
A person with fortune hides "these four temperaments"

A person with fortune hides "these four temperaments"

Opening remarks

There is a saying on the Internet: how to relieve worries, only to get rich.

Although it is a joke, in today's current epidemic situation, it is a little difficult to get rich. However, everyone does not want to let themselves fall into poverty, after all, the chai rice oil and salt in life, food, clothing, housing and transportation, everything is inseparable from money.

Therefore, when people live, they first cultivate their own fortune.

Without wealth, there is no "color" in life. Most of the time, many things, if we do not have "wealth", we need to use "wealth" in exchange, people without wealth, neither can enjoy the richness of life, but also difficult to make their future to a higher level.

Unfortunately, in life, we are all just ordinary people, just doing our own simple work and earning money to support our families, so fortune, for many people, is an unreliable thing.

In fact, fortune has cause and effect.

There is a cause and a cause, and the result is in the present. Only by allowing yourself to have more "causes" to get rich can you let your wealth come, seize the opportunity, and let fate be taken care of.

People, whether they have fortune or not, in fact, there are signs.

Therefore, whether a person can have fortune or not is inseparable from the four temperaments hidden in him, and only by cultivating these temperaments can he have the opportunity to meet fortune.

A person with fortune hides "these four temperaments"


There is a saying called "small hidden in the mountains, large hidden in the city."

A person, who is really powerful, is able to maintain his own open mind and calmness in the sea of thousands of people.

So-called, the threesome must have my teacher.

People who live and are so ambitious and far away often forget to be down-to-earth; they will often fall into the abyss if they insist on going their own way.

Therefore, only by learning to be a listener, listening to the opinions of others, listening to the persuasion of others, being able to be cautious in words and deeds, and strive for excellence, can we make ourselves broad-minded, will not stand out from the crowd, and will not be stubborn.

People live, in fact, vertically.

You will always go forward, there will always be only one way, and you will not be able to go backwards.

In "The Tale of the Little Window", there is a couplet:

Spoiled and unfazed, idly watching and hearing the flowers blossom and fall; to stay unintentional, wandering with the clouds outside the window.

Perhaps, if people want to live well, they must have a temperament, that is, whether it is good times or bad times, I will be at ease and at peace with the situation.

Life is not satisfactory, nine times out of ten.

Those who make the mood able to be like a breeze and a moon anytime and anywhere, transparent and clear, and calm, must be a person who can achieve great things.

Only because, they have a state of mind, that is, to make themselves like dandelions, no matter where they drift with the wind, they can take root, sprout, grow, blossom...

Su Shi once said: Those who have achieved great things in ancient times are not only supernatural talents, but also have the will to persevere.

It can be seen that when a person has an easy-going and natural attitude, a strong and indomitable character, and a state of not being in a hurry, he will surely bloom quietly.

Starlight does not ask passers-by, time pays off.

As a person, you can be patient, you can accumulate thick and thin hair, and you can also find the most suitable part of your own world in the openness of heaven and earth.

A person with fortune hides "these four temperaments"


Once watched a TV series "The Great Dyeing Factory", the protagonist Chen Liuzi is a small beggar, in the night of Lapa Ba, almost froze to death, was "picked up" by the Zhou family who opened the dyeing workshop.

When he entered the Zhou family dyeing workshop, life was like an open hanging, only because he was a person, there was work in his eyes, the wind under his feet, the work was sharp, and his mouth could talk, whenever someone came to dye cloth, he would repeatedly explain: There is something that can help at home, you say a word, dye it and send you home.

The service is thoughtful and the character is excellent, so that the business of the entire Zhoucun dyeing shop has been won by him, and everyone is envious of being able to pick up such a "little guy".

It can be seen that the fortune of life, on such a little "initiative", how big you can do business, how far you can go, depends on how much you pay.

Many people, after entering social work, some people will go all the way, step by step, soar to high positions, while some people will always stand still, all their lives in a post, almost no change.

There are also people who stay in a position all their lives, afraid of change, and ignorant of a lifetime, while some people, he will actively seek, more suitable for their own life, find the most suitable way for themselves.

In fact, all of them are not only bad by chance, but more by "initiative".

