
Zhang Mingyang: If Li Longji does not leave, can Chang'an be able to hold on?



When Emperor Li Longji left Chang'an in a hurry, it was dawn on June 13, 756, the fifteenth year of Tianbao, and the sky was just dark, and the drizzle covered the capital.

Li Longji walked in a hurry, and his entourage only took away the noble concubines and sisters, concubines, crown princes, imperial grandsons, Yang Guozhong, Wei Jiansu, Wei Fangjin, Chen Xuanli, Gao Lishi, as well as close eunuchs and palace women. As for those noble relatives and important courtiers who were not informed, they were abandoned in Chang'an.

Zhang Mingyang: If Li Longji does not leave, can Chang'an be able to hold on?

Just a few days ago, abandoning Chang'an was not among Li Longji's options. This earthly supreme being, the founder of the prosperous world, ruled the Tang Empire for forty-four years, before which his imperial career could be described as smooth. Even when the news of An Lushan's rebellion in November of the fourteenth year of Tianbao (755) came, Li Longji's subordinates were still a surreal optimism that "if it is not ten days, it will be passed on to the first line". Later, although he encountered the bad news of the loss of Luoyang, Li Longji and the famous general Ge Shuhan, who had high hopes, and the Tang Dynasty, who did not know that "the Big Dipper was seven stars high, and Ge Shu carried a sword at night", not to mention, there was also the Tongguan Heavenly Danger and 200,000 troops.

However, just when the counterinsurgency situation seemed to be very good, on the eighth day of June in the fifteenth year of Tianbao, Ge Shuhan, who was sick and defended against the enemy, was unexpectedly defeated in the Battle of Lingbao Xiyuan, and the 200,000-strong army was almost completely destroyed. On the ninth night of the first month of June, Tongguan fell into the hands of the rebels, and Chang'an lost its most important military barrier.

On the night of the fall of Tongguan, Li Longji did not wait for the "peace fire" in Chang'an, that is, the report of the peace beacon fire from the front line of Tongguan, and already knew that the situation was not good. He maintained the reality distortion force field that he had maintained for more than half a year, and could be self-consistent in any setback, and finally collapsed on this night.

On June 10, Li Longji summoned his right-hand man Yang Guozhong at the Xingqing Palace east of Chang'an City, and Yang Guozhong first proposed the "Strategy of Lucky Shu", which was approved by Li Longji. Fortunately, Shu was Yang Guozhong's idea, and Shudi was also Yang Guozhong's deliberate sphere of influence, which was true, but Li Longji probably had decided to abandon Chang'an at this time, but he himself was inconvenient to mention, what he needed was Yang Guozhong's accurate speculation of his intentions, as well as providing a specific escape route.

On June 11, Yang Guozhong summoned a hundred officials to the imperial hall and formally reported the defeat of Tongguan and asked the Qunchen to come up with ideas. The hundred officers were frightened and panicked by the rapid turn of the military situation, looked at each other and wept, and asked about the countermeasures, but they were all wrong. At this moment, only the great poet Gao Shi, who supervised yushi and followed GeShuhan to guard Tongguan, stepped forward and suggested that an emergency mobilization be carried out immediately, and the last money and treasure reserves of the court should be used to recruit daredevils in Chang'an City and the sons of family members in the officials' palaces, and to stay in Chang'an, "before it was too late." Although Gao Shi's suggestion may not be militarily feasible, it is a unique courage in the Chang'an Court. The panicked hundred officials objected one after another, but they could not come up with anything. Yang Guozhong, who had sung various military high-profile songs since An Lushan's army began, first rejected Gao Shi's proposal to defend Chang'an, and said in frustration: "The soldiers have entered the customs, and there is no time to do anything." Then he sobbed and shirked his responsibility: "Many of us began to repeatedly predict that An Lushan would rebel ten years ago, but His Majesty just ignored it, and today's disaster is definitely not the fault of my prime minister." ”

Is there any practical operability of Gaoshi's proposal to defend Chang'an? If Li Longji does not leave, can Chang'an hold on?

