
Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

author:Intelligent Manufacturing Alliance Xiaotang
Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

  Recently, the opening ceremony of the New Hub of Ellimont in the Headquarters Base of Chinese Ceramics has aroused the attention and heated discussion of the industry. It is hard to imagine that such a stunning showroom was created by a standard "post-15" tile brand that was established less than five years ago (founded in June 2017).

  Recently, the launching of Trend Hub, a new showroom situated at CCIH has attracted the industry-wide attention and discussion. It’s hard to imagine that such impressive showroom is designed by Element—a post-2015 ceramic brand with a young history of less than 5 years (established in June 2017).

  In fact, for the ceramic industry, which is long out of the dividend period, the first five years of the start-up brand are crucial. Not only to face the pressure of the major giants in the industry, but also to start from scratch and create internal systems such as teams, products, brands, customers, and operation and management structures. What's more, in less than five years, there have been three years of magical epidemics.

  Actually the first five years of a startup brand are very important since the dividend period of ceramic industry has long gone. Apart from the huge pressures imposed by industry giants, ceramic communities are required to build its own system, including team, products, brand, customers, operation and management, all over again. What' worse is that three out of past five years are haunted by the unscrupulous Covid-19 pandemic.

  However, in such an era when the dividend period has long passed, in the era when the head enterprise has long been established in the industry, in the era of the epidemic and the "sequelae of the epidemic", the fledgling brand of Edmont has not only survived, but also lived a sound and colorful life.

  Element, as a startup brand, has survived and stayed vibrant against the background of declining dividend, established industrial giants and looming pandemic sequela.

  In the past four years, a strong talent team has become the backbone of Ellimont's development, acting alone in their respective jobs; hundreds of like-minded partners have joined Edmont to grow and grow together with the brand; hundreds of products have been created by Ellimont ingenuity and delivered to major markets at home and abroad; the continuous development and growth of Ellimont, recently in the center of Foshan ceramics, China Ceramics Headquarters Base has spent tens of millions of dollars to create a top home experience hall. After more than four years of development and the continuous transformation of 1700+ days and nights, as the practitioner of brand driven by Design (BDD) in China's building ceramics industry, the imprint of BDD has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people...

  In the past four years, a strong working team rose to be the growth mainstay of Element as evidenced by its responsible and independent role in attending to each project. Hundreds of like-minded partners have joined Element to grow and expand together with the brand. Hundreds of products are created by Element and transported to major markets at home and abroad. As a growing company, it has recently established a ten-million-level luxury home furnishing gallery in CCIH in Foshan. Over 4 years of progression and continued development spanning 1700+ days and nights, Element, which is credited as the first to celebrate BDD (Brand Driven by Design) , has made BDD an icon deeply rooted in everybody's mind.

Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

  The young brand has created so many remarkable results, and all of this is closely related to the soul of Ellimont, Wei Bezan, chief product officer of Ellimont.

  An array of achievements has been made by this young brand, all of which give credit to our CPO Mr. Banson, the soul of Element.

Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

  In line with the attitude of digging deep content, in-depth study of corporate operation logic and business philosophy, Ceramic Information and China Ceramics Headquarters Base interviewed Wei Beizan, and this interview has no shortage of sharp questions and deep thinking that Wei Beizan has never revealed in public before.

  Ceramic News, in collaboration with CCIH, launched an exclusive interview with Banson in the furtherance of exploring insights, logics and philosophy underlying in business operation. Tough questions were raised during the interview and Banson also offered his insights he never disclosed before.

To be a Chinese brand that deserves to be respected by the world

A Chinese Brand Respected by All

Do a good job of "product-price ratio" do a good job of "credit-price ratio"

Focus on Quality-Price Ratio & Reputation-Price Ratio

  Yu Yueming: Mr. Wei, you are an old senior in our industry, and I don't know whether the word "old" is appropriate or not, but it expresses my respect for you. For this interview, I have conducted in-depth research and thinking about your previous public information and remarks, ceramic information is not very fond of fried cold rice, more inclined to dig deep and worth thinking about. Therefore, the question of this interview is more special, even a little sharp, I believe that the content of our interview today will be very exciting.

  Michael: Banson, you are quiet a senior expert in ceramic industry. I am wondering whether I am saying it right. But it's kind of admiration for you. I have investigated thoroughly into everything available about you and your comments just to prepare the interview. As you know we are a media focusing on insightful and thought-provoking contents rather than rehashing the outdated ideas. Some tough questions will be raised here and some of them may be hard for you to answer. So it's gonna be a great interview.

  Wei Beizan: It's really an old man (laughs), I've been in this industry for 26 years.

  Banson: I think I am senior enough (Laughter) since I've been in this sector for 26 years.

  Yu Yueming: You have been in the industry for 26 years, and you should have been in the industry for a longer time than the actual age of some of our colleagues here. Before founding Ellimont, you were already a successful professional manager in the industry, and in this position, you should know better than anyone that the dividend period of the industry is long over. So what drove you to start the Edmont brand at a time when it wasn't too good?

