
"Island Bookstore": All the losses will come back in another way

Author | Fan Deng Reading · Yao Jin

Anchor | Fan Deng Reading · Anthony

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Meet · Meet your unknown self in the book.

Good evening to all book lovers, welcome to the reading column "Encounter" produced by Fan Deng Reading.

Today I will share with you the novel of American writer Gabriela Zevin - "The Island Bookstore".

Since its publication in 2014, the book has been ranked No. 1 in the Independent Booksellers' Selection in the United States, and has been featured in the New York Times bestseller list in more than 30 countries around the world.

From this book, we can feel the healing power of love.

Sanmao once said:

"What Heaven does not give me, no matter how my ten fingers are interlocked, will still leak, and what I give to me, no matter how I have lost my hand in the past, will have it."

Life is a process of losing and gaining at the same time.

The book "Island Bookstore" tells such a story about love and redemption.

The bookstore owner, Faikri, lost his wife in middle age, the only valuable book was stolen, and the business was on the verge of bankruptcy.

However, just when his life fell to the bottom, the appearance of the abandoned baby Maya became a link between him and the world.

He took a turn for the better in his life, and eventually happiness and happiness returned to him.

The story of Fickley is also the epitome of each of our lives.

Life will leave us with regrets, but we can change our state of mind and look at it from a different perspective.

When you no longer regret losing, when you can enjoy all the gifts of life, all the loss, will come back in another way.

Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, which is the norm of life

Fickleri and Nicole are a happy little couple on the remote island of Alice.

Together, they run an island bookstore and live a peaceful and happy life.

However, the good times did not last long, and the accidental death of his wife who was two months pregnant in a car accident plunged Faikri into infinite grief.

He often ate frozen meat alone, drunk himself again and again, and lost his temper with customers for no reason, resulting in the bookstore business being deserted day by day.

After waking up drunk, Faikri found that the treasured poem "Tamerlane" was missing, and the value of the book was enough for him to close the bookstore and enjoy his retirement early.

After the loss of the book of Tamerlane's poems, Faikri had to pick up the spirits and start dealing with the affairs of the bookstore.

After a bookstore closed, he ran at night as usual, did not lock the door, but when he returned, he found a little girl in the bookstore reading a picture book.

Next to the little girl was a note that read:

"This is Maya, she is two years and one month old, she is very smart, I am really desperate, I hope that the child can grow up where there are books." 」

The appearance of the Maya completely changed The life of Fikri.

Amid Maya's cry of "Love You," Fickle gradually threw himself into the role of father.

He Googled what a two-year-old should eat, how to bathe his child, and start storing healthy food in the refrigerator;

He began to enter picture books that he did not like before, began to exchange parenting experiences with his mothers, entered the books they loved to read, and opened book clubs, which made the cold bookstore begin to have a temperature.

The arrival of the Maya allowed Fikri to no longer close himself.

The two-way delivery of love has made Fakri's relationship with his neighbors more and more harmonious, and gradually come out of the grief of losing his wife.

I saw a sentence like this on the Internet:

Life and work, ups and downs, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, if entangled between gains and losses, it will produce a variety of negative emotions, making people miserable.

If the mentality is adjusted well, life will be less entangled and tortured, and more sunny.

In fact, the interdependence of blessings and misfortunes is the normal state of life.

Things that don't look good at the moment may become the cornerstone of your future luck;

Those scenery that pass by may meet you unexpectedly at the next intersection.

When you are no longer addicted to the pain of the past, learn to get out.

While giving love, you will find the value of existence for yourself and save yourself from the withered state of life.

"Island Bookstore": All the losses will come back in another way

Only by facing it calmly can we usher in the light

The appearance of the Maya made Fikri's life sunny.

But affection can never replace love, and Fickley often feels inexplicably lonely.

Amelia, a saleswoman at the publishing house, once recommended a book called "Late Twilight Blossom" to Fickle.

At that time, Faikri did not read the book, and the two did not get along happily.

One night, four years later, Faikri accompanied Maya, who had chickenpox, and inadvertently flipped through the book "Late Twilight Blossoms".

The story in the book deeply touched Faikri, who began to re-examine his life, decided to let go of his denial and bravely face his life.

As he learned more, Fackley also fell in love with the optimistic and positive Amelia.