Judging from the comparison of the strength of the Tang army and the rebel army at that time, Chang'an had hope of holding it, but Li Longji would more or less risk "the death of the king". Although the famous rebel general Cui Qianyou defeated Ge Shuhan at the Battle of Lingbao Xiyuan and occupied Tongguan, in fact the strength of the troops was limited, probably only 20,000 or 30,000 people; on the battlefield of Hebei, Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi came out of Jingxing (井陉县, in present-day Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province), Yan Zhenqing guarded the plain (present-day Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province), these two armies were active in the rear of An Lushan, containing a large number of rebel forces, and The Guo and Li combinations had just defeated Shi Siming in the Battle of Jiashan (present-day Quyang County, Baoding City, Hebei Province) and beheaded 40,000 people; on the Central Plains battlefield, Zhang Patrol insisted on yongqiu (present-day Qixian County, Kaifeng City, Henan Province), Lu Jiong held Nanyang (present-day Nanyang, Henan Province), and the rebels could not attack for a long time; After An Lushan set the capital Luoyang, he basically stopped personally conquest and needed a large number of troops to defend the capital; An Lushan seemed to attack the city strategically, but the battle line was too long, and the occupied area basically only constituted a weak domination of points and lines, and even the base camp in Hebei did not form a surface control, and the distribution of troops was closer to the fragile one-word long snake array... These factors determined that the rebels were unable to carry out a large-scale attack on Chang'an in the short term.

If we talk about troop strength alone, Li Longji can temporarily recruit tens of thousands of troops in Chang'an and Guanzhong areas at any time, but the biggest weakness of the Tang army in defending Chang'an is that the recruitment lacks training and actual combat experience, and is unable to withstand the elite troops of An Lushan. However, time was on Li Longji's side, and with enough time, temporary recruits could be trained; more importantly, the northwest frontier army was constantly entering the Capital Qinwang. In fact, only four months after the fall of Chang'an, Emperor Suzong of Tang sent The Chancellor Fang Zhen to organize a large-scale counter-offensive against Chang'an, and even though the counterattack was unsuccessful, it had already proved the speed at which the Tang army's vitality recovered.

That is to say, as long as the rebels did not gather enough strategic determination at the beginning and concentrated the main force to carry out a large-scale attack on Chang'an, the time window for taking Chang'an would soon close. An Lushan said that the empress dowager's aggressiveness had plummeted, and it was not an easy decision to attack Chang'an with all her might. After the Tang army survived the initial unfavorable situation, with the growth of recruitment and the arrival of the Qinwang border army, the possibility of successfully defending Chang'an would increase day by day. What Li Longji needs is time, courage and luck.

However, these sand table deductions from the perspective of Gao Shi did not make much sense, and it was obvious that the hundred officials below Yang Guozhong had lost all the courage to stick to Chang'an. However, at this time, no one was willing to bear the heavy political responsibility of abandoning the capital, and the meeting on the same day was inconsistent, and no specific plan was reached. The most crucial thing is that Li Longji is never willing to risk dying for sheji, after all, in order to save his life, he even operated so hastily and secretly to escape from Chang'an.

Soon, the news of the loss of Tongguan spread throughout the city from the court, Chang'an was boiling, the soldiers and people were rushing away, but they did not know where to go, and the prosperous capital of the world became depressed and withered within a few hours. At the critical juncture, the extreme lack of responsibility of Yang Guozhong and the hundred officials not only aggravated the situation, but also made people feel helpless.

After Yang Guozhong's resignation, he returned to his home in Xuanyangfang, found the Korean lady and the sisters of Lady Yu Guo, and asked them to enter the palace to persuade Li Longji to abandon Chang'an Xingshu as soon as possible.

On June 12, Li Longji came to the Qinzheng Building in the Xingqing Palace and announced to the hundred officials that he would personally enlist, but at this time there were neither "hundred officials" nor "pro-conscription": The hundred officials and the dynasty were busy finding their own way out, and at this time, who among the officials present would believe Li Longji's beautiful words?