  Michael: 26 years mean your career trajectory in ceramic industry is much longer that the age of some of our colleagues here. Before you founded Element, you were a successful professional manager in the industry. You should know better than anyone that the bonus period of ceramic industry has long passed. So what drives you to start up Element in a time that seems unfavorable?

  Wei Beizan: I should have witnessed the development of China's ceramic industry. I witnessed the earliest era of ordinary glazed tiles in the mainland tile industry, and also witnessed the era of vigorous development of the industry. The development of the ceramic industry has ushered in several major dividend periods. The first dividend period is to meet the basic use function, ceramic tiles in short supply period; the second dividend period is the industry ushered in the market for product function, decorative function, cultural function development demand period; the third dividend period is the rise of Chinese manufacturing, China's ceramic tile export surge.

  Banson: I have witnessed how China's ceramic industry evolved. I have undergone the earliest era when glazed tiles dominated the Chines ceramic sector and the booming era of this industry. Ceramic industry has enjoyed multiple dividends during its growth. The first dividend refers to the period when ceramic is in short supply to meet the basic requirement for application. The second one refers to the growing market demand for the functionality of product, decoration and culture. The third one refers to the period when there is a surge in Chinese ceramic exports as a result of the rise of Chinese manufacturing.

  Through several different dividend periods, we at China Jiantao began to grow and develop, and consumer demand for products also rose from the material level to the spiritual level. During this period, whether it is the size of the market, the category of products, the changes in specifications have brought rich returns to the ceramic industry and enterprises.

  Driven by these dividends, Chinese ceramic industry started to grow stronger and consumer also focused more on the spirituality rather than materiality in terms of product demand. In this period, market size, product categories and specs variation all yielded great returns for both ceramic community and companies.

  Ellimont chose to enter the ceramics industry in 2017 and do its own brand, at this time the dividend period of the industry seems to have passed on the surface, but what I see is the development of the whole world tile. The establishment of Ellimont is well thought out, first of all, we believe that Chinese ceramic tiles have an influence in the world after nearly two decades of rapid development, but this influence is the influence in terms of scale and price. Secondly, we have more room for development in terms of quality value and credibility, original design, and technological innovation.

  By the time Element emerged in ceramic industry as a startup of self-innovated brand in 2017, the dividend has disappeared seemingly. But what I look into is the growth trend of world ceramic industry in a big picture terms. The inception of Element is driven by our reflection on the entire industry. We believe that Chinese ceramic sector has developed into something influential across the world after 20 years of rapid expansion. But such influence is proven only in such aspects as scale and price. Therefore, we still have a long way to go in terms of quality, value, reputation, original design and technological innovation.

  I still remember the first time I visited Italy in 1998, when I visited the Bologna Exhibition and the Italian Ceramic Factory, and my mental journey. Even though I had only been in the ceramics industry for 2 years at that time, I was still very shocked. I found the gap between us and Italian ceramics, and it was from that time that I planted a seed in my heart - the seed of devoting myself to building a multi-product structure system, and I felt that we had a lot to do.

  I still remember my first visit to Italy in 1998 when I visited the Bologna Exhibition and the Italian ceramics factory. At that time, I was just in ceramic community for 2 years. That visit impressed me greatly. I found there how Italian ceramic art differed from ours. It's at that moment I decided to work on a diversified product lineup. I knew there was a lot more to do.

  In addition, at the booth we often see a sign in two languages. One is in English: NO PHOTO, the other is Chinese: no photographs are allowed. All over the world, so many people go to see the exhibition, why only use these two languages? From another point of view, in fact, we need to improve in original design, technology upgrades and credibility.

  Besides, we saw a sign expressed in two languages on the booth. One is in English: No photo; the other is in Chinese: 不准拍照. Why only these two languages are used for those rushing towards the exhibition? To put it in another way, we need to improve our original design, technology upgrading and reputation.

  China Jiantao has experienced many blows since 2017, from anti-dumping to technical barriers to our current epidemic, which seems to have experienced many crises, but in fact, our industry has been hardened and become more resilient after these crises. Our products, technology, equipment, etc. have ushered in new opportunities.

  Since 2017, Chinese ceramic community suffered continuously, like anti-dumping, technical barriers and the rampant Covid-19. But these crises in return added to the resilience of ceramic industry, indicating new opportunities for our product, technology, equipment, etc.

  From entering the walk to today, I hope to realize my original intention little by little by doing originality, technology, products, and brands. Therefore, our original intention of doing the Brand of Lovemont is actually summed up in three points: First, we always have a Chinese brand dream, hoping that through all Lovemont people with more than 15 years of efforts, adhere to our original intention, do a good job of quality original products, do a good job of "product-price ratio", do a good job of our credibility, do a good job of "credit-price ratio", so that our "Pinxin" is worthy of consumer satisfaction, worthy of consumer respect, to create a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world.

  Since my first day in this sector, I never forget where I started and stay committed to creative design, technology, products and brand. Actually what encouraged our creation of Element are as follows: First, we have an ongoing vision for Chinese Brand. We expect to, in 15 years to come, provide the best quality and design with the commitment and concerted efforts of Elementers. We will make Quality-Price Ratio, Reputation and Reputation-Price Ratio a source of customer satisfaction and respect, thus enabling our vision of building a Chinese brand respected by all.

