revolution

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

Unlike most revolutionary mentors, Guevara was born in Argentina to a very privileged family, and under the influence of his family, Guevara was very interested in politics from an early age, enrolled in the Medical Department of the University of Buenos Aires at the age of 20, and successfully completed his studies

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

However, the times can change a person's thinking and life trajectory, as described in Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude", in the fifties and sixties of the last century, the reality of Latin America is that almost all countries are military dictatorships, corruption is rife, the gap between rich and poor is jaw-dropping, the elite can sing night and night because of the monopoly of the country's resources, and most ordinary people can only struggle like ants for survival.

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

When he was a student, Guevara often rode his beloved Harley motorcycle around the Latin American countries, during which Guevara witnessed the poverty and hardship at the bottom, which made this nobleman from a famous family feel extremely shocked, so he had the unjust ideal of transforming the world through armed revolution in his heart

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

In the mid-1950s, Guevara met the Castro brothers in Mexico, the two sides saw each other, then returned to Cuba together to lead the armed revolution, and in 1959 established the first socialist regime in Latin America

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

However, one of the most common mistakes of idealistic revolutionaries is that they only know how to smash an old world, but do not know how to build a new world, and after seizing power, they all transform the country according to their own assumptions, while the ideas of revolutionaries are usually very extreme, often bringing deep disasters to the country and the people

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

After the success of the Cuban Revolution, Che Guevara, who knew nothing about the economy, became the president of the Cuban bank and was in charge of the economic construction of the new regime, in fact, before the Cuban Revolution, thanks to the superiority of natural conditions, Cuba's economy has always been very good in Latin America

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

This is tantamount to the government's robbery of private capital, which suddenly makes people panic, foreign capital and local middle-class elites have fled, from 1959 to 1962, hundreds of thousands of people have fled Cuba in three years, when most people have fled their homeland, it can be seen how hot the country is, Cuba's unemployment rate has soared, and the shelves in Havana's stores have quickly become empty

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

In the face of this situation, Che Guevara not only did not recognize the mistake, but on the contrary, he was proud of himself, thinking that this was a new revolution to achieve fairness, and immediately announced the implementation of the rationing system, unified planning by the government, issuing all kinds of tickets, and all kinds of civilian biological resources needed to be purchased with tickets, and Cuba seemed to have fallen back to the serf era overnight

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

While destroying the national economy, Che Guevara did not forget to destroy people's spirits at the same time to prevent people from being corrupted by Western ideas, and issued strict laws prohibiting people from listening to rock and roll, wearing tight jeans, long hair, and christianity, but Guevara was very hypocritical and inconsistent in this regard

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

Forbidding people to listen to rock and roll, they are very keen on the Beatles, although they ostensibly dress themselves as a hard and simple revolutionary, but in fact they live in havana's ultra-luxurious villas with artificial waterfalls, and are keen to play golf and smoke expensive cigars, wear expensive Rolex watches, and live a so-called bourgeois decadence life that they hate so much

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

The most heinous is that Guevara also has a cold bloodthirsty and even perverted habit, as Guevara said in his diary, killing is the spice of life, indispensable for a day, after the seizure of power, Guevara once served as prosecutor general, responsible for the trial and execution of the so-called war criminals of the previous regime and the so-called potential enemies of the current regime

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

In order to be able to enjoy the execution scene that excited him every day, Guevara ordered people to tear down a wall in front of his office to facilitate himself to drink coffee and smoke cigars while admiring the execution of the execution team, especially when there was a mother who cried and pleaded with her child for her child, Guevara would be particularly excited, and would order the execution of her child in front of the mother, and Che Guevara would get a perverted pleasure in the grief of others

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

For the blood of the executed people, Guevara did not let go, before being executed will be drawn blood, many people have not been executed before being pumped alive, and the blood drawn by Che Guevara was sold to Vietnam, which was at the time of the war, for his own innovation, Guevara is very proud, thinking that it not only supported the same ideology of vietnam, but also created foreign exchange for Cuba, its cold-blooded and brutality can be seen, the Cuban writer Humbert Vontowa recorded these atrocities in the book "In Search of the Real Che Gueva"

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

Due to Guevara's extremism in all aspects, even the revolutionary comrade Castro could not see it, and finally the two parted ways, Guevara left other countries to continue to export his revolutionary ideas, Guevara's revolutionary concept is to arm the mind with hatred and carry out revolutionary struggle, Guevara believes that only by cultivating an unforgettable hatred of the enemy can the revolutionary fighters become an efficient killing machine and form a powerful revolutionary force that destroys the old world

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

Due to Che Guevara's extreme ideas, when the Congo exported the revolution, the local guerrillas did not buy it, and Guevara had to return to Bolivia in South America to continue to export his ideas, and Bolivia became the final burial place of the idealistic revolutionary

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

At that time, Bolivia was undergoing a democratic transition, the whole country was generally improving, Guevara instigated the revolution at this time and there was not much support, coupled with Che Guevara's guerrillas with only a few dozen people who often robbed the inhabitants of food and poultry in order to survive, even Bolivia's publicly owned organizations that admired property hated Guevara

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

Because they were regarded as bandits by the local people, Guevara and his guerrillas were soon surrounded and suppressed by the Bolivian government forces, and the cool revolutionary mentor in disguise raised his hands at this moment and loudly said to the soldiers of the government army: Don't shoot, I am Che Guevara, and I am more valuable to live than to die

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

There are other versions of Che Guevara's arrest, some say that Che Guevara was finally arrested after heroic and unyielding resistance, but this is more like an image bragged by the leftist media, because if Guevara is really heroic and unyielding, he can choose the Chu bawang Xiang Yu or bin Laden, rather than facing the firing squad's guns later

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

What Che Guevara did in Cuba and Latin America is so numerous that some people compare it to Pol Pot, who is not in power, but the difference is that Pol Pot became a demon spurned by thousands of people, while Guevara became an idol worshipped by many people, and to this day his head in a beret is still printed on the T-shirts of many young people

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

I believe that what people worship is not Che Guevara's bloodlust and brutality, but a spirit that he represents, which includes unruliness, rebellion, individual liberation, the pursuit of freedom and saying no to the powerful, And Guevara's cool image fits this spirit, plus Guevara is a heroic figure of the Xiangyu style, and the tragic figure is often more sympathetic, and finally coupled with the vigorous boasting and packaging of the Western leftist media, Guevara has become a spiritual totem blindly worshipped by the public

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized

When Guevara was young, he had lofty ideals and a sense of mission to make peace for all the worlds, which was very respectable, but everything still depended on the result, Guevara brought most people a disaster more cruel than poverty and injustice, and this is the inevitable result of the idealist's coming to power, so idolatry is best not to stop, because bao Buqi will one day appear again. Guevara

The devil who lost his humanity for the sake of ideals, the idealistic revolutionary Che Guevara, who was idolized