It seems to be the unexpected promotion of others, it seems to be a person's frequent job hopping, it seems to be restless, but among them, he is actively exploring and actively fighting for himself.

When a person lives one life, everything in your present moment actually has a causal cycle.

Modern people pay attention to two words: follow the fate.

However, the deeper meaning of the following is that after you take the initiative, you have no regrets about the "result". Because I worked hard, Fought for it, and took the initiative, everything went with the flow.

A person with fortune hides "these four temperaments"


Good reputation and evil destruction, the common sense of man, beyond reproach.

For people to live in the world, we must have self-knowledge, no matter what we do, we must know how many pounds and pounds.

It's like some people, who are always arrogant and think that a unit can't turn without him, but when you leave the platform you are on, you will find that you are nothing.

We can't deny that everyone has their own characteristics, but this kind of special, like the pebbles by the river, even if it is very different, is meaningless after all.

Therefore, as a person, we must understand that some things, do not be too real, just laugh at it.

Once Mr. Ji Xianlin once told a story of his own.

There was a scholar, Mr. Ji Lao, who did not know the existence of this person at all, but at some point, the man had formed a grudge with him, because this person felt that Mr. Ji Lao occupied his position, and he thought that what should belong to him was "occupied by the magpie's nest" by Mr. Ji Lao, so he was dissatisfied.

After a long time, Mr. Ji Lao knew that there was such a thing, he just smiled slightly, thinking that he did not expect such a thing in this world, but he had to smile lightly and ignore it.

Yes, the world, all sentient beings, we live, you are good to everyone, but don't expect it, everyone can be good to you.

Therefore, we must make ourselves open-minded, only hope to have more "reputation", and less "destruction", although not smooth, but do not avoid, do not cause trouble for yourself.

Only by being open-minded can we save our own connections and blessings, and only then can we bring fortune to ourselves, so that we can be less angry and less troublesome.

A person with fortune hides "these four temperaments"


People who have a big pattern must be calm.

Because he knows very well that people live a lifetime, the wind and rain, are all a natural, gain is experience, loss is experience, so he will be very calm to let himself, low-key, do things high-profile.

Mr. Ji Xianlin's motto is worthy of people's taste: in the midst of the great wave, do not like or fear, should be exhausted, no more worries.

If you can walk calmly on the Sunshine Avenue and be indifferent when walking on the single wooden bridge, you will certainly be able to do things as a person, be calm, be at ease with the encounter, "in the midst of the waves", not sad or happy, calm and self-assured.

People's fortunes are actually related to a person's emotional fluctuations, which have a lot to do with it. Just like the stock market is changing, the more calm people are, the more they can move forward steadily, and the more impatient people are, the more dangerous they are.

Therefore, as a person, you must be able to withstand loneliness and withstand pressure, in order to go all the way forward, not afraid. In the face of flowers and applause, hold on to yourself; in the face of thorns and obstacles, you will not be afraid to shrink back.

In life, most people, once the reality is dissatisfied with their own desires, will complain and complain about life. But forget, blindly complaining, can not change their current situation, but will make themselves more and more restless.

Only when a person has a fixed mind can he be fixed.

Unmoved in the hustle and bustle, and not at ease with the praise and slander, those who can usher in a good encounter for themselves often treat all kinds of encounters in life in the best condition: calmly accept.

Therefore, calm, this temperament is indispensable for enhancing one's own fortune.

A person with fortune hides "these four temperaments"

Life is long, fate, is one of the most difficult things to figure out.

However, fortune is a story of cause and effect.

Maybe you are gifted, hardworking, and have a good heart, but it is likely that you will have no fortune, because some people, even if they are very "talented", are not good at being patient, will not take the initiative to meet each other, and there will be some "high and lonely", so that you can only turn away "fortune" and stay away.

Therefore, the right way in the world is vicissitudes.

But fortune requires you to come up with your own attitude, do your own thing, have hope, take the initiative, keep a low profile, be patient, not angry, not angry, not complaining, not anxious, not dry...

With these signs, you can one day let the fortune come to you inadvertently.

Author: The Frank Fox

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May you find in my words the ordinary years, a strong affection! Thanks for your attention!

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