  Second, we believe that the dividends of the market are due to the changes and iterations of the market, technological upgrading, product structure transformation, and globalization. The Chinese market already has enough consumption power to accept high-quality, high-value products, which I think is the future market dividend of Ellimont, and it is also the market dividend of insisting on doing high-end product brands.

  We believe that market dividends are the result of changes and iterations of the market, technological upgrading, product structure transformation and globalization. Chinese market has strong consumption capacity for high-quality and high-value product, which is, in my opinion, a dividend that drives the future expansion and high-end branding of Element.

  Third, The Edmont is backed by support from Singapore's HAFARY Group and various domestic organizations. Hefali Group is a listed company with a history of more than 40 years, ranking first in Singapore's building materials industry, and also laying out the global building materials industry, whether they understand the market or comprehensive strength are at the forefront of the industry. Like us, The Hefali Group is looking forward to the future of Ellimont, as we came together to work together because we shared this project. As a result, our backing is strong and we have a lot of partners like Ehfali Group choosing Edmont, and we have a lot of confidence.

  Element is backed by Hafary Singapore and many other corporate groups in China and beyond. Hafary Singaporea is a listed company with 40 years of history. It ranks first in the building materials industry in Singapore and also has a significant presence in the global building materials market. Both their market observation and strength are at the forefront of the industry. Like all of us, Hafary places great expectations on the future of Element. Our shared vision for Element bring both sides to come together. So we have a powerful back-up force. It’s the trust and favor of our partners like Hafary Singapore that give us great confidence.

Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

The future is at the value level

We are confident of competing with Italy on the world stage

To Rival Italy Globally In The Realm Of Value

  Yu Yueming: I am deeply encouraged by your statement, and now the industry needs such a positive voice. At the beginning of the year, we visited the industry and found that it was basically more negative information. There are two sides to your view of things, and crises are often accompanied by opportunities. In addition, you look at the development of the industry from a long-term perspective, not a temporary dividend or crisis. The Chinese brand dream is actually a value that is not just based on material. In fact, for start-up brands, it is important to survive, and not paying attention to materials is tantamount to a fool's dream. A very important factor for Ellimont to adhere to the original intention of the Chinese brand dream is that behind the brand there is strong support from Singapore Hefali and various domestic organizations. Let Ellimont have enough time and enough space to maintain the purest original intention to create a "product-price ratio" and "letter-to-price ratio" and be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world.

  Michael: What you have said is very encouraging, and that represents a kind of optimism in ceramic sector. Earlier this year, we have visited most of the ceramic companies. Pessimism basically dominates across all the interviewed enterprises. Everything has two sides and opportunity is often concealed in those crisis. That's how you see things. Besides, you have a forward-looking vision on the future growth of ceramic industry. It's not just dividend or crisis that you have seen in short period. The vision of empowering China with great brands is a kind of value based on more than just material foundation. Actually for startup brands, survival is as important as basic funding assurance. It's the extensive support of Hafary Sgp and groups in China that helps Element to focus on its Chinese Brand initiative and enjoy more time and freedom to fully engage in Quality-Price Ratio and Reputation-Price Ratio which drive the creation of reputable Chinese Brand.

Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

  Wei Beizan: Yes, so we have always stuck to our original intention and have enough confidence to go down this road. In addition to the support of Hefali, the gradient of our team is very good, and the average age of the team is less than 32 years old. According to this development, we are a generation of people to do a generation of things, I believe that adhere to the original intention unchanged, through the joint efforts of several generations, can achieve the Chinese brand dream of Ellimont.

  Banson: Yes, that's why we move along the path we took at the very beginning with great confidence. Apart from the support from Hafary, we also have a very efficient team consisting of members with an average age of 32. With such development framework, we will continue to work on what we do right now and enable the Chinese Brand vision as we keep moving and building upon the efforts made by previous generations.

  We clearly see the future development trend of Chinese ceramics: First, in the future, we will work hard in the international market, and it is difficult to obtain long-term development through our price advantage alone, but in terms of value, we have the confidence to compete with Italy on the world stage in the future. Nowadays, Chinese ceramic products are not worse than Italy in terms of output and quality.

  We have been aware of the development trajectory of Chinese ceramic industry in years to come: First, we might sooner or later expand into the global market. It will be very difficult to sustain long-term growth by relying only on cost advantage. But on the other hand, nowadays China can rival Italy in production and quality. So we are very confidence to compete against Italy in global arena in future.

  In the future, the cost of China's ceramic production will be higher and higher, carbon emission costs, energy costs, raw material costs, labor costs will be greatly improved, for various reasons, the future of our market to long-term development only rely on scale is not feasible. We should consider the value of products and brand values, be a respected Chinese brand, and let high-quality consumers with higher requirements for life fall in love with our products and fall in love with our brands.

