
The VR adventure game Eye of the Temple adds Spes

Danish indie developer Rune Skovbo Johansen has released the latest update to its VR game Eye of the Temple, adding Speedrun challenges and leaderboards.

The VR adventure game Eye of the Temple adds Spes

It is understood that "Eye of the Temple" is a VR puzzle adventure game developed by Danish independent developer Rune Skovbo Johansen, which has landed on the PCVR headset in October 2021. In this unique full-body VR experience, players will play as an Indiana Jones-esque adventurer to explore an ancient hilltop temple located deep in the jungle.

Eye of the Temple differs from other VR adventure games in that its use of room-scale technology is impressive. It doesn't rely on artificial motion mechanisms, such as click teleportation, where the player actually moves through the real-world environment with their own feet. However, based on the clever level design of the development team, the game only needs 2 meters × 2 meters to play. The game makes good use of in-game elements such as mobile platforms, with minimal realistic movements to transport the player through virtual temples.

The VR adventure game Eye of the Temple adds Spes

As players advance through this ancient labyrinth, they will face a variety of puzzles to solve and traps to avoid. Thankfully, the game will come with a number of useful items, including torches and whips. At the same time, there are ladders to activate levers that can't see five fingers and drive away nasty creatures.

Players can unlock three Speedrun challenges by playing the relevant parts of the normal game, and the leaderboard feature has been extended to regular games. The current world record holder is a 36-minute playthrough, and normal gameplay is estimated to take 4 to 5 hours to complete. Rune Skovbo Johansen said more challenges will be added in the future.

The VR adventure game Eye of the Temple adds Spes

As a VR adventure game that focuses on puzzle gameplay, Eye of the Temple gives players an immersive temple vision, which is very attractive for players who love adventure games. Playing this game is a test of responsiveness and elegance that may give you a feeling of almost losing your balance. When you stand on a block that starts or stops moving, this usually decreases rapidly over time. And the in-situ step operation should be able to effectively alleviate the problem of motion sickness