None of the hundred officials believed in the words of the pro-enlistment, Li Longji probably did not care so much, he successfully disguised his intention to flee immediately, from the hundred officials to the residents of Chang'an City, not many people would have thought that their emperor would run so fast.

On the afternoon of the announcement of the conquest, Li Longji moved from the Xingqing Palace to the "North Interior." "Beinai" is located on the former site of weiyang palace in the Han Dynasty, in the northwest outside the palace city of the Tang Dynasty. That night, Li Longji also specially ordered the great general Chen Xuanli of Longwu to secretly rectify the forbidden army, give him a generous amount of money, select more than 900 good horses, and make all the preparations for abandoning Chang'an.

Early the next morning, under the escort of thousands of forbidden troops, Li Longji and his group secretly left the Yanqiu Gate of the West Gate of the Forbidden Garden and marched towards the Weishui Ben Bridge. On the way, Yang Guozhong suggested burning the Zuozang Treasury used in Chang'an to store money, and Li Longji may have some regret for abandoning the Chang'an people, and stopped burning the Zuozang Treasury, on the grounds that "if the rebels do not get this money, they will definitely levy and expropriate the people of Chang'an, but it is better to leave the Zuozang Treasury to the rebels to avoid the suffering of the people."

At dawn, Li Longji and his party crossed the bridge. In order to stop the rebels from pursuing, Yang Guozhong ordered the bridge to be burned, and Li Longji sighed and said: "Shishu avoids thieves to survive, but there is no way out!" "Specially sent the back of the Hall of Colliers to extinguish the fire.

As far as the facts are concerned, Yang Guozhong has done nothing wrong with these two things, of course, Li Long is basically humanitarian or guilty dissuaded, and there is no mistake, and there is no need to deliberately make any good and evil appear.

At this time, the vast majority of people did not know the news of Li Longji's escape. In the morning, many ministers still came to the Xingqing Palace to go to the court, and at the palace gate, they could also hear the more leaky sound of the timekeeping, and the guards were also honored. But when the palace door opened, the people in the inner palace scattered and fled, and the ministers who were left behind knew that the emperor was no longer in the Xingqing Palace. Suddenly, there was an uproar in the palace, and then the entire Chang'an City fell into a frenzy of self-disturbance, "the princes and soldiers fled in all directions, and the people of the valley rushed into the palace and the prince's first house, stealing the golden treasure." Some people took advantage of the indiscriminate burning of the city's government treasury, and Cui Guangyuan and Bian Lingcheng, who remained behind, organized fire fighting while sending people to arm armed forces to maintain law and order in the city, killing more than a dozen people in one go, and Chang'an City only slightly restored some order.

At this time, the rebels were still watching from afar at Tongguan and did not dare to rush into Chang'an, but Chang'an City was already in chaos before the battle.

At midnight (7:00 to 9:00 a.m.), the fleeing party arrived at wangxian palace in Xianyang. Xianyang County Ling did not know where to go, no officials came out to pick up the driver, until noon, the sleepy Li Longji and his party did not eat, or Yang Guozhong went to the market to buy a few Hu cakes to let Li Longji have food to eat. The local people also offered some of the rough food they usually eat, which is somewhat difficult to swallow, but the hungry emperors and grandchildren scrambled to eat it with their hands, "they are exhausted, and they are not full." Some of the officials accompanying them are said to have been forced to slaughter horses to feed them, cutting down palace trees to cook horse meat. The Tang Dynasty's notes "The Deeds of An Lushan" even created an extreme scene that was too sensational: when Li Longji was sitting under the tree to rest, he suddenly had suicidal thoughts, that is, the so-called "thoughts of abandoning the sea", and after Gao Lishi realized it, he hugged Li Longji's feet and cried bitterly, which dispelled his flickering thoughts of light life.