  There will be a sharp increase in the cost of production, carbon emission, energy, raw materials and labour for Chinese ceramic industry. Given all these factors, we may fail to achieve continued growth by merely relying on the market scaling-up. We should pay more attention to the value derived from products and brands, and create a reputable Chinese brand. More importantly, we should encourage high-end consumers with a higher living demand to engage in our product and brand.

Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

  Editor's note: Wei Beizan's short dialogue not only expresses his recognition of China's ceramics industry at this stage, but also mentions the long-term development plan many times, which shows that although this young brand has not been in the market for a long time, it is more of a long-term route to consider. Such a long-term line not only has the brand concept at the perceptual level and the Dream of Chinese brands, but also has the consideration of the international vision and the international pattern at the rational level.

  Editor's note: Banson's dialogue represents a recognition of the current ceramic industry in China and a signal of its long-term development plan, which prove that this startup brand, despite its young history in ceramic market, focuses more on long-termism. Such development path is decided upon all aspects from brand concept and Chinese Brand Vision to global vision and international landscape.

  Yu Yueming: I believe that in the future, tiles may become a luxury. Last year, the volume of Indian tiles in the US market doubled, but the average value was basically unchanged, while the volume of Italian ceramic tile supply increased by a small margin, but the average value rose sharply, which is where we should pay attention to and learn.

  Michael: I believe that ceramics may become a luxury in the future. Last year has seen the doubled supply of Indian ceramics in American market. But the average value remaining unchanged. While the value of Italian ceramics whose supply increased slightly, has risen sharply. This is a phenomenon we should pay attention to and learn from.

  Wei Beizan: Yes, according to the current development trend, the development of Chinese ceramic tiles is facing anti-dumping barriers, technical barriers and other issues, I believe that India, Vietnam and other countries will also encounter in the future. But Italian tiles are subject to a 7% tariff in China, and in the Chinese market, they become luxuries. Only when the tile is truly valuable, it will not be affected by various barriers in various countries and regions. So looking at the world, I think that only by really doing a good job of value, the brand will go further.

  Banson: Yes, based on current growth trend, Chinese ceramic industry is faced with multiple barriers like anti-dumping barriers, technical barriers, etc. I believe all these issues will fall on India and Vietnam too. Italian ceramic products are subject to 7% tariff in China--that's why they become luxury in Chinese market. Only the value-added ceramics are able to be immune from the impact imposed by multiple barriers across all countries and regions. So globally, a brand that is truly value-added can sustain for long.

Follow the laws of nature

Follow The Law of Nature

Business values with a bottom line can only be long-term

Only Business Value Created upon Baseline Can Sustain

  Yu Yueming: Elliott, who entered the game in 2017, is equivalent to choosing a "high-level difficulty" at the beginning, especially 3 of the 5 years spent in the epidemic. It's like a system error that automatically upgrades advanced difficulty to "hellish difficulty". But even under such "hellish difficulty", Ellimont is still bucking the tide and achieving many remarkable results, what do you think is the core logic of this?

  Michael: Element started up in 2017 and entered into a critically challenging period since then, especially the subsequent 5 years, with 3 of which being haunted by rampant Covid-19 pandemic. It's like a system error that automatically upgraded the difficulty level to its highest—"hell". Against such difficulty level however, Element still managed to buck the trend and achieved remarkable results. What do you think is the most important logic behind?

  Wei Beizan: Actually, before we formed Elimont, we had a very detailed business plan. This business plan is developed through thorough global market research. In this business plan, we divide it according to the laws of nature: spring ploughing, summer cultivation, autumn harvest, and winter storage.

  Banson: We had prepared a very detailed business plan right before we started up Element. This business plan was determined on the basis of a thorough global market investigation. We divided this business plan into: spring ploughing, summer weeding, autumn harvesting, and winter storage

  In accordance with the law of each stage of development, we have walked down step by step, without rushing to achieve results through short-term behavior, and we have not gone against our original intention through extraordinary means to obtain profits. We are down-to-earth and patient in terms of products, channels, teams, operations, international markets and customers.

  We followed the law of each development stage and moved along step by step. We were not eager for success through short-term behavior, nor did we make profits against our original intention through extremity. We are down-to-earth and patient in terms of products, channels, teams, operations, international markets and customers.

Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world
Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

  Therefore, even if we encounter many unpredictable market changes, encounter the current epidemic, economic changes and other unexpected situations, we have not been chaotic, but under the premise of adhering to the overall direction, we have fine-tuned some key links according to the direction we originally set.

  Even in the face of unpredicted changes in markets, like Covid-19, economic downturn, etc., we never messed things up. Instead, we managed to fine-tune some key links in the direction we originally set for us while keeping the overall direction unchanged.

  We do what should be done during spring ploughing in the spring ploughing period, sow the seeds, and patiently wait for it to germinate; at the time of summer, we lay out the direction of the layout during the summer period to prepare for the autumn harvest; the same is true for the autumn harvest and winter storage, we not only have to harvest, but also consider the results from all levels, and profit is only one of the levels. We will also consider the positioning of our product structure system, customer team, company operating model, our business values and other aspects.

