
The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest

author:Xiaoya is on the balcony

Introduction: Raise a few pots of plants indoors, add a lot of natural atmosphere to the home, these 3 kinds of high-grade green plants, raised in the living room is very good, purify the air, improve air quality, and beautiful and beautiful, large leaves, dense foliage, like a beautiful small forest!

The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest

In a corner of the balcony, or a position in the living room, raise a few pots of simple and beautiful atmosphere of green plants, the foliage is green and lush in all seasons, full of vitality, so that the home has always had the breath of nature, no matter whether our living room is large or small, there is a small corner full of vitality and spring breath is also good, to create their own small garden, in fact, it is not difficult.

The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest

The following kinds of green plant pots, not only the branches and leaves are very beautiful, but also not difficult to raise, the leaves are very beautiful, evergreen, placed in the living room in any position is good, so that the home looks more advanced, but also can improve the air quality at home, purify the indoor air.

The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest

1. Fig

Qinye fig is a kind of large leaf potted green plant, if you want to raise some foliage plants at home, but do not want to raise green lotus hanging orchid, you can try to raise a pot of fig leaves, its leaves are super large, the branches are strong, straight and lush, the leaves are evergreen all year round, it can be said that it is still quite beautiful, placed at home, and any kind of decoration style, are quite matched, there is a sense of seniority.

The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest

Then at home to raise the ficus leaf fig, in fact, in the maintenance to pay attention to some small details to raise it well, because it likes a humid and moist growth environment, so the pot soil can not be too dry, but also can not have water for a long time, when the air is relatively dry, you can spray water on the leaves, increase the air humidity, in order to make the fig grow more vigorous, the plant type is larger, can not be raised with too small pots, if the pot is small, you have to replace the larger pots in time, so that its root system can grow freely, the longer the more exuberant.

The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest

In addition, the ficus ficus also needs to be fertilized, but when giving fertilizer, it is necessary to pay attention to fertilizing during the growth period, do not give fertilizer in winter, and every time you fertilize, you must apply thin fertilizer diligently, otherwise thick fertilizer is easy to burn roots and yellow leaves.

The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest

2. Turtle back bamboo

Its leaves are huge, a leaf is almost as large as a washbasin, emerald green and lush, the stem also has some air roots, if in the right growth environment, it can climb vines one or two meters high, very spectacular, in fact, the turtle back bamboo purification ability is very strong, and it is very beautiful atmosphere, raise a pot in the living room, in the astigmatism can also grow well, branches and leaves continue to grow. There is no tacky feeling at all, and the sense of luxury is full.

The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest

When raising turtles and back bamboo, the soil in the pot must be fertile and loose, and add some river sand or other granular soil, do not let the pot soil plate, the pot is too small, you have to replace the larger pot, the pot soil can not be too dry, the soil should be replenished in time to replenish water, it will grow particularly fast, the branches are thick, and new leaves are constantly grown.

The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest
The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest

3. Duck foot wood

This kind of potted plant may have been raised by many friends, there are also called it fortune wood, it actually has two kinds, one is a green leaf duck foot wood, one is a flower leaf, the maintenance method is basically the same, but the leaf color has some differences, of course, the flower leaf of the duck foot wood, because of the pattern on the leaf, will be more beautiful and beautiful.

The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest

So it is also more eye-catching in the living room, it looks very comfortable, it can also purify the indoor air, absorb the dust in the air at home, and it is very skinny, than raising a fortune tree and raising a banyan tree bonsai, it is simpler.

The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest

When raising duck foot wood, pay attention not to be frozen in winter, put it indoors, usually can be placed outdoors for a period of time, but do not expose yourself to the sun in summer, raise it in a well-ventilated place, the potting soil cannot be too wet, and it is not picky about the soil.

The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest

If it is raised indoors, it can be placed in a place with astigmatism, the potting soil is kept slightly dry, and some thin fertilizer is given in the spring, and the light and moisture are increased, it will grow particularly vigorously, and the branches and leaves will grow more, which looks very beautiful and beautiful.

The living room raises these 3 kinds of "green plants", with dense branches and leaves, and better air quality, just like a beautiful small forest

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