
What medicine stalin sold in the gourd (18): Accepting the reality of the development and growth of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army

author:Scenic video

On November 1, 1928, the Central Bank of the National Government in Nanjing was established. The Nanjing National Government established by Chiang Kai-shek formed a capital group monopolized by the four major families of Chiang, Song, Kong and Chen. With the Central Bank, the Bank of China, the Bank of Communications, and the Peasants' Bank as the center, they have gained privileges such as monopolizing finance, issuing paper money, acting as an agent for the national treasury, managing public bonds, and managing foreign exchange, and plundering and plundering the people of the whole country.

On December 10, 1928, Peng Dehuai and Teng Daiyuan led the main force of the Fifth Red Army of the Pingjiang Uprising of more than 800 people to break through the enemy's encirclement and blockade and come to Jinggangshan. Jinggangshan has another revolutionary force.

The various rebel armies and the Jinggangshan division are of great significance.

The Jinggangshan Division has preserved a large number of staunch political and military cadres of the Red Army, gathered the essence of the armed forces on the border of Xianggan and Gansu, strengthened the armed forces of the Jinggangshan revolutionary base area, strengthened the confidence and determination of the party and the masses to establish a revolutionary political power, and opened up the road of victory in encircling the cities with the countryside and finally seizing the cities.

On December 29, 1928, after the death of Zhang Zuolin, the leader of the Feng clan warlords, by the Japanese Kwantung Army, his son Zhang Xueliang issued a circular from the northeast declaring that he would "abide by the Three People's Principles, obey the Nationalist government, and change the flag." This move marked the end of the Northern Expedition and the end of the Beiyang government, which began to formally unify China.

In January 1929, Zhu De and Chen Yi led the main force of the Red Fourth Army to march to Gannan and western Fujian.

 In 1929, an unprecedented economic crisis broke out in the capitalist world. The Communist International, led by Stalin, believed that this crisis would herald the collapse of capitalism and the impending revolutionary upsurge. In China, from the beginning of 1929, wars broke out between the new warlords of the Kuomintang, and the Middle East Road Incident broke out between China and the Soviet Union.

In such an international and domestic context, Li Lisan and others inflated their minds and presided over the CPC Central Committee's all-out plan to promote a huge central city riot. Li Lisan exaggerated the extent of the development of Chinese capitalism and ignored China's huge feudal forces. The Comintern disagreed with Li Lisan's judgment and made it clear that it "resolutely opposes the holding of riots in Nanjing and Wuchang under the present conditions, as well as the general strike in Shanghai." However, these have been met with "many confrontations" by Li Lisan.

In March 1929, Wang Ming stayed in the Soviet Union and returned to China, and Mif, the president of Moscow Sun Yat-sen University, whom Stalin appreciated, strongly recommended Wang Ming as the leader of the Communist Party of China.

Also in March, the Third National Congress of the Kuomintang stipulated that the people of the Republic of China must obey and support the Kuomintang of China, and that the Kuomintang should "bear full responsibility" for the administration of the regime of the Republic of China.

Because military power was controlled in the hands of the Chiang Kai-shek clique, the military dictatorship of the Kuomintang,000 under the one-party dictatorship headed by Chiang Kai-shek was strengthened. Chiang Kai-shek openly advocated the practice of fascism, sent many inspection missions to Germany and Italy to study and train, and hired a number of Germans to serve as advisers to the Kuomintang government. The Kuomintang expanded and strengthened the counter-revolutionary military forces under its control. By March 1929, the total number of troops reached more than 2 million, which was unique in the world.

In April, the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to discuss the resolution on the Question of China adopted at the Ninth Enlarged Session of the Communist International, and on the basis of Zhou Enlai's opinion, made Circular No. 44 on the acceptance of the Resolution of the Communist International, correcting the mistake of "Left" blind movement. At the meeting, Zhou Enlai affirmed the Correct Analysis of the Situation in China by the Comintern, but disagreed with the criticism of the CCP on the issues of guerrilla warfare and agrarian revolution in the countryside. The resolution of the Comintern emphasized that the city should be the center, and that the countryside could only cooperate with the development of the city and could not run ahead of the city. Zhou Enlai believes that at present, the countryside is indeed ahead of the city. China's national conditions are different from those of Russia, where "the peasantry is an important factor", and he does not agree with the countryside waiting for the city.

In June, Mao Zedong attended the Seventh Congress of the Red Fourth Army of the Communist Party of China in Longyan. At the meeting, the correct opinions on the tasks, political work and military work of the Red Army were not accepted, and the post of former secretary of the Mao Zedong Committee was re-elected. After the meeting, Mao Zedong left the main leadership position of the Red Fourth Army.

In September, after analyzing the situation of the Kuomintang warlord melee and the experience of the Red Army and the Red Army in various places, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a letter of instruction to the Former Committee of the Red Fourth Army, affirming Mao Zedong's correct ideas on the red army's operational tactics and building a strong revolutionary army.

  Resolution adopted at the Tenth Plenary Session of the Executive Committee of the Communist International in October 1929. The resolution held that the CCP has a right-wing tendency in dealing with such issues as the rich peasants, the Guangxi warlord Yu Zuobai, and the establishment of red trade unions, and that there are also some wrong places in the handling of Chen Duxiu. The Politburo of the CPC Central Committee was very dissatisfied with the resolution. A meeting was held on December 6 to discuss it. The conference unanimously demanded that the Far East Bureau of the Communist International amend the resolution. In order to resolve the controversy, on 10, 13 and 17 February, members of the Far East Bureau and Li Lisan, Zhou Enlai, and Xiang Zhongfa of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee held three joint meetings to discuss the issue of differences, which resulted in a dispute between the two sides and finally resorted to the Executive Committee of the Communist International.

