
"The Lancet" pointed out that China is the "hardest hit area" of wrong eating, and 4 eating habits must be corrected

author:Dr. Dong Liang talks

The American authoritative medical journal "Lancet" pointed out in the study: China is the hardest hit area of dietary errors, and 20% of people lose their lives because of wrong eating habits!

"The Lancet" pointed out that China is the "hardest hit area" of wrong eating, and 4 eating habits must be corrected

Diet (also known as "diet") refers to the food and drinks we usually eat, all food comes from plants and animals, people through diet to obtain the various nutrients and energy they need, to maintain their own health.

A well-nourished and reasonable diet can improve the health level of a generation, prevent the occurrence and development of various diseases, prolong life, and improve the quality of the people. Unreasonable diet, excess nutrition or insufficient nutrition will bring different degrees of harm to health.

Excessive diet can lead to obesity, diabetes, gallstones, hyperlipidemia, hypertension and other diseases, and even induce medium-term tumors, such as breast cancer, colon cancer, etc., which not only seriously affect health, but also shorten life.

Long-term nutritional deficiencies in the diet can lead to malnutrition, anemia, deficiencies of various elements and vitamins, affect children's intellectual growth and development, and reduce the body's ability to resist diseases and the ability to work, work and learn. Malnutrition during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, preterm birth and even malformations.

Dietary hygiene is closely related to human health, bacteria, mold, toxins and toxic chemicals on food enter the human body with food, which can cause acute and chronic poisoning, and even malignant tumors, in short, proper diet not only has a great impact on their own health and life expectancy, but also affect the health of future generations.

"The Lancet" pointed out that China is the "hardest hit area" of wrong eating, and 4 eating habits must be corrected

Therefore, only a reasonable diet can control the "disease from the mouth" from the aspects of nutrition and hygiene.

"The Lancet" pointed out that China is the "hardest hit area" of wrong eating, and 4 eating habits must be corrected

Mistake one: more pasta, less multigrains

Rice and pasta are staple foods Chinese, but these staples are too delicate and the carbohydrate content will be higher.

If you eat too much, not only will you run the risk of too many calories leading to diabetes, but it will also be detrimental to nutritional balance.

Therefore, when eating this staple food, you can add some grains, many grains are rich in dietary fiber. After eating, it helps to speed up the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, promote digestion and absorption, and can also prevent your blood sugar from rising too high.

Mistake two: I like to eat pickled food

The 2021 edition of the Dietary Fiber Guidelines report shows that milk tea, cigarettes, beverages, barbecues and pickled foods all increase the chance of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

"The Lancet" pointed out that China is the "hardest hit area" of wrong eating, and 4 eating habits must be corrected

Some parts of China also like to eat pickled foods, which have a heavy taste, especially in the northeast region. Pickling pickles increases the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The salt content in pickles has exceeded the standard, and long-term consumption can increase the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.

Mistake three: Eat more salt

Now that the world is in an industrialized society, the standard of living in our country has improved significantly, but it has also been affected by unhealthy diets, chronic diseases are getting higher and higher, and the diet of young people is more inclined to greasy and spicy foods, while the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is insufficient.

Coupled with the increasingly developed transportation, the amount of physical activity is much less than in the past, and the intake of high-calorie foods has greatly increased the obesity rate.

"The Lancet" pointed out that China is the "hardest hit area" of wrong eating, and 4 eating habits must be corrected

Due to the unbalanced development of China, the quality of life in some rural areas has not been completely improved, the diet structure is still relatively single, in addition, rural people do not have a strong sense of health, the proportion of fruit and protein intake is small, usually the meal is mainly salty, and the long-term intake of high-salt foods will also increase the risk of vascular diseases.

Mistake four: Eat less fruit

With the improvement of people's living standards, eating habits have been greatly improved, big fish and big meat have become a regular customer on people's tables, however, people are accustomed to eating chicken, duck, fish and crab meat, but always ignore the supplement of fruit.

Fresh fruit is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, anthocyanins, carotene, water, B vitamins, folic acid, dietary fiber, pectin and other nutrients, which are essential nutrients for the human body, which can promote the growth and renewal of cells and improve the body's immunity and resistance.

"The Lancet" pointed out that China is the "hardest hit area" of wrong eating, and 4 eating habits must be corrected

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you usually do not ignore the supplement of fruit, at least 250g of fruit per day, which is more conducive to taking care of the body!

How to eat healthier?

A healthy diet should pay attention to the following points:

First, food should be diversified, and the daily diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits, such as meat, poultry, eggs, milk, soybeans, nuts and other foods.

Second, in the eating and exercise to balance, should ensure a certain amount of exercise per week, the cumulative reach of more than 150 minutes.

Third, the diet should be less salt, less oil, sugar control, and even do not drink alcohol and smoke, in the diet need to pay attention to light, eat more grains, while paying attention to the combination of work and leisure, exercise, have a great auxiliary effect.

"The Lancet" pointed out that China is the "hardest hit area" of wrong eating, and 4 eating habits must be corrected

Fourth, scientific proof: chewing carefully and swallowing slowly is more conducive to good health.

If you eat too fast for a long time, you may bury the hidden danger of disease, because the food particles are too large, which is not conducive to the digestion and absorption of food in the gastrointestinal tract, and it is much easier to eat too fast, bringing digestive pressure to the gastrointestinal tract.

How do you eat? Does it meet health standards?

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