
Be the best version of yourself in order to meet the best others

Be the best version of yourself in order to meet the best others

A young man went to buy a bowl, and when he came to the shop, he picked up a bowl in his hand, and then gently touched the other bowls in turn, and when the bowls touched each other, there was an immediate dull, muddy sound, and he shook his head in disappointment. Then go try the next bowl... He picked almost all the bowls in the store, but none of them were satisfied, and even the boss's self-thought that the best of the bowls in the store was put back by him with a shake of his head.

The boss was very puzzled, asking him what it meant to always take this bowl in his hand to touch other bowls? He triumphantly told his boss that this was the trick that an elder had told him to pick a bowl, and when one bowl collided with another, it must be a good bowl. The boss suddenly realized, picked up a bowl and handed it to him, smiled and said: "Boy, you take this bowl to try, keep you can pick your favorite bowl." He acted in disbelief. odd! Each bowl he was holding in his hand made a crisp sound under the gentle collision, and he did not understand what was going on and asked in detail. The boss laughed and said, the reason is very simple, the bowl you just took to test the bowl itself is a defective product, you use it to test the bowl the sound must be cloudy, you want to get a good bowl, first of all to ensure that the one you take is also a good bowl.......

Be the best version of yourself in order to meet the best others

Just like the collision of one bowl and another, the collision of one heart and another requires sincerity to make a crisp and pleasant sound. If you get along with others with suspicion, suspicion, and even vigilance, you will inevitably get the suspicion and suspicion of others. In fact, everyone may become a "noble person" in their own life, and the premise is that you should be kind to others. If you give sincerity, you will be trusted accordingly, and your dedication of love will be respected. On the contrary, if you are hypocritical, jealous, and even jealous of others, what others can only give you is a thick wall and an indifferent heart.

Everyone has a bowl in their lives, and the bowl contains kindness, trust, tolerance, sincerity, hypocrisy, narrow-mindedness, jealousy, selfishness... Please remove the impurities from the bowl, then smile and meet the collision of the other bowl, and let out your crisp, hearty laughter!

Be the best of yourself, in order to collide with the best of others!

Be the best version of yourself in order to meet the best others

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