  We do what we should do in Spring Ploughing, like sow the seed and wait patiently for it to sprout; We move along the schedule we set in Summer Weeding for the upcoming harvesting. The same is true for autumn harvesting and winter storage. We have to harvest and make progress in all respects. Profitability is just one of the factors. We will also evaluate our product mix and positioning, customer team, business model, business values, etc.

  Our business values with our partners must be consistent, and I think there can be unlimited space for cooperation, but the premise is that the bottom line must be adhered to. Cooperation without a bottom line is not far away, and business logic and commercial value without a bottom line are not far away.

  Our business values must be aligned with those of our partners. I believe there is infinite possibility for cooperation as long as we keep to the baseline. Collaboration that treads on the bottom line will go nowhere. Similarly, business logic and values without baseline will never go far.

  We have requirements for internal employees and partners: although the entire Ellimont product structure system includes two high-end imported rock slabs from Italy, we will truthfully tell consumers that the origin of these products is made in China, and the original import of Italy is the original import of Italy. We must not deceive consumers, we must operate in good faith. So we pay great attention to the "credit-to-price ratio". Credibility will have value, the better the reputation, the greater the value, so we call it "credit-to-price ratio".

  We have requirements for in-house staff and partners: Despite the fact that our product lineup includes high-end Italian imported sintered stones, some of them are manufactured in China. So we inform our customers of the origin of these sintered stones truthfully. We will never play foul with buyers and will remain committed to operation in good faith. That's why we pay great attention to "Reputation-Price Ratio". Reputation brings value. The more credit you have, the greater value you get. This is what we call Reputation-Price Ratio.

Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

  Editor's note: Elimont made a plan after doing business research in the global market and strictly implemented according to the plan on the plan This case is worth learning from the industry, which is also the underlying logic that Elimont can still grow against the trend in less than five years since its establishment in the past three years. In fact, the author observed that our industry also has a brand that has been established for five years, and at the beginning of its establishment, it has also done detailed research, adhered to originality and distinctive characteristics, and has also achieved remarkable results in these five years.

  Editor's note: Element offers a reference for the entire industry by strictly implementing its business plan formulated on the basis of a thorough business investigation across the global market. This is also the underlying logic for Element to resist against the downward trend over the past three years of rampant pandemic. In fact, the author also noticed another brand. Established after thorough investigation, this young brand, which is just 5 years old, also stays committed to its own originality and distinctive style that help it to make a big difference since its inception.

  The success story of this brand and the success story of Ellimont are just supportive of each other, which shows the importance of a clear goal, detailed plan and adherence to the original intention of the brand concept for a start-up brand. These two brands can be said to give the industry a valuable reference example.

  The success stories of Element and the brand aforementioned are just the corroborative evidences on how important it is for a brand to have clear targets, detailed plan and branding commitment. These two brands are valuable reference for the entire industry.

  In addition, Wei Beizan once again mentioned long-termism, integrity management and business bottom line here, which coincides with the spirit of marathon and the spirit of righteous management advocated by Ceramic Information over the years. In fact, the deepest competition of enterprise management is also the competition of ideas, culture and spirit.

  Long-termism, honesty in business and business bottom-line, as mentioned in the talk with Banson, just conform to the ideas of Marathon Spirit and lawful operation championed by Ceramic News all these years. In fact, the highest level of corporate competition lies in the competition among business philosophy, culture and morale.

  Yu Yueming: You just mentioned that cooperation without a bottom line cannot be long-term, from your point of view, one is that originality is very important, not copying without the bottom line, and the other is that credibility is very important, and there must be a "credit-to-price ratio". But just now my mind jumped out again, and I think I have to add one more, that is, the thunderstorm in the real estate industry last year, which is actually the bitter fruit of cooperation without a bottom line.

  Michael: You have just said that collaboration that treads on the bottom line will go nowhere. So from you point of view, originality is very important and plagiarism that violates the bottom line must be stopped; reputation is also very important since Reputation-Price Ratio must be prioritized. But I just want to add something new. The collapse of real estate market last year is just the consequence of unprincipled cooperation.

  Wei Beizan: In fact, in nature we can see such a phenomenon: why do very large species disappear? We talk about the law of the jungle every day because these species are so big that they can have no scruples, they can harm other species without a bottom line, and eventually they are eliminated by nature. I think balance is the highest state, and how to achieve balance is not an easy task. Our Chinese culture speaks of moderation, moderation is not negative, but impartial, positive and upward work, adhere to long-termism, not for the short term, only in this way can we go further, which is also in line with the value of our Singapore headquarters group.

  Banson: In our natural world, we can see a phenomenon like this: a certain species would extinguish. How come? We talk about the law of jungle every day, since some species consider themselves as the strongest, so they impose harm to other species unscrupulously to the extent that they are finally eliminated by nature in return. I believe the highest realm is to strike a balance. But to achieve the balance is never an easy thing. Our traditional Chinese culture emphasizes Zhongyong, or Doctrine of the Mean. It doesn't refer to a negative mentality, but a way of medium, namely to move forward positively and steadily to pursue long-termism rather than short-term results, which contributes to the continued development. Such idea is also in line with the values advocated by our Singapore-based group.