From December 28 to 29, 1929, the Ninth Congress of the Red Fourth Army of the Communist Party of China was held in Gutian Village, Shanghang County, Fujian Province, known in history as the "Gutian Conference". Mao Zedong made a political report at the meeting and drafted a resolution of the congress (that is, the resolution of the Gutian Conference). The meeting elected a new Committee of Former Enemies of the Red Fourth Army of the Communist Party of China, and Mao Zedong was elected secretary.

On January 5, 1930, Mao Zedong wrote the famous document "The Spark of Stars Can Burn the Plains", expounding the theory of the Chinese revolutionary road of encircling the cities by the countryside and seizing power by force.

In early March 1930, Zhou Enlai was assigned by the Central Committee to go to Moscow to report to the Comintern and to resolve the contradictions between the CPC Central Committee and the Far East Bureau of the Comintern.

Since Zhou Enlai went to the Soviet Union, Li Lisan's "Left" ideology has expanded sharply, causing the central authorities to deviate greatly from guiding the work in various localities.

On 25 May, the Executive Committee of the Communist International drafted a resolution on China. The task of developing the strike movement was placed first in the first draft, and the task of developing the "peasant guerrilla movement" was included in the fourth place in the party's task, while there was no mention of the Red Army at all. Zhou Enlai, who was in Moscow, believed that "there was first the rural Red Army and then the urban regime, which is the characteristic of the Chinese revolution."

In May, Mao Zedong searched for Wu in Jiangxi, and at the same time, in view of the prevalence of dogmatism in the Communist International led by Stalin and the sanctification of the Soviet experience, he used unrealistic so-called "scientific theories" to guide the Chinese revolution, which repeatedly frustrated the Chinese revolution. Wrote the famous article "Against Originalism", proposing that "there is no investigation, no right to speak". It clearly expressed the basic viewpoints of seeking truth from facts, the mass line, and independence and self-determination, and expounded the scientific attitude toward Marxism.

Around the time of the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it was the most complicated and difficult period in the history of the Communist Party of China. As a branch of the Comintern, the Communist Party of China maintained close ties with the Communist International led by Stalin. During this period, Zhou Enlai communicated closely with the Comintern on almost all major issues concerning the Chinese revolution. While implementing the resolutions and instructions of the Communist International, Zhou Enlai also paid attention to reality, thought independently, and dared to explore.

In May 1930, the Red Flag, a publication of the central organ of the Communist Party of China, published a signed document, clearly proposing that the Communist Party should use most or even all of its strength to develop rural work; it believed that after the revolutionary forces occupied the vast rural areas, they could unite to encircle the cities, blockade the cities, and attack the cities. Only then can the revolution be victorious.

The theory of the encirclement of the cities by the countryside and the armed seizure of political power is the creative application and development of Marxism in China. It marks the initial formation of Sinicized Marxism, that is, Mao Zedong Thought.

On 5 July, Zhou Enlai was invited to give a report entitled "The New Upsurge of the Chinese Revolution and the Communist Party of China" at the Sixteenth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, in which he once again pointed out when talking about the characteristics of the Chinese revolution: "In the development of guerrilla warfare and agrarian revolution, the semi-colonial Chinese revolution has its special product——— this is the Red Army of the Chinese workers' and peasants' revolution"; "it is proposed that the Party should oppose both the right and the left blind movement and closed-door doctrine."

On 16 July, Zhou Enlai gave a report to the Political Committee of the Communist International, clearly stating that at present China "has not yet formed a situation of direct revolution throughout the country."

When Zhou Enlai met with Stalin on July 21, he focused on the vigorous development of the Chinese revolution, especially the Red Army. After listening carefully to Zhou Enlai's introduction, Stalin began to accept the reality of the major development of the Chinese Red Army over the past year or so, and agreed with Zhou Enlai's view that the Red Army should be placed in the first place on the question of the Chinese revolution.

On 23 July, after repeated discussions and several drafts by the Executive Committee of the Communist International, the Resolution on the Question of China was issued, stating that China "does not yet possess an objective revolutionary situation on a nationwide scale, the workers' movement and the peasant movement have not yet converged into a great current, and even if the workers' movement and the peasant movement are combined, they are not enough to guarantee the necessary forces to fight against imperialism and the Kuomintang regime." Of the 16 "most important tasks of the Party," the first seven are about the Soviet zone and the Red Army, and the urban workers' (violent) movement is placed after item 8, which shows that Stalin and the Comintern attached importance for the first time to the question of the expansion of the Soviet zone and the development of the Red Army. The resolution emphasizes: "Only when a genuine Red Army is established in the most reliable areas, and this Red Army is absolutely subordinate to the leadership of the Party ... can the Government of the Workers' and Peasants' Soviets possess the strength and significance it deserves." "Under the present special conditions in China, building a red army full of combat effectiveness and political firmness is a top task." The resolution recognized for the first time that the Chinese Revolution and the Russian Revolution "will be very different." The correct viewpoint of the resolution basically adopts the correct viewpoint of Zhou Enlai.

On 8 August, the Comintern sent a telegram to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, stressing once again that "the building of a strong, well-organized, politically firm, and well-supplied Red Army is the central link in the work of the Communist Party at present, and the correct and effective completion of this task will ensure the further development of the mass revolutionary movement." "Proposed"... Select and open up base areas that will ensure the formation and strengthening of such an army. ...... At present, it is clear that the southern Fujian, western Fujian, and northeastern Guangdong regions can first become such base areas."

The new understanding of the Communist International led by Stalin obviously drew on the contents of Zhou Enlai's report and Mao Zedong's proposition of first winning over Jiangxi, and negated Li Lisan's erroneous plan of organizing a general uprising throughout the country.

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