Witnessing all kinds of unbearable conditions on the way to escape, Li Longji wept in front of the common people, and there was the sadness of the hero losing his way and having no way to support him. At this time, an old man named Guo Congjin said: "An Lushan has not been hiding evil intentions for a day, but His Majesty just turned a blind eye and killed those loyalists who pointed out An Lushan." I still remember when Song Jing was the prime minister, Counting Jin bluntly said that the world depended on peace. All these years, the ministers did not tell the truth, but only pandered to His Majesty and flattered him, so That His Majesty knew nothing about what was happening outside the court. When I couldn't say anything, I knew that there would be such a big chaos as today, but how could the worries of a kusano minister like me reach His Majesty's ears? If not, where will I have the opportunity to say these contrarian advice to His Majesty in person? ”

Such bitter criticism, Li Longji, who was indulging in the human design of the prosperous monarch, has not had the opportunity to hear it for too many years. I don't know whether to sincerely regret it or pretend to accept the advice, Li Longji said to the old man: "This decay is unknown, and there is nothing to regret!" "In any case, it is really rare for an emperor to be able to lower his posture when he is in distress.

Zhang Mingyang: If Li Longji does not leave, can Chang'an be able to hold on?

Li Longji's escape, in addition to tears and panic, all the way also seemed quite normal, no major incidents occurred. However, a potentially huge risk is brewing: the fleeing team did not bring any food, this road is fully counting on the official government along the road to take over the supply, in Xianyang and Jincheng counties, the food supply has begun to appear unexpectedly, fortunately there is no danger, but once there is a bigger supply accident on the road ahead, it may trigger a food shortage crisis at any time. The psychological pressure of running out of food is almost devastating for a team in exile.


After the capture of Tongguan, An Lushan did not expect Li Longji to run so fast, and out of caution, he also ordered Cui Qianyou, who had just defeated Ge Shuhan, to stop the army at Tongguan, so that it dragged on for ten days, and on June 19, he sent ai general Sun Xiaozhe to lead troops into Chang'an.

Sun Xiaozhe was known among the rebels for "killing in fruit", and as soon as he entered Chang'an, he went on a killing spree. After the AnShi Rebellion broke out, Li Longji killed An Qingzong, An Lushan's eldest son in Chang'an, to vent his anger. In order to avenge his son, An Lushan instructed Sun Xiaozhe to wash Li Tangzong's room in blood. Sun Xiaozhe singled out Li Longji's close relatives and slaughtered countless princesses, horses, county lords, and imperial grandchildren in Chongrenfang, including Li Longji's sister Princess Huo Guochang. Yang Guozhong's second son, Yang Xun, was Li Longji's horse, and Hongxuqing, who was in charge of foreign affairs reception at the time, probably also died in the slaughter. Sun Xiaozhe also searched and killed eighty-three of Yang Guozhong and Gao Lishi's cronies and An Lushan's old enemies in the city. For those ministers who followed Li Longji into exile, they simply "exterminated his sect" and did not spare even the infants in their infancy. The most cruel thing is that Sun Xiaozhe used two methods when killing, "cutting his heart" and "iron to expose his skull". During the period of the Great Purge, Chang'an City experienced in advance the famous sentence that Wei Zhuang used to describe the Yellow Nest Rebellion in the "Qin Women's Yin" - "The Heavenly Street tramples on the bones of the Gongqing".

An Lushan not only wanted to die, but also wanted money. Before the rebels entered the city, the treasury and the mansions of the magnates in Chang'an had been robbed by the rioters, and even some people rode donkeys to break into the palace hall, and even the Zuozang Treasury, which Li Longji had specially protected, was almost burned. An Lushan was extremely dissatisfied with this, and regarded it as his money had been robbed, so he ordered Sun Xiaozhe to send troops to search for Chang'an City for three days in the name of searching for stolen property, and robbed countless people's money and goods. The Chang'an rioted and suffered another catastrophe.

In addition to the bloodbath of Chang'an, An Lushan was built in the Great Yan Court in Luoyang, but it welcomed the old Tang Dynasty courtiers who were "aware of the times" and "all the officials of the Yu Dynasty were awarded officials".