  Singapore's epidemic last year, it was not easy for everyone, but the performance growth of our Singapore headquarters last year was a multiplier growth compared to 2020. On the one hand, the international market did usher in a wave of growth last year, on the other hand, no matter what kind of environment and economic changes we encountered, we insisted on taking our own path and adhered to the original intention to realize our dreams.

  Everyone was suffered greatly by the covid-19 pandemic in Singapore last year. But our Headquarters achieved exponential growth compared with that in 2020. Last year has seen a genuine expansion in global market. But most importantly, we stick to our path and commit to our aspiration unshakably regardless of any change in global market and economic situation.

  This dream belongs not only to the Ellimont team, but also to our singapore headquarters. Therefore, we adhere to the values of long-termism, and develop our career step by step according to the correct logic of business values.

  Both Element working team and Singapore headquarters share the same aspiration. That's what encourages us to honor long-termism and develop our business along the righteous business logic and values steadily.

  Editor's note: Wei Beizan's spontaneous analysis of the nature, philosophy and sinology of the nature of business logic in this interview is a surprising place for this interview, which is eye-catching. This surprise made people find that Wei Beizan was not only proficient in products, but also had a profound knowledge of philosophy and sinology, and was full of reverence for the laws of nature.

  Editor's note: In the interview, Banson offered his analysis on what business logic truly is from the perspective of natural world, philosophy and Chinese culture, which is impressive. But what is more impressive is that Banson, who knows everything about products, also excels in philosophy and Sinology with great awe of the laws of nature.

Products are the first element of a brand

Product Is The Primary Element of Brand

Firmly aim for design-driven branding

BDD As Ultimate Goal

  Yu Yueming: Since the establishment of Alimont, the company's management and operation have your shadow, but you have positioned yourself as a "product manager". How do you see this positioning? What is the reason for positioning yourself as a "product manager"?

  Michael: Your influence has reached out into almost every aspect of Element since its establishment, like management and operation. But you credit yourself as a Product Manager. What do you think of this post? What are the reasons for positioning yourself as a "product manager"?

  Wei Beizan: In fact, not only in the field of ceramic tiles, but also in other fields, the success of the brand, the product is the first element. The products we are talking about now have both narrow and broad meanings. If a brand development is to be more long-term, it must start with the product. If the product system is not perfect, the product has no characteristics, and doing anything is half the work. We have laid a solid foundation for the product, especially the product structure system based on accurate positioning, just like building a building, the foundation is firmly laid, and the specific building structure and decoration style above do not have to worry too much.

  Banson: In fact, in all sectors, including ceramics, product is the primary drive for a successful brand. The products we are talking about can be categorized in both the narrow and broad terms. The long-term success of a brand must be rested on products. An incomplete product lineup and featureless product will contribute not much help to the success of a brand. We must lay solid foundation for making products, especially the product lineup based on accurate positioning. Just like building a mansion, once you have consolidated the foundation, you will need not worry about how to design and decorate the structure above.

Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

  Therefore, our exhibition hall also chose the C position of China Ceramics Headquarters, and the entire platform of China Ceramics Headquarters Base is well built, so our exhibition hall effect is very satisfied, and our customers are also very satisfied. It's like the concept of the product, which is something that our startup leaders have to think about.

  That's why we launched our showroom in the pivotal area of CCIH--a great platform that contributes to the customer satisfaction and showroom display. It's a process similar to defining product concept, which is an issue for startup leads to think about.

  There are also many clear cases in other fields, such as Apple starting from the product; for example, Porsche did not launch the Cayenne product at the 2002 Geneva Motor Show, I expect Porsche to have a hard time today. We see a lot of famous brands, but also because of the influence of products and go further.

  Similarly, in other sectors, there are many prominent instances. For example, Apple rests its market domination upon its creative products; if Porsche didn't launch Cayenne at the 2002 Geneva Auto Show, Porsche would still struggle on the market today. So we have noticed that product influences contribute to the sustainable growth of many world famous brand.

  Yu Yueming: The next question may be a bit sharp, you think that the success of the brand, the product is the first element, and put forward the ultimate goal of Elliott is "design-driven brand", through the design and technology driven, so that consumers in the space and lifestyle to get the greatest experience value. But we know that there is a famous saying in the business world: "First-class enterprises do standards, second-rate enterprises do brands, and third-rate enterprises do products", how do you understand this sentence? Since "design-driven branding" is the ultimate goal, the position in your heart should be above the standard, what is the logic?

  Michael: The questions we will ask might be tough for you. As you have put it, product is the primary drive for a successful brand. The ultimate goal of Element is to be a brand driven by design(BDD) as a way of maximizing the consumers' experience in space and lifestyle. But we know business community often invokes the ideas that: "third-tier companies make products, second-tier companies design brands, and first-tier companies set standards." So what's your opinion on that? BDD, as the ultimate goal for Element, must be rested upon some certain norms. What's the logic underlying?

