
Have you noticed the plants inside and outside the shop doors?

Have you noticed the plants inside and outside the shop doors?

| is slow

|Cat Han

|kinoyo - Miss the sunset

This article is about 700 words and is expected to take you 2 minutes

A shop downstairs in the neighborhood has been rested and reopened, and when I pass by their doorstep, I always glance at them from time to time.

I glanced not at anything else, but at the greenery they had placed at their doors, left and right, to celebrate the opening.

Time passed day by day, and I silently bet myself in my heart to see if they would wither.

I don't know, have you paid attention? Those green plants that symbolize the auspicious opening of the business often have very different fates.

Some, as if they were born only for the day they opened, have been forgotten at the door since the end of that day.

Luckily, it was outdoors and I was able to eat a few mouthfuls of rain on a rainy day. Bad luck, stay indoors, lack of sunlight, even if you can't drink a sip of water, and finally wait for death.

In others, fate is much better. The shopkeeper did not ignore them, but remembered to take care of them, and whenever they went, the green plants were full of energy.

Therefore, I often use the greenery in the store to judge whether a store is worth going to.

In my opinion, the attitude towards the greenery at the door determines the attitude of a store. Even if you are busy, pouring a sip of water when closing the door is just a matter of convenience, just look at it and don't worry about it.

I often encounter shops where the plants die at the door, the plants are bare, the death is tragic, the soil under the feet has cracked, and it is never taken care of at first glance.

Ten thousand steps back, they could have removed these dead plants, but neither did they, as if they were non-existent.

In contrast, some stores, both inside and outside the store, have excellent care of the plants.

I went to a certain shop, the owner is friendly and warm. The green lotus in his shop is very good and full of life, and I am eager to ask him for advice.

A store that has plants in the store will take care of it carefully, and I can't question its intentions for the store. I would like to believe that the other party is a person who grasps the details carefully and is responsible.

Some may also say that it may be just that some shopkeepers are not good at caring for plants, but they can distinguish between being bad and ignoring them.

In life, many things are like this, seeing the big in the small and knowing the small.

A person's behavior in the world is hidden in those details that may be overlooked. Make good changes from the details, and in the end, it is the big picture that benefits.

This is the truth I understood from the life and death of the green plants in front of the store.

Have you noticed the plants inside and outside the shop doors?

I've always felt that what makes "slow" special is that it presents my life as an ordinary person. My life is different from your life, but it is not very different, and behind the difference, there is a huge similarity.

Every day, in our own way, we spend the 24 hours that belong to us. Behind every ordinary life, there is a real you and me.

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I've always believed that everyone has their own likes and strengths. You like to draw, you like to practice words, you like to raise flowers, you like puzzles, you like photography... And so on, you can leave your favorite here.

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Have you noticed the plants inside and outside the shop doors?

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