
Remembrance on the clouds! The 2022 Commemoration of Mengmu Mencius was held

Remembrance on the clouds! The 2022 Commemoration of Mengmu Mencius was held

On May 2, 2022, the 2022 Mencius Hometown (Zoucheng) Mother's Cultural Festival opened at the Mengmiao Temple in Zoucheng. The event site held a ceremony to commemorate Mengmu Mengzi, and launched a series of activities of the Shandong Provincial Family Education Volunteer Service Corps National Family Education Publicity Week.

"QiFa—" At 9:00 a.m., the "Song of Haoran" sounded, and the Mengmiao Lingxing Gate slowly opened. The descendants of the Meng clan and representatives of all walks of life in Zoucheng, under the guidance of Wen Wusheng and Wu Wusheng, walked into the front of the Sub-Temple with dignity, and in turn presented flower baskets and three bows to Mengzi, the mother of Mengzi. Meng Guangshun, the 70th grandson of Mencius, read the commemoration of Meng Mu and Mengzi in Beijing.

"The Story of Meng Mother and Godson" is the most vivid expression of excellent tutoring style, and it is also the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. The formation of Mencius's idea of "benevolence", the harmonious idea of "heaven and earth people", and the idea of "the people are noble and the king is light" are all inseparable from Meng Mu's education. Meng Xianxin, a descendant of the Meng clan, said that carrying forward the connotation of inheriting the cultural connotation of mother's education is to carry forward the construction of excellent family style and tutoring, and is the specific practice of creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional culture.

Remembrance on the clouds! The 2022 Commemoration of Mengmu Mencius was held

Shandong Provincial Family Education Volunteer Service Corps National Family Education Publicity Week series of activities launched on the spot, the province's "smart parents", family education of the most beautiful volunteers, family education outstanding service team selection and awards and other activities will be held in the near future, condensing the consensus and joint efforts of the whole society to educate people.

With the theme of "Li De Shu Ren Family Style, Shouzheng Innovation toward the Future", combined with the promulgation and implementation of the Family Education Promotion Law, this year's Mother Culture Festival will jointly organize the Shandong Provincial Family Education Conference and the Mother Culture Festival to promote the establishment of Chinese Mother's Day. The series runs from May to July. According to the actual requirements of epidemic prevention and control, this year, Zoucheng City will move the Mother's Day activities to the cloud, through the combination of online and offline methods, so that more people from all walks of life, descendants of Meng at home and abroad and Confucian enthusiasts, on the network live broadcast platform to commemorate Yasheng Mencius, and jointly feel the greatness of mother's culture and the breadth and depth of Mencius's thought.

(Reporting by Dazhong Daily client reporter Wang Haoqi correspondent Wang Chongyin, Dong Xiuting, Wang Yuhong, Zhang Jiong, Lu Weifeng)

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