  Wei Beizan: I think that everything is not absolute, it is relative, whether it is to do standards, or to lead the industry through other means, its core value is ultimately inseparable from serving consumers. In the face of market changes, innovation is the source of power for enterprise development. It turns out that we see many famous enterprise customization standards, which are produced at a certain stage, and even change with the development of technology and the development of the times.

  Banson: There is no such thing as absolute truth. Everything is relative to one another. Whether it is to set standards, or drive the growth of an industry using other means, it's all about serving our consumer in the end. In the face of market fluctuation, innovation is the driving force of company growth. We have witnessed in history that many famous brands set standards for a specific period. These standards will vary with the upgrade of technology and our times.

  Like a rock slab, it can rival natural stone and even surpass it in some functional aspects. At present, this product standard is not easy to define, whether in China or Italy, because it is still being updated iteratively.

  Just like sintered stone, it can rival natural stones and even outperform in some functional use. But the standards for such products are not easy to define in China, Italy and other countries, since it's still being updated.

  In 2006, I saw polished tiles of 1200mm × 4800mm x 12mm for this product at the Systrom factory in Italy, when Ramira had not yet officially mass-produced, but this product appeared in the factory specializing in the production equipment in Systrom. In those days, the shock this brought to us was conceivable. But the slabs have evolved for so many years, and there are no very accurate standards in place in the world so far.

  In 2006, it was at the factory of System that I was first exposed to 1200mm*4800mm polished large-format ceramic slabs displayed in the factory of System manufacturing equipment. Laminam was still nowhere at that time. Back then, the shock to us was imaginable. However, after so many years of development, there is still no very accurate standard set in place in the world so far.

Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

  The design-driven brands we propose have been proposed for a long time in other areas, such as Apple, and some watches, furniture, and medical device brands have already been proposed. Its core value is to provide customers with the best experience value. We are the first in the ceramic industry to propose this goal, so we are not yet afraid to say that we have set standards, we can only say that we have proposed this goal and tried to go this way. We will take this as the ultimate goal, step by step to reach the other side of the goal.

  BDD, a concept we proposed recently, has long been championed by others, such as Apple, and some brands of watches, furniture and medical equipment. Its core value is to provide customers with the best experience. We are the first to announce this goal in the ceramic industry. It will be inappropriate to say that we are to set standards. We just put forward this idea and make attempts to move along this path. We will take this as the ultimate goal and reach the destination step by step.

  We need to do a lot of things to get there. It is important to create a design mindset throughout the operation of the enterprise, which must be continuously driven by design and technology.

  There are many things to be done amid our goal-achieving journey. It's very important to nurture a thinking pattern driven by design and technology during the corporate management.

  This is not only driven by products, but also through the value of space, so that our consumers can get the best experience of the decorative value, cultural value, and lifestyle value of Edmont's products in the space. Our exhibition hall at the China Ceramics Headquarters Base is called "TREND HUB", which translates to "Trend Center", and we call it "Tide Nest", and this place also fully uses this concept to present the value of our entire space experience.

  To enable this, our products and space value must be emphasized, so that consumers have access to the best experience provided by the decoration, culture and lifestyle of Element products applied in specific space scenario. Trend Hub, our showroom in CCIH, is also nicknamed as Fashion House or Trend-setting Center. It's a place for delivering the experience value of our space.

Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

  Yu Yueming: You just mentioned the China Ceramics ABP several times in the process of chatting, and praised it, our ceramic information is also a member of the China Ceramics ABP, and we recognize the platform and services provided by the ABP. This interview is also jointly initiated by Ceramic Information and China Ceramics Headquarters Base, Can Wei share the origins between you and China Ceramics Headquarters; and the reasons why you chose China Ceramics Headquarters many years later?

  Michael: You have mentioned and appreciated CCIH a lot. Ceramic News is also one of its members. CCIH is really a great platform that could provide great services for us. This exclusive interview is also jointly sponsored by CCIH together with Ceramic News. Banson, can you please tell us something about the relations between Element and CCIH? Also tell us why you choose CCIH after so many years?

  Wei Beizan: First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Tang first, because I have known Mr. Tang for more than ten years. Mr. Tang was very successful in the entire operation and management process of China Ceramics Headquarters. In 2017, at the beginning of the establishment of our brand, we wanted to take a showroom in the China Ceramics Headquarters Base, but at that time, the leasing of the Ceramic Headquarters was very prosperous and did not find a suitable location, so we had to give up temporarily at that time.

  Banson: First of all, I am so grateful to Tang. We have been friends for a decade. Tang is very successful in the operation and management of CCIH. Earlier in 2017, we have attempted to open a showroom in CCIH just right after the establishment of Element. But we couldn't find a proper location because of the scarce leasing resources at that time. So we just delayed our plan.

  Even so, Mr. Tang kept in close contact with us and often came to visit. Later, during the epidemic in 2020, Mr. Tang told me that the C position of the China Ceramics Headquarters Base was vacant in the past, and I hoped that we could consider moving in. But at that time, the whole epidemic was still unclear, and we asked her to wait a little longer. As a result, Mr. Tang really waited until the epidemic situation became clear, that is, at the end of 2020, to contact me again about the exhibition hall.