He subscribes to many books from the publishing house that Amelia is in charge of, exchanges reading experiences with her, and watches her recommended TV shows.

Although he loves Amelia, he maintains a moderate distance from Amelia because she already has a legitimate boyfriend.

He always felt that he was not worthy of Amelia, afraid of being rejected by the confession, but in the blind date again and again, all he thought about was Amelia's figure.

And Amelia's accidental fall became an opportunity for their emotions to heat up.

Fickle is ostensibly taking Maya to see the animal-shaped gardening park, but in fact wants to visit Amelia.

This time Faikri no longer evaded, and he boldly confessed his love for Amelia to her.

In this way, this pair of men and women who are related to books and have common beliefs and hobbies come together.

Nourished by love, Fickley's life has become sweeter and happier.

As it is said in "Twilight Blossom":

"Because we are afraid from the bottom of our hearts that we are not worthy of being loved, we come alone, but it is because we are alone that we think that we are not worthy of being loved."

One day, you don't know when you'll drive down the road.

One day, you don't know when you will meet him, because for the first time in this life you are really no longer alone, you will choose not to be alone anymore. ”

In life, we often have a sense of doubt that we do not deserve to have because we are alone, because we face such and such blows.

When you can calmly face the night and day, break through the layers of darkness, you can usher in the light and get out of the haze of life.

"Island Bookstore": All the losses will come back in another way

All losses will come back in another way

I saw a question on Zhihu: Can what has been lost come back?

One highly praised answer is:

Many times, the unsatisfactory ending, the wrong is not people, it is time, it is fate. But all the loss will return in another way.

Just like Faikri, he lost his wife in middle age, and his life fell to the bottom, self-imposed and cynical.

But fortunately, he accepted a sudden change in life.

In the company of Maya and Amelia, step by step, she opened her heart and grew from a lonely, self-abandoned middle-aged uncle to a popular person who was popular with the islanders.

Although he eventually died of illness, Kojima Bookstore continued to carry on with full love, giving his incomplete life a warm ending.

Just like Maya, although a poor abandoned baby, grew up to be a cute sunny little nerd because of the love of Fickley and the smoke of books.

With the encouragement of her father and Amelia, she also recounted her abandonment in the novel contest and healed herself.

Like Ismay, the sister of Fakri's ex-wife, who stole Faikri's Tamerlane to send Maya's mother in order to maintain her family.

After the death of Maya's mother, she shelved Tamerlane and hid Maya's origins.

After her husband's death in a car accident, she began to re-examine her marriage and came together with Sheriff Rambias.

When Fickley fell ill and could not afford surgery, she confessed everything to Sheriff Rambias and returned Tamerlane to Fikri, giving Fikri another year of life.

After Fickley's death, she and Lambiers took over the island bookstore and began a new life.

Like Leonora, the real author of Twilight Blossoms. Fix, in order to make the book sell better, she invited an old man to impersonate the author.

Yet she also knew what the book she had written meant to two people in love, and she agreed to Amelia's invitation to recite a fragment of Twilight Blossom at their wedding ceremony, giving meaning to their lives.

As Garth. What Stan says:

The ability to love and be loved, the willingness to give and receive, can save us from being alone and desperate.

No one is an island, only love can heal.

When you look at the world from another angle, all the loss will come back in another way.

"Island Bookstore": All the losses will come back in another way

Write at the end

John. Shores once said:

There is no incurable pain, no unending sinking, and all loss will return in another way.

"The Island Bookstore" not only tells about the relationship between books and human beings, but also allows us to see that only love and redemption can heal the wounds of the heart.

In this life, people are in a cycle of gain and loss.

Although fate is temporarily indebted to you, perhaps at the next corner of life, you will find the surprises of life.

Although life makes you feel hopeless, love can make you get out of the bottom of the abyss and grow slowly over the years.

As the book says, "Everyone has the most difficult year in their lives, making life beautiful and vast." ”

Please don't let go of hope, that's a special gift that life gives you.

Believe that all loss will come back in another way.

May you be able to face the ups and downs of life calmly, live a good life positively and optimistically, and live your life in the way you like.

Click "Watching" and encourage your friends.

Author | Yao Jin, freelance writer. I believe that people must have some attachments in order to achieve something.

Column Director | Come slowly

Typography | Zheng to the north

Music | silent night

"Island Bookstore": All the losses will come back in another way

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