When the fifty-six-year-old Wang Wei was captured in Chang'an, he was only a middle-level official. Probably in order to avoid taking up a false post, Wang Wei once "took medicine to get diarrhea" and pretended that he had lost his voice and could not speak. However, Wang Weiwei was actually a poet whose name was too grand, and there was a vague atmosphere of "the first person in the poetry world" in the Tang Dynasty, and An Lushan specially sent someone to take him to Luoyang and detain him at pushh temple, not knowing what powerful means were used, in short, he forced Wang Wei to fall into the water and become an official of the Great Yan Dynasty and continue to do things.

An Lushan loves singing and dancing, and he is also a master of Hu Xuan dance. He transported hundreds of Chang'an musicians, as well as musical instruments and dance clothes, along with dancing horses, rhinos, and elephants, to Luoyang. At a large-scale banquet held by An Lushan in Ningbi Pond, when the music of the old Tang Palace sounded, the old people of Pear Garden sighed and cried relatively. There was a musician named Lei Haiqing who was overwhelmed with grief, smashed the instrument and refused to perform, and wept in the direction of Chang'an in the west to show that he did not forget the old lord. An Lushan was furious and ordered the sergeant to tie Lei Haiqing to the palace pillar and dismember him to show the public, and those who heard it were hurt.

Wang Wei, who was in custody, also heard about this incident, which may have been relayed by his friend Pei Di when he visited the prison. Wang Wei showed his heart in grief and indignation:

Ten thousand sorrowful wild smoke,

When the hundred officers are more in the sky.

Autumn locust leaves fall into the air palace,

The orchestra is played in the head of the pool.

- "Ningbi Pool"

Only a little more than a year later, when the Tang army restored Luoyang, Wang Wei, as a pseudo-"second minister", was about to be severely punished, but the thought of the homeland in "Ningbi Pond" became Wang Wei's evidence of mitigating guilt, allowing him to escape this disaster. However, some people also suspect that the poem "Ningbi Chi" was forged by Wang Wei and Pei Di afterwards, in order to pass the level of negligence.

In addition to "Ningbi Pond", Wang Wei can cross the border this time, and rely on his younger brother Wang Jin to "cut his own punishment department to atone for his brother's sins", Wang Jin once appeared in Wang Wei's famous poem "Remembering the Shandong Brothers on September 9". Of course, a low-ranking courtier like Wang Wei was only floating with the world in the chaos of war, and did not "contribute" to the An Shi regime, and it was the same thing as Chen Xilie and Zhang Yao, who were demoted at the level of prime ministers?

When Wang Wei was detained, Du Fu probably became a prisoner of the rebels. After the fall of Tongguan, Du Fu first settled his family in Fu County, Yan'an, Shaanxi Province, and then went alone to find Li Heng's exiled court, but unexpectedly encountered rebels on the way and was captured and taken to Chang'an. Du Fu not only had a very low official rank, but also the poetry at this time was far from being comparable to Wang Wei's, so he was not valued by the rebels and was not escorted to Luoyang, but remained in Chang'an as an ordinary prisoner, and the care was not strict, and it may be regarded as a semi-detained state.

One of the evidences of Du Fu's detention in Chang'an during this period is that he wrote a poem in Chang'an:

Tonight in the month of The State of The Moon, I only look at it alone.

Pity the little children, and do not remember Chang'an.

The incense mist clouds are wet, and the qinghui jade arm is cold.

When to lean on the false pretense, double photo tear stains dry.

- "Moonlit Night"

In Chang'an, Du Fu also met a young nobleman who had spent the rest of his life in the Middle East for more than a hundred days in the pursuit of the rebels. Of course, this does not rule out that it is Du Fu's artistic fiction in the poem "The Mourning King's Grandson": "The head of Chang'an City is white, and the night flies to the Autumn Gate and shouts... Under the waist of the baojue green coral, poor Wang Sun wept in the corner of the road. He refused to ask for his name, but he begged for slavery. It has been a hundred days of thorns, and there is no skin on the body..."


The golden age abruptly ended on the day of An Lushan's rebellion: the ninth day of the first month of November in the fourteenth year of Tianbao (755).