  Even so, Tang keeps close contact with us and visits us from time to time. Later, during the pandemic in 2020, Tang told me that the booth of Malaci, located right in the best area of CCIH, was left vacant. She expected the new launch of our showroom. But the looming repercussion of pandemic was still right there. So we asked her to wait patiently. To my surprise, Tang did contact me again for the showroom issue at the end of 2020 when the pandemic seemed to be under control.

Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world
Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

  At that time, I was touched by the sincerity of Mr. Tang, and began to discuss the plan with her in detail, their follow-up docking and service were impeccable, and finally in 2021, we began to land in the exhibition hall of the C position of the headquarters base and entered the ceramic headquarters. We recognize the platform and services provided by ABP, and hope that the industrial chain of ABP can be more optimized in the future.

  At that time, I was moved by Tang's sincerity and began to discuss the plan with her in detail. Their subsequent match-making and service were satisfactory. Finally, in 2021, we began to make our ways into CCIH and launched our showroom in the pivotal area there. We appreciate the platform and services provided by CCIH, and hope that the industry chain of CCIH could be optimized in the future.

  Yu Yueming: After we settled in the ceramics headquarters base, we have also been empowered in all aspects, and we are very recognized for the services they provide, and they are indeed doing things from the perspective of users. So how do you see the future of the industry? What are The future plans of Elimont?

  Michael: We are also empowered in every aspect after subscribing to be a member of the CCIH. Its services are very helpful indeed since everything CCIH does is for the goodness of its users. So what's your expectation on the future development of ceramic industry? What are the future development plans of Element?

  Wei Beizan: In the future, I think there are still great opportunities for the development of China's ceramic industry, because China's economic structure is also undergoing transformation and upgrading, and the international environment is also changing; the second is the change of various costs that I mentioned earlier; the third is the impact of the real estate model on our entire industry; and finally, what kind of model we should create to deal with it in the post-epidemic era.

  Banson: I believe there are still many opportunities right there for the growth of Chinese ceramic sector, since China's economic structure is in a transition to higher level and the global market is also changing. Besides, there are changes in costs as I have mentioned before; Also the impact imposed by the real estate model; The last is what kind of model we should create to deal with in the post-pandemic era.

  In the face of the above changes, we must innovate and future cooperation should be more efficient. At the same time, these changes are breeding new opportunities, and I still recognize opportunities for value growth. The logic of value growth has been accumulated in china over the past few decades. These accumulations are not only material, but also the recognition of beauty, the pursuit of quality of life, the pursuit of spiritual level, and so on.

  Faced with all these changes, we need innovation and more efficient cooperation. Among all the opportunities concealed in those changes, I still champion the value growth which is a logic that accumulates continuously in the past decades in China. Such accumulation is not only demonstrated in materials, but in our awareness of beauty, pursuit of better life and spirituality, etc.

Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

  In the future, no matter what kind of economic changes, epidemic changes, and changes in the international environment are experiencing, we will still lay a solid foundation step by step in accordance with our initial plan. At different stages we follow the operation of the four seasons and follow the laws of nature. Through such a gradual development, I believe that we will be able to achieve our three original goals: first, to become a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world; second, to achieve our ultimate goal of "design-driven brand", so that Ellimont products for our consumers to achieve the greatest spatial experience value; third, to achieve our employees, our customers, our partners, our shareholders and other win-win situation at the entire platform level.

  In following years, Element will continue to consolidate its foundation step by step based on its initial plan regardless of the transformation brought by economy, pandemic or international landscape. We will follow the laws of nature in different stages of development. With such steady progression, we will be able to achieve our goals: 1) to be a reputable Chinese brand. 2) enable our ultimate goal of BDD and allow Element products to maximize the spatial experience value of consumers. 3) win-win cooperation among employees, customers, partners and shareholder.

  Editor's note: Our interview on this topic is nearing the end, and through this interview, I have a deeper understanding of Wei Beizan: he is not only a superb product officer, but also an insight into business logic. He gained insight into the laws of nature and applied them to business management and his business creed. He mentioned several times the laws of the jungle, the laws of nature, and running businesses according to the laws of nature. In the course of this interview, the author also learned that Ellimont is a company that works 7 hours a day and implements a single and double holiday system. This is even more valuable for the ceramic industry, especially for start-up pottery companies, and it also makes us look forward to the future development of Edmont.

  Editor's note: The interview was drawing to an end as our topic shifted. The author has gained more information about Banson in the interview. He is not just a senior product marketer, but a penetrator of business logic. He had insight into the laws of nature and applied them to business management. The law of the jungle, the law of nature and following the law of nature in business operation are the ideas he usually mentioned. During the interview, the author has also learned that Element embraces a work pattern of 7 hours a day and "big/small weeks”, meaning that staff work one Sunday every alternate weekend. This seems to be rare and commendable for ceramic industry, especially for ceramic startups like Element whose future development deserves our expectations.

Eli Monte Wei Beizan: To be a Chinese brand worthy of respect by the world

Ellimont Chief Product Officer Wei Beizan (left)

Yu Yueming, Chief Operating Officer of Ceramic Information (right)

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