
Director Lu Yan led a team to visit the co-construction streets of the station

author:Tianjin Inspection Second Branch
Director Lu Yan led a team to visit the co-construction streets of the station

In order to promote the in-depth development of the education and rectification of the procuratorial contingent and conscientiously implement the deployment requirements for "opening the door" to carry out rectification, on the morning of August 24, Lu Yan, member of the party leading group and director of the Political Department of the procuratorate, led a team to visit and investigate the streets of The Hangjia Temple in Hexi District, the joint construction unit of the procuratorate, to introduce the situation and listen to opinions on the education and rectification of the procuratorial contingent of our procuratorate and the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses."

Director Lu Yan led a team to visit the co-construction streets of the station

Zhang Min, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Hangjiasi Street, fully affirmed the measures and results of our hospital and the street community in carrying out party building and co-construction in recent years, fully supporting the prevention and control of the epidemic in the community, and giving play to the procuratorial function to participate in grass-roots governance, and made suggestions for our hospital to take the opportunity of the education and rectification of the procuratorial team to continue to give play to the advantages of procuratorial work, continue to carry out the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", deepen the joint construction of the station, and innovate and enrich the carrier of party building and co-construction.

Director Lu Yan said that it is necessary to do a thorough job in the education and rectification of the procuratorial contingent, further consolidate the new development concept, build a new development pattern, take the party building work as the guide, more closely integrate into the urban grass-roots party building system, take the initiative to dock the new needs of the street communities and the people, further connect the supply-side service list of our hospital with the demand side list of the street community, continuously enrich the methods and measures for procuratorial work to participate in grass-roots governance, and enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security with the actual results of education and rectification.

The two sides also discussed the construction of mechanisms such as promoting resource sharing, joint construction and feedback.

In the next step, our hospital will extensively solicit the opinions and suggestions of all sectors of society and the grass-roots masses, conscientiously study the measures for rectification and implementation, continuously improve and perfect various procuratorial work, take the satisfaction of the masses as the criterion for testing the effectiveness of education and rectification, and use the new image and new results of procurators for the people to hand over a satisfactory answer sheet to the people.

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