But for the city of Chang'an and the millions of inhabitants who grew up in Yusi, the prosperous world ended on June 13, the fifteenth year of Tianbao, when their emperor abandoned the city.

The last splendor of Chang'an in the ancient world is also fixed on this day. This is the Chang'an of Han Gaozu, the Chang'an of Emperor Wen of Han, the Chang'an of Emperor Wen of Sui, the Chang'an of Emperor Taizong of Tang, the Chang'an of Wenjing, the Chang'an of Kaihuang, the Chang'an of Zhenguan, and the Chang'an of Kaiyuan.

From the day of abandoning Chang'an, Chang'an could no longer return to its status as the capital of the world, nor was it the protagonist of any prosperous world.

Before The Thirteenth Day of June in the Fifteenth Year of Tianbao, what was Chang'an?

Zhang Mingyang: If Li Longji does not leave, can Chang'an be able to hold on?

Chang'an is first and foremost a spatial concept, the capital of the Tang Empire, because the Tang Empire is a world empire and has become the capital of the world; but Chang'an is also a concept of time, Chang'an is the prosperous world, the prosperous world is Chang'an, and two of the three great prosperities of the Chinese imperial era are rooted in Chang'an.

Sheng Tang's name was Chang'an.

Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty began in the era of Emperor Wen of Sui. After Yang resolutely fixed the capital Chang'an, he found that the Han Chang'an City had been repeatedly destroyed and damaged for a long time, so he "moved twenty miles southeast of the ancient city of Han Chang'an to set up a new capital", where "the plains of Sichuan are beautiful, and the flowers are nourished". Yang Jian ordered the crown prince Zuo Shuzi Yuwen Kai to preside over the construction, naming the new capital "Daxing City", which began to take shape in only one year.

By the time of the Tang Dynasty, the capital city, which had been renamed back to "Chang'an", was already the largest city in the world at that time, and perhaps set a record for the largest city size of ancient human society. Tang Chang'an City covers an area of about 84 square kilometers, which not only surpasses Han Chang'an (36 square kilometers), Northern Wei Luoyang (54 square kilometers), Ming and Qing Beijing (62 square kilometers), but also far surpasses the ancient Western metropolises of Rome (20 square kilometers) and Constantinople (14 square kilometers).

The population of Chang'an is more controversial, according to the most common saying is a million people, Mr. Yan Gengwang estimated that the total population of Chang'an is 1.7 million to 1.8 million, considering the urban capacity of the Medieval Era, half a million to 600,000 is also logical. Regardless of whether Chang'an has a million people or not, "Chang'an City has a very large unproductive population, and it is a city with a large head and a small body and a very unstable foundation." This may be a more important context, its insatiable urban character, which determines that the defense of Chang'an in an isolated sense has always been a vacuum, and it also implies that even in the prosperous world, Chang'an's vulnerability is innate.

Chang'an City consists of north and south, consisting of miyagi, imperial castle and waiguo castle. Miyagi is located in the northernmost part of the central part of Chang'an City, the earliest Taiji Palace is called "Xi Nei", and the Daming Palace built by Li Shimin in the northeast corner of the city is called "Dong Nei". After Li Longji ascended the throne, he expanded his residence of the king of the clan in the northeast corner of Dongshi into Xingqing Palace, close to the outer Guocheng city wall in the east, and officially became the political center of the Tang Dynasty in the Xuanzong era from the first month of the sixteenth year of the New Century (728), known as "Nannei". The most famous buildings of Xingqing Palace are the Calyx Xianghui Building and the Qin government office building built during the New Year, especially the Calyx Xianghui Building, known as the "world's first building".

Before the time of Emperor Xuanzong, the Eastern Palace of the Tang Dynasty was a real physical existence, located in the eastern part of the Taiji Palace but independent of the Taiji Palace, and was a symbol of the political privileges of the crown prince. However, after Li Longji took the throne, he changed the old system, so that the crown prince did not live in the East Palace, and the residence of Li Heng during the Tianbao period was actually not an independent building complex that met the original specifications, but lived in the "Courtyard of Public Opinion", that is, a corner of the Xingqing Palace. The prince's "de-Eastern Palace" essentially shows Li Heng's cramped state of existence in the Tianbao Dynasty, and the rise and breakthrough of the Eastern Palace has become a major theme of the political situation of the Tang Dynasty after the Anshi Rebellion.

The biggest feature of Chang'an City is the so-called "Lifang system". The whole city is divided into more than 100 rectangular blocks by crisscrossing streets, called "Lifang", which Bai Juyi describes as "a hundred thousand houses like a Game of Go, and the 12th Street is like a vegetable plant". One of the most important roads in the city is the north-south central street - Suzaku Street, which is said to be 155 meters wide and runs through the city, also known as Tianjie at that time, which is the central axis of the city.

The entire Chang'an City totaled 108 squares: the east and west 12 horizontal streets and the north and south ninth vertical streets divided the whole city into 130 grids, the palace city and the imperial city occupied the sixteen squares at the northern end of the central city, and the commercial center East Market and the West City each occupied two blocks, so there were only one hundred and ten squares left, which was the one hundred and ten squares of the early Tang Dynasty. After Li Longji ascended the throne, he built the Xingqing Palace in the Kaiyuan period with the land of Xingqingfang and other two squares, so Chang'an had a total of 108 squares left in the Tang Dynasty. Chang'an 108 Fang, "actually like one hundred and eight small cities in the big city", the residences of officials and nobles, ordinary residents' residences, various religious temples, official government offices, liquor stores and inns, are all distributed in Lifang, which is the essence of Chang'an.

In addition to occupying luxurious mansions in Chang'an City, many of the officials and gentry of the Sheng Tang Dynasty also built villas in the scenic areas of the suburbs outside the city, "the most concentrated place of villas is the line of Fanchuan in the south of the city, followed by the Liaochuan River near the east of the city, the two rivers and the Lantian river is also relatively concentrated." The most famous place in Fanchuan is the Xingjiao Temple, which is known as the first of the eight major temples of Fanchuan, where the xuanzang master stupa is inhabited; the best place in The Chuanchuan is the residence of Wang Wei, one of the spiritual holy places of Chinese literati, wang Wei and his closest friend Pei Di wrote twenty poems of the "Yuanchuan Collection" in the valley of the Yuanchuan River.

No one else's residence is more gorgeous than Li Longji's. About sixty miles east of Chang'an City, is the Huaqing Palace (formerly known as the Hot Spring Palace) built on mount Lishan and facing Weishui. From the early years of the new century to the fourteenth year of Tianbao (755), Li Longji had to travel to huaqing palace almost every October, and at the end of the year, he was still in Chang'an Xingqing Palace, and Wang Jianyou had a poem "On the first day of October, the son of heaven came, and there was no dust on the green rope royal road" ("Hot Spring Palace Line"). It is said that Li Longji reigned for forty-four years and performed the Xinghua Qing Palace about forty times.

Li Longji and Yang Yuhuan were in love with Huaqing Palace, and it was precisely under the illumination of Li Yanglian that Huaqing Palace became the second political center of the Tang Dynasty during the Tianbao years, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the "Winter Palace" of the Sheng Tang Dynasty. On November 15, the fourteenth year of Tianbao, Li Longji heard the drumming of An Lushan's troops in the hot spring water of Huaqing Palace.

The prosperity of Chang'an ended on June 13, 756, the fifteenth year of Tianbao, Li Longji's day of Chang'an.

But if you go back, you may have to go back to November of the twenty-fourth year of the new century (736), when the Lingnan man named Zhang Jiuling was deposed.

This is a classic Churchill situation: "This is not an end, this is not even the beginning of an end, this can only be the end of a beginning at best." ”

【Excerpt from: "Abandoning Chang'an" Zhang Mingyang /author Tiandi Publishing House & Tianxi Culture]

Zhang Mingyang: If Li Longji does not leave, can Chang'